The End! My project is now officially completed! :: Daily and Fresh πŸ“· (366/366)

in Daily & Fresh πŸ“Έ β€’ 3 years ago


Since the sinusitis made a comeback after almost going away, I wasn't really in any good shape to go outside today. Which was a bit sad because the weather did look very good for taking photos.

Instead I went with another minimalistic still-life composition.

This photo is a play with light, and a little bitt of compositing.

Very simple set-up: Black cardboard as base and background. Only one light source (the led on the Samsung tablet), piece of white size A4 paper as reflector. F4 aperture, 13s exposure.

...and an empty drinking glass to disperse the light.

"The light streaks pass through the shell?"

Yes. I hope you like it!

And that's it. My one year lenght photo project is over. I only need to do the last weekly post, and also the last Best of Daily and Fresh collection.

Then I will need to go through the links in my posts to make sure all the links work not only backwards, but forwards too.

Yeah, this photo was a bit of a let down, but I'm still sick, so I guess it is kinda forgivable.

I am forever thankful for each and every one of you coming to see my photos, and for the comments and upvotes! I am grateful and humbled that my photography has reached such a nice audience!

Thank you Everyone, thank you Hive!

Best of Daily and Fresh πŸ“· 5/5
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #1
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #2
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #3
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #4

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My one-year photo project is over. You have reached the end of this path and new projects will come. Hope your sinusitis improves soon. Congratulations to 366 days of photographic work @gamer00