My BIG obsession with LITTLE Books.


Yesterday I wrote my Hive introduction post and in it I made mention that I am a borderline hoarder of all things vintage, weird and wonderful. I can spend entire days in cluttered old stores where you have to strategically navigate your way through the aisles and shelves, carefully scratching through all sorts of things until you finally find that one thing that makes your eyes light up like a crow gliding through the sky who has just spotted a shiny object lying on the ground. Ok, I actually think that crow thing is an untruth, an old wives tale we have all come to believe, but no matter, it helped add to the tone I am attempting to set here, lolz!

In addition to spending hours in dusty old junk stores, and collecting probably far too many things which I will never, ever use in any practical way, another little "fetish" of mine is probably a somewhat less than ordinary one.


Yip, that's it! That is my dirty little secret, lolz! (Actually, no - that comes later in this post, hehe) I absolutely ADORE tiny books and I have been collecting them since I was a little girl. I have so many, but I thought I would share some of my favorites with you, in no particular order of preference.

Books are magical things and yes, I do actually read them as well and have a pretty decent collection of regular sized and large books of all kinds, but little books have a special place in my heart and I am rather protective of my "little collection".


This is probably one of the oldest books in my tiny collection and is very, very precious to me because it was found and bought for me by my mom, because she knows well how much I adore roses. She happened to spot it in the window of a second hand book store some years back and grabbed it for me. It's pages have been flipped through and it's words consumed, countless times since it was gifted to me. It looks a little worse for wear these days, but I love it no less. Also a little reminder that some of the most beautiful and precious things are tattered and torn. Not unlike us humans really.

It is a simple, but beautiful little book, a compilation of quotes from various writers, verses from the Bible and even quotes shared from other books - and quite obviously, all about roses. as you flip the pages, moving from one quote to the other, you get lost in appreciation for this magnificent bloom. A celebration of the world's most beautiful flower, as they describe it, and aptly so. Published by Penguin books Australia in 2001, I have probably had it since relatively close to then.


I have had this one since I was about 19, but it has weathered a lot better because it is a hard cover book, and probably because I like to preserve the "wicked" in me, haha! A gift from a very good and long time friend of mine, who also happens to be one of the few people who also cop the expression my folks use of calling me "double barrel, double trouble", lolz! She inserted a little hand written note on the inside cover saying "Don't try too many of these tricks!" haha! That's what friends are for, right?!

A Helen Exley Giftbook, it is also a compilation of quotes, but rather cheeky ones, which are definitely geared at women with no shortage of... well, let's just say, personality shall we, lolz! Many of the quotes are actually written by men, about women and they are definitely not with angel faces in mind. "I kissed my first girl and smoked my first cigarette on the same day. I haven't had time for tobacco since." - Arturo Toscanini


This may seem a bit of an odd choice to add to my little collection, but I picked it up at a local market a few years ago and at a time in my life when I was feeling a little bit directionless. I was looking for inspiration and this tiny book gave it to me. It got me excited about the future again and as silly as that may seem to others, I will always hold it close to my heart. After all, I still need to put it into real life action when I finally hop on that plane to visit Italy!

A Collins Gem book, this edition published in 1993. It is not a language dictionary in the traditional sense, it is essentially a collection of phrases which are there to assist you in as many real life scenarios as possible. They have covered countless "situations" and have also made it really easy for you to adapt the phrases as well as to add in personalized information like your name, a specific address etc. It covers things like ordering from a menu, making hotel bookings, buying tickets, making general conversation etc. Its a wonderful little resource actually and I cannot wait to put it into practice!


Another very precious one and also the only one given to me by my dad, who, as I mentioned in my post yesterday, is a chef... but also knows his daughters insatiable appetite for all things little, lolz! I am no genius in the kitchen, well not by comparison to him anyway - but I do enjoy cooking and being a nature lover at heart, I do tend to cook using a lot of both herbs and spices! I have learned that there is always something new to learn when it comes to cooking, well... I suppose that is applicable to all life really. I don't pick this book up every day, but when I do - it always has something new to offer me.

Written by Amy Cockburn and first published in 1983, it is an OLD gem! It is a really sweet little book actually because not only does it take you alphabetically through an array of all the most commonly used herbs and spices, but it also has one accompanying recipe for each. Whilst I love all the information in this one as well as the recipes, which I always thought a very sweet additional touch - my favorite part is probably the really old fashioned illustrations which accompany each of the herbs and spices.


Ok, this one is where the hippie in me comes out to play. No, I do not buy the local paper or search my horoscope in the hopes of finding direction in my life, or to seek "supposed answers", but I do enjoy learning about the different zodiac signs and the personality traits which accompany each. More often than not, they are shockingly accurate. I love learning about the people close to me or even just those that I am intrigued by and over the years, I have found that referring to the zodiacs can often give a great amount of insight.

The author of this little starry gem is Julia Parker and it was first published by Grange books in 1984. Although tiny in its physical form, it is actually jam packed with info on each of the zodiac signs, which is broken into three parts for each. Essentially covering the breakdown of each signs symbol, and it's representation, followed by a historical or mythological story of sorts which is also relevant to the sign and then lastly, a breakdown of the character traits of each. I must have read this little book a thousand times over the years!


This is the OLDEST in my collection of little treasures. I have had this book since I was about four years old and it even has some wax crayon scribbles in it from me back then, lolz. It was a gift from my mom and I have adored it since the day I got it. I mean let's be serious now, what little girl doesn't love fairies! and this is not my only fairy book I will have you know, lolz!

A collection of poems and the most exquisite illustrations by Cicely Mary Barker. There is actually no publishing date to be found anywhere in the book which I have never noticed until sitting here now and writing this. Don't worry, Google is our friend, right?! Well, mostly, yes and definitely in this case... OH MY GOODNESS!!! This little collection of written fantasy was first published in 1948!!! WOW! It also does not appear to be in print anymore! I am blown away! This was always my most precious, but now even more so!

I can recall my mom reading the poems in this book to me at bedtime and I was obsessed with a few specific poems, my absolute favorite of those being "Totter Grass" which is the one I chose to share with you in the photo above. This has got me feeling all nostalgic now! I cannot wait to tell mom, I bet she didn't even know!


So, as we have already established, I don't only like to collect books - I do actually love to read them too and I fell in love with this little book worms heaven, when I saw it at a yard sale a few years ago. Some of the pages have come loose and I really should see to fixing that, but that does not deter from the beautiful collection of quotes inside. "Just the knowledge that a good book is waiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier." - Kathleen Norris

Another Helen Exley Gift book and first published in 1991, this wonderful book enthusiast find, is another one of my favorites and is filled from cover to cover with quotations about the beauty of books and how they enrich our lives in so many ways... My mom has always told me "If you can read, you can do anything" and it is so very true. I have learnt countless lessons between the covers I have adventured through. Books can be dangerous. The best ones should be labelled 'this could change your' life'- Helen Exley


Not only do I love flowers, but I also love symbolism and the meaning behind specific flowers. Much like the names we carry as people have a meaning, so do flowers. I love contemplating the meanings if and whenever I see certain flowers along my way and incorporating this into my life. This book was another gift from my mom with an inscription from her, for me, on the inside cover that says "May you learn to love flowers like I do. Remember, a garden teaches you patience, strength of character and gives you the promise of things to come". I think I am going to cry now. I love my mom! That is so special!

All hand written and illustrated by Margaret Pickston, this is an A to Z of flowers and their meanings. Thanks to Google once again, it would seem that I have in my possession what is now considered a "collectible" edition. This edition was published in 1968, but on the inside cover is a hand written inscription by the author, dedicated to her mother and dated 1913!!! "There is a language, little known, lovers claim it to be their own. It's symbols smile upon the land, wrought by natures wonderous hand, and in their silent beauty speak, of life and joy, to those who seek for love divine and sunny house, in the language of the flowers."


Well... that escalated quickly! hahaha! I thought I would save the "hottest" for last, lolz! Just a little different from the rest of my collection shared, hehe - but hey... if any of you had fallen asleep reading this, then perhaps now you are awake again! This hot little number, I actually bought new because, well... I wanted to learn about "such things" lolz! But before you all get carried away, let me reassure you that the topic is a whole lot more sensual than it is sexual. Ok, you can all breathe now.

Written by Anne Hooper and first published in 2000, it is not a tacky sex book, lolz - it is a book of teachings, helping you to discover and learn the ancient sexual wisdom of the Kama Sutra which continues to elude most still today. As described by the author, "This provocative mini-manual on the art of love making is the perfect erotic inspiration for adventurous lovers." Now, I know you are all obviously DYING to ask the question, so let me just save you the trouble. Have I tried anything in the book? Yes, several actually! Have I mastered the art? Not even close! LOLZ! But hey, I have my whole life ahead of me to do that! :)

So there you have it! Those are the favorites in my collection of tiny gems! I have had the greatest time writing this post and have learned a few things along the way too, which I am excited to share with my family as well as with all of you!

There are many aspects of the modern world which I really love and am very grateful for because they enable me to have the kind of daily freedom which I do, but sometimes it is nice to step back in time a little, and take a moment to appreciate something from a time almost forgotten. Books are such an enriching part of life and I really hope that they never disappear entirely. Kindles are great and all, but there is nothing in this world that can compare to the magic of a book in your hands.

I hope you have enjoyed this little adventure with me!

I would love to hear about what books you have in your collection, your favorites and what they mean to you, so please do share with me in the comments!

Eliza xxx

A room without books is like a body without a soul.”
― Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Thank you so much @mr-chuks 😍


A great collection, a little bit of everything! Given that you have a typical Italian name (or rather, two typical names), you really need to catch that plane ✈️ to Italy and test your knowledge of the Italian language. Italy is wonderful, its food even more so 🍝🍕🍷, and you probably know what they say about Italian men 😍, have another go through the last book 🤣🤣🤣 Have a great and long weekend!

hahaha yes indeed I do! And yes, it has been on my bucket list for a long time!!! You make me JEALOUSSSS because I want to go there so badly!! But I know I will get there and when I do....


Yes, my collection is quite diverse haha - but then again so is my personality I guess, lolz!

Thanks for taking the time to read my little post, haha and I hope you have a GREAT weekend too!

I don't know where you got this photo, but it's Top, a real Italian party 😁. To make you even more jealous, I can tell you that I live only 500 metres away from the Italian border,.... 🤣 🤣 Joking aside, Italy is really worth seeing, the only problem is that it's quite big and you definitely can't see it all in one go,.... unless you take a few months to do it. Your diverse collection just shows that you are an open-minded person who is interested in many things, and that's great! I'm already looking forward to your next post, but of course after the weekend, enjoy it 😎🎉

LOLZ!!!! That was just a gif I found here on hive haha! And yes, I would imagine there really is a lot to see! I would love that! Sorry for only replying now, I was away from here for a few days but am back now! Have a lovely Wednesday!

No problem, same to you! Although it's the first day after a short holiday and it's dragging a bit 🙃!

Those ALWAYS drag don't they, LOLZ!


Ha ha, exactly, luckily it's not Monday,...
Happy Birthday Party GIF by Mora Vieytes

Yes I have definitely enjoyed this adventure with you very much, where you take us on a little walk through your little books.
It's this

carefully scratching through all sorts of things until you finally find that one thing that makes your eyes light up like a crow's eyes that flies across the sky and has just spotted a shiny object lying on the ground.

hahaha... you are so funny. I have no questions regarding the Kama Sutra.

BTW, in the part where you get excited to discover that you have that rare and old book, I got excited too... and yes, I can see that your mom is special and I can also see that you don't love her just because she gave you books. ;)

you are beautiful, thank you for sharing.

Aaaaah @nanixxx YAY! I am so glad you enjoyed this post! I suppose it was a little bit of an unusual thing to share, but hey.. thats just me I guess :)

I have no questions regarding the Kama Sutra.

haha! I LOVE IT! Good to know I am not alone! :D

BTW, in the part where you get excited to discover that you have that rare and old book, I got excited too

It was such a cool discovery!!!! You know, it is moments like that, when I stop and think about things more deeply... like, perhaps that was an unusual post to write, but I discovered a few exciting facts along the way and that, made it all make sense to me.

I am so thrilled you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!


Have an amazing weekend Nani!!! <3


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Little books are great, especially ones that can fit inside a jacket or purse easily. That Flower Fairies of the Wayside looks like a fun read.

That is definitely my FAVVVVVVORITEEE

Interesting collection. There is something attractive about these little books.

There certainly is @urri2020 and Thank You! I am quite fond of them myself, lolz! I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!