Establishment War on Medicinal Silver, Nature’s Most Powerful Antibiotic & Likely Coronavirus Preventative, Cure

in Threespeak3 years ago (edited)

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Originally put this video together a year ago, but the information covered is just as important today as it was then, and I just wanted to get it up on the blockchain (video has also since been censored/deleted on YouTube, what a shocker!)

In this video report I dive into the truth about silver as one of the most powerful natural medicines known to man, expose the media and government lies about silver, and cover the documentation of silver as a proven killer of human coronaviruses, which indicates it would likely also be an effective preventative and possible cure for the so-called novel coronavirus we are all told has no effective treatments or preventatives and will be with us forever.

The truth of the matter is that, whether or not silver would be effective in the fight against this so-called ‘virus’ or not, it is extensively documented in medical literature and scientific studies to be one of the most versatile and effective natural medicines on the planet, proven to kill over 100 bacteria on contact, also acting as a potent anti-fungal and antiviral agent as well. Being cheap and easy to produce at home, It is therefore one of the biggest threats to the pharmaceutical medical cartel, and the media, acting as nothing more than Big Pharma shills viciously attack medicinal (ionic) silver at every chance they get. But anyone willing to look beyond the mainstream propaganda and do the research themselves will see that the media’s blatant lies are easily disproved by the vast and ever-growing body of scientific evidence supporting silver’s proven medical uses and benefits.

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Good idea, getting this up on alternative video platforms.
That's what I did when I tried talking about colloidal silver against viruses on YT this time last year. Was heavily censored and the information still has yet to get out!

Silver kills viruses!

Yes, it seems to be one of those important topics that is glossed over for the most part by independent media, despite the vast majority of anti-establishment and natural medicine enthusiasts I’ve talked to being well aware of silver’s medicinal benefits. Strange, as this is one of those truths that not only has the power to bring down Big Pharma almost singlehandedly, but also has extensive medical/scientific evidence to back it up, well known in medical circles, just not allowed to be publicly acknowledged or talked about, like so much of the real science that threatens ‘official’ narratives being suppressed today.

Not only does silver kills viruses, but as many as 600 or more bacteria and also fungi! It’s like a miracle ‘vaccine’ that keeps you from getting sick with just about anything if taken daily, except without all the toxins of the Big Pharma shots, and best of all it’s easy and practically free to make at home! No wonder the truth of it’s medical benefits are so highly suppressed!

And such videos being censored from YouTube only goes to show just who really ‘owns’ Big Tech - Big Pharma (and the military industrial complex), the same entities that ‘own’ the US puppet politicians (and Canada’s no doubt as well). I’m glad to have finally gotten 3Speak to work, so now I’m in the process of uploading at least some of the best and most informative videos in my library from my few-year’s work, so many of which have been deleted from YT.

Have a great week, and take care.

You too :)

One thing about silver I'm still wondering about is if there's much chance it can lead to resistant forms of pathogens. Every other method of controlling pathogens is known to risk causing resistant forms, but so much of the research which has been done on silver is suppressed. Do you know what the latest consensus on this is, and/or any good studies done on it?

I do not believe in germ theory as no virus has been isolated via fulfilling Koch Postulates in full.
This in no way helps with smashing the big pharma myths bro.

Even Koch wasn't able to fulfill his postulates. If I remember correctly, it was a colleague of Koch's who made these postulates. There is a paper on this on Research-Gate, but it is in German. Therefore, a link will probably be of no use to you.

If you examine Koch's history and position, including verbatim passages from him, such as a speech at the world's first hygiene conference, you simply come to the conclusion that a completely new medical field was setting out to conquer the market. And a market it was and is.

From what one believes to be able to isolate, one can no longer really speak of matter, whether living or not, it is rather a matter of mathematics, as I see it. I never really consciously questioned the virus theory before. At most, I vaguely thought it was exaggerated. Vanity purgatory had already broken out among the medical profession over a hundred years before, and probably much earlier.

Jason's intentions to oppose Big Pharma I see in all honour. Even though I personally don't take anything against flu or whatever you want to call this phenomenon. I just stay in bed and cure myself there. I will never accept pills if they are offered to me for a chronic illness. I don't believe in chronic diseases, only in chronic beliefs. HaHa :D

"I don't believe in chronic diseases, only in chronic beliefs" I agree 100%.
If you want the history of the fraud see my previous posts, Stefan Lanka covers it well.
And in Germany there is a legend taking all this nonsense through international courts.

I am watching almost all of their weekly broadcasts, where Mr. Füllmich and the others do their hearings. Brave people they are. At the same time they are also (kind of) protected for hundred thousands of people do know them now. I am certain what they do, has an effect.

How is the situation for you personally?

I have taken no notice of any of it from day 1. Masks are mandatory. Never worn one, never will. We have a farm so can take no notice of the rest of the world.

I stopped wearing one in Nov. last year when they did not accept my little plastic shield any longer which hardly covered nose and mouth and where you could see through. Since then I stopped covering my face altogether. And I will never put it on again. I wish I could live on a farm. I was raised as a farm kid and for a long time, after we moved to Germany, my parents maintained a huge garden and bought regularly half of a butchered pig from the nearby farmer. All this is gone by now, but the imprints of childhood and how I grew up never left me.

Will you give us asylum? :))

I grew up in a city. Now the sounds of birds chirping fill my ears all day. Deer visit, hares too. Stray dogs and cats. All manner of wonderful creatures.

"Will you give us asylum? :))" Something I was considering for many years anyway. Now seems certain.

You know, I’ve come to question germ theory myself in the past months with all the research I’ve done, though I remain uncertain and skeptical, both about germ theory and the alternative that there are no viruses whatsoever. I simply haven’t done enough research yet or see what I would consider proof either way. If you have links to good info for further research, I would love to look into this debate more, I’m mainly just familiar with the 1918 flu study that found no evidence of human to human transmission and the views of Dr. Andrew Kaufman on the issue, who first got me questioning the entire germ theory.

As far as the info in this video, I disagree it doesn’t help de-construct the Big Pharma lies, as from my point of view any proven effective alternative medicines to the addictive, profit-driven Big Pharma poisons threaten their empire, and any blatant lies the media sells in this regard that can be easily disproved help destroy the illusion that they care about us and shows who the media ultimately works for.

It is also worth noting that at the time I made the video, I was not yet even aware of alternative thinking challenging germ theory. Whether or not germ theory is valid, disease exists, and silver has been proven to protect against whatever causes much of this disease, and often to cure many illnesses as well, whether viruses or not.

Even where I stand now I think the info is solid in helping people wake up to the illusion, because I think all medical studies that challenge the official narrative are worth discussing, particularly when the media discounts them as fake news in favor of baseless claims. I also often approach the covid subject from within the mainstream narrative construct to a degree to show that even according to their own ‘facts’, their narrative is bogus, such as bringing up that their data shows ‘Covid19’ as having a 99.5-99.99% survival rate, but that doesn’t mean I believe the disease really exists. Though at this point all I have is theories, I don’t know for sure whether there is a ‘virus’ or some new disease or not, only that they haven’t proven such and that they have largely manufactured this scamdemic. I will continue to point out that their entire covid narrative is based on the myth that there is solid evidence of a new virus they say causes a new disease, but I will also at times continue to approach the issue from within their constructs to a degree, in hopes of reaching a wider audience who would immediately discount any mention of ‘no virus’/‘germ theory fake’/etc. I think looking at this thing from all possible angles is the only way to come to the truth anyway, so it doesn’t hurt to entertain their theories to a point, so long as we also remain open to all competing theories, and follow the evidence wherever that leads. Those who begin to see that this is a scam at any level will likely then begin to look deeper into it, and see the deeper levels of the scam. That’s how I look at it anyway, though I understand where you’re coming from. Just respectfully disagree, especially on the issue of silver given it’s proven health benefits that exist irregardless of the validity of germ theory.

I have personal experience with silver, so I know it works, a glass of silver water got rid of the worst sore throat I ever had in just ten minutes, and that is when my research into silver began, and as I even said in the video, it seemed the media was simply using the ‘pandemic’ narrative around silver as a reason to smear it and attempt to discredit it yet again, as they do time and time again, willing to blatantly lie and even contradict previous mainstream reporting on silver benefits in the process. And I for one think that shining a light on those lies does help smash the establishment media/Big Pharma empire.

Thanks for sharing your viewpoints though, and I would love to get more info on the evidence against germ theory, if you have any good links or posts of your own on the matter. Like I said, I just haven’t done enough research on the issue to believe with certainty that it is either totally valid or bogus. Personally, I’ve done far more research on the power of belief, the mind and our inner state of being to both heal and bring about illness, and also wonder if this knowledge that most illness ultimately starts in the mind somehow transcends the germ theory debate altogether or maybe actually aligns with the competing theory/theories and helps further dismantle germ theory.

Take care friend, and keep exposing the lies!