New Year's Eve – A New Year's Miracle (1/2) :: Daily and Fresh πŸ“· (335/366)

in Daily & Fresh πŸ“Έ β€’ 3 years ago (edited)


Ninnu had 3 puppies!

Due to the poor lighting set up, I only got one nice photo. The camera wouldn't want to focus, and I didn't want to make the lights too bright to not disturb Ninnu and the puppies.


I decided to take more photos of the puppies on New Year's day as we'd naturally have more light, and I could add a bit more without disturbing the new family too much.

(Edit: I had forgotten that in my camera I had one extra photo from last night that I hadn't yet copied to the computer. Adding it here...

...We could not figure out whether it was Miska or Milaya, because they both have somewhat similar colouring, only Maksimillian has white toes, so this one wasn't him.)

Ninnu gave birth to 3 lively puppies, two males, Maksimillian and Miska, and a female, Milaya.

But alas, there was also some tragedy sadness to come...

See ya!

Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #336
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #337
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #338
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #339
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #340

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