A sports day with my son

in Daily Blog29 days ago

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I hadn't been able to accompany my little son to his sporting events for some time. Yesterday they announced via WhatsApp group that they had a friendly match in a place called the plant; it is a little far from where I live, but my son immediately said I'm going.

Tenía tiempo sin poder acompañar a mi hijo pequeño a sus encuentros deportivos. El día de ayer avisaron por grupo de WhatsApp que tenían un amistoso en un lugar llamado la planta; está un poco alejado de donde vivo, pero mi hijo inmediatamente dijo yo si voy.


We got up early around 6:30am, to prepare breakfast and be ready at the scheduled time. We left at 8:00am, waited for public transportation and arrived at 9:00am. It was a really good time to arrive since the first game started at that time.

Nos levantamos temprano a eso de las 6:30am, para preparar el desayuno y poder estar a la hora pautada. Salimos a las 8:00am, duramos esperando transporte público y llegamos a las 9. Realmente fue buena hora para llegar ya que a esa hora comenzó el primer juego.


My son therefore had to wait for his turn in his category, which is the U12. When we thought it was his turn, they advanced the game of the girls; always a tremendous game where they won 6 to 0.

Mi hijo por lo tanto tenía que esperar que le tocará su categoría que es la sub 12. Cuando creímos que le tocaba, adelantaron el juego de las féminas; por siempre un tremendo juego dónde ganaron 6 a 0.

Now it was my son's team's turn, as I always tell my son, enjoy your game and do your best. Despite having a few weeks without practice, he did very well. Winning 3 goals in favor.

Ahora sí le tocó el turno al equipo de mi hijo, como siempre le digo a mi hijo, disfruta tu juego y has lo mejor. A pesar de tener algunas semanas sin practicar, lo hizo muy bien. Ganando 3 goles a favor.



The place where they played is a rural settlement, where you get a lot of vegetation and the weather is very nice. I left at 12:20 and my son stayed with his dad for a second game. My little boy really enjoys this sport; and being there makes me feel very good because I support and will always support my son in what he wants.

El lugar donde jugaron es un asentamiento rural, donde se consigue mucho vegetación y el clima es muy agradable . Yo me retire a las 12:20 y mi hijo se quedó con su papá para un segundo juego. Realmente a mí pequeño disfruta mucho este deporte; y estar allí me hace sentir muy bien ya que apoyo y apoyaré siempre a mi hijo en lo que quiere.


It was a very exciting day, my son scored a goal in penalties against the second team they played.

Fue un día de mucha emoción, mi hijo metió un gol en penaltis contra el segundo equipo que jugaron.


It is my first time posting in this community, and I find it super to be able to write your daily life experience.

Es primera vez que publicó en esta comunidad, y me parece súper poder escribir tu experiencia diaria de vida.

I bid you farewell and I will see you next time.
Photographs are my property
Translator used Deelp
Video to gif converter

Me despido y nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad
Fotografías son de mi propiedad
Traductor utilizado Deelp
Convertidor de video a gif



Wow very nice support ma'am @lisbethseijas congratulations to your son, he did a great job. God bless you and your family ma'am.

It really fills me a lot as a mother to be at these events with my son. Thanks for stopping by. Greetings

You're welcome 🤗

When our children participate in any school competition, we feel very proud. 🌻🌷🌺💕💕💕💕

That's the way it is, win or lose, for me it's exciting to see him play. Greetings

Hello dear friend @lisbethseijas, good morning
Welcome, I look forward to reading your daily experiences in the community again.
It's good that after some time you accompanied your son to a sporting event and saw him win the game 3a 0. I can imagine your joy in seeing your son win a game.
Beautiful place where soccer games take place in a pleasant natural space

Have a beautiful Sunday

Yes, it is really a great emotion when I see my son win and his happy face when he scores a goal. Greetings

Gooollllll, what beautiful and exciting moments are spent together with our children when they achieve such wonderful accomplishments. Congratulations my friend.

Yes, it is a great emotion, I scream, jump for joy and after the game is over, a big hug for my little one. Greetings

Si es una emoción grande, grito ,brinco de alegría y después que sale del juego un gran abrazo para mi pequeño. Saludos

Your son is so talented for him to have won three goals and still did not have enough practice. Kudos to you for showing support to your son

Yes, my friend, soccer is your passion and I am always there to support you. Greetings

Que hermoso momento ver a un hijo hacer lo que le gusta y hacerlo ver como algo agradable y no una obligación. Saludos 😊

What a beautiful moment to see a son do what he loves and make him see it as enjoyable and not an obligation. Greetings 😊

Yes, he is a boy who from an early age said that his sport would be soccer. And the truth is, watching him play, I know he enjoys it to the fullest.

Si es un niño que desde pequeño dijo que su deporte sería el fútbol. Y la verdad al verlo jugar, se que lo disfruta al máximo