
Chess yes, sometimes, but speed chess, because I don't want to think or wait too long 😁
Feeding doves? Definitely not. They always sh*t on our cars 😭

So I hope the Hive will alife 😃

Cheers and !BEER

I havent played chess for years and speed chess would be more my style as well

Cheers and !BEER

I thought so - I play with my brother in law from time to time, but he is a "thinker" what makes me often forget my next move a few times before he makes his. But that does not matter, because I loose always anyway ;) lol

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I remember when I first played one of my older brothers was in a chess club and they would occasionally play in our house and I would watch them and I got intrigued so went to the library and took out a few books to learn the game, then one day I asked to play a game, OI think they were like 16 or 17 and I was maybe 8 and they laughed that I had read a book and wanted to play, but in the end one of them said sure, and were shocked when I won the game LOL. never agreed to play me again

Good morning JJ,

sorry for my late reply, but I didn't have much time at work, came home late and then I wanted to photogaph the Supermoon. When I came home then it was too late and I went to bed. This morning I tried to shoot the moon again, but as far as I have seen the photos both, yesterday evening and this morning were somehow fails. I couldn't get my long lens mounted with it's mount ring on the tripod and had to mount the camera, what has made the whole thing very unstable and so the photos have got quite blurred. So I better should have stayed at home and made some comments and replies 😉

🙂 yes, I think you have told me that story about your first chess experiences quite a while ago, but it was nice to read it again and imagine the faces of your brothers 😉


Sorry your moon shots did not work out is there some problem with the lens tripod mount I hope you can sort that out

Cheers and !BEER

Good morning JJ :)

I think the arca swiss plate I have mounted on the lens last week does not match the tripod head, but maybe I just didn't try it the right way - will sort it out later at home.

I am sure I can do something with the photos in Lightroom or Photoshop ;)

Cheers and !BEER

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