in Shadow Hunters4 years ago (edited)

This is my first entry in the Reflections Hunters contest, and I would just like to say hello to everyone already taking part. I've seen some really cool reflections that you'll have captured and posted. I'm happy to be coming aboard.

Our pond provides us with a rather large mirror, a perfect reflective substance when the air is still, making the water look like glass! The pond is the hub of our farm, the center of activity for just kicking back and having a grand time. Back in 1987 when we built our home, all of the electrical work was done by a local guy.
This gentleman became a good friend of ours and one day while walking the property he pointed out a 20 foot by 20-foot area that was so different than all of the surrounding woodland. It was a small field of tall grass. At that point, he asked me if I had ever considered having a pond on the property because if I did this would be the perfect spot for one.
Smack in the middle of the grassy spot there was a natural spring bubbling up from the depths below. Before he got the last word out of his mouth, I asked him when he could start. In this neck of the woods, with so few people, you had better be able to make a living by wearing multiple hats. Not only was this dude an electrician, but he also did excavation work and had the necessary equipment to dig ponds.

Our first experience with the newly dug hole in the ground came only weeks after it was finished and not yet filled with water. Our second oldest son had decided to venture off into the muddy hole. The next thing I new I heard his older brother yelling, "Dad, come quick Ry is stuck in the mud." Boy was he stuck. It took some wrangling to get him out. His boots were never to be seen again.

Once the pond was finished and the landscaping completed, I built @farm-mom a small getaway overlooking the water.


Keeping the spillway in good shape is a must as a constant exchange of water seldom ends.



The Lilly pads almost look like ornaments on the pine trees, being captured by #mother #natures mirror.


With such a large reflective surface so much can be captured.



With so much activity taking place at the pond, at all times of the day I'm surprised no one was present when this pic was taken, it must have been early in the day.


This #black and #white photo almost made it to the cover image spot.

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Even the sun, which is totally responsible for making all of these images possible, decided to join the reflection party.




Over the years this small body of water has provided us with so many good times.


A little kiss on the fish's booboo from getting hooked should make it all better.


Rafts, water, kids = fun!


Cleo needed a doggie life vest the first couple of times taking a swim, now he swims like a champ.


Our grandkids have been fished since they were knee-high to a tadpole. They bait their own hook and even take the fish off of the hook.
Grandpa still has the pleasure of untangling any bird's nests that appear in the line every now and then.


During dry spells, the water from the pond is used for all of the gardens.


Ice skating is always a big hit. I have a hard time standing up on dry surfaces these days, and skating has been out of the picture for many years now.


Special occasions are often celebrated waterfront.


Now that's a big fish. All of the fish we catch are released and by the end of a good weekend, the fish have rather sore lips.


Now, that is a trio of wonderful ladies.

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With the help of her dad, our granddaughter was able to land this monster. Her brother doesn't look to impressed.


Yup an alligator, probably looking for a big fish. No silly, there are no gators in this neck of the woods. Took this picture while in Florida this past February. Gotta ya!


Well, there is the story behind the #reflection #photos for round #10.

A big thanks to all of those that make this contest possible


Wow what an amazing pool.. and I'm jealous! Great story as well. I could just feel the peace and fun summer vibes!

It's funny you call it a pool because that is how I look at it. No chemicals of course, but during the summer I go around with a pool net and remove the debris every day. It's a pretty easy job as the wind mover all of the junk to the edges of the pond and if you catch it early enough the next morning, before the wind picks up during the day, it only takes about a 1/2 hr to remove what has gotten into the pond from the day before. I even have an aquatic rake for removing weeds.
During the summer we play a game with the kids where I put a rock into a pair of socks and throw it into the water. The water is so clear the kids can spot the white sock as it lays on the bottom.
Don't be jealous, just stop by one day and enjoy hanging out POOL side with us!

Now you're just trying to make us all jealous, aren't you! That is one picturesque pool. Who needs a chlorine filled swimming pool when you've got that?!

Do you know whey type of fish those are? They have a cracking mouth on them. Did they stock themselves in the pond once it was built?

I hear you with a freshwater pool, minus the chlorine, it's the bomb.
The fish pictured in the post are both largemouth bass and smallmouth bass.
In addition to the bass, there are some perch. They are a bottom feeder and really help to keep the pond clean.
The fish below are sunfish. They reproduce by the thousands but only a few get a chance to grow up. Their value is that they add a lot of food to the pond. The bass feeds on them for months as they get bigger.
Once the pond was full we brought four 50 gallon drums up to NY from NJ where we lived before. In each drum, we carried up about 10 fish. Being that it was about a 3 1/2 hour drive we put aerators in the drums of water and to our surprise, all of the fish made the trip. We put them in the pond and they have been reproducing since then.Good morning @minismallholding.

All of them are good eating, but we just catch them and let them go.

Wow, those sunfish are so pretty!

I've never seen the bass before, but the perch looks similar to English perch. My husband would be in his element camping by your pond. He loves his fishing!

Sounds like you've got quite the little ecosystem going in there.


There is so much life in this little body of water it is pretty amazing.
The one creature I love seeing thrive in the pond are frogs.
Frogs in the pond are like canaries in a coal mine. If there is something wrong with their surroundings they will be the first to die.
The kids always love catching the sunfish because of their colors.
Thanks again!

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Gotta love a frog chorus. Many of our waterways are safely quiet, because local government seems to think it's a good idea to poison them to get rid of the European carp. There are some ponds fairly near by that have that chorus in matching season. They're full of reeds, though, so not good for a swim.

The web of life is so fragile.
Just before nightfall, the frogs are most active serenade each other into the night.

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I edited this to say "I swear that was supposed to say 'stuck'

I bit on that gator. Not sure how the heck you manage to keep making that farm even cooler but mission accomplished. I kept waiting for the frozen pond ones. You suck it in at the end.

The memories you're making for the little ones.. Well, I guess only they know but I have a vague idea what they'll look like.

Precious memories for sure.
Got you with the gator. 😁
That ice-skating picture was included just for you and I sucked it in at the end for your viewing pleasure.
We've had company for the last several days and it has been long overdue. @farm-mom is in her glory now but she always gets a little depressed when they go home. I have to admit, I get a little down myself when they go.

Have a wonderful day my friend. Your latest post I'll check out when they leave later on today, it looks like another good one.

L... O... L....

Take your time, sir. Enjoy yourself, see you soon.

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Welcome to the Reflection Hunters Contest..!

Fantastic Reflections and photos...
and a most wonderful enjoyable post...!
points-tip.png @thebigsweed

Thank you very much. I had a good time putting this one together, it brought back so many good memories.
Like they say, (A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work.)

Good times!
Love our pond, one of the kids always manages to catch the lunker.

The lunker has been caught so many times, his lips must be made of steel. 😁

Loved this post and am jealous of your pond! We have no water here, except the swamp. Being only 160' wide, there's no place to make one. Just love all you do with yours. :))

Thanks to the oldtimer we've got a pond. If it wasn't for him, we would never have known that the spring was there and would provide us with just what was needed.Thanks, @goldenoakfarm, it sure is nice having a body of water on the property.

Hahaha you got me with the gator at the end!

Really awesome, we have been talking about a pond for a week now, so it's funny I catch this post. Funny also how you consider it rather small pond, I think it's large, and you guys created the perfect ecosystem smack in the middle of the forest! And it's an ice skating ring in winter? Whaaat?

If there is a place on your property where a pond can be dug, it's a great idea.
The gator got a few people.😁