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RE: “Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person ...

in DBuzz4 years ago (edited)

If an account has enough RCs, they can do however they please. Your need of trying to "manage" how people use Hive isn't going to scale well. Hive is a database and you can be sure that app-owners will not tolerate anybody telling them how they are supposed to use that technology as long as they or the users' pay for RCs.

The only valid argument I can see is that dbuzz is automatically voting posts, but even then, this is a valid way of incentivizing ppl using the dapp.


Very good point being made about Hive.

Likewise, something that some of us have almost given up on yelling about is the responsibilities of each and every website (UI) to have clearly defined T&C's.

Every "website" out there that is hooked up to the chain, is an independent entity, owned by an independent business.

They need to worry about their website and the T&C's of that website & stop ordering everyone on Hive how to utilize their stake.

Likewise, those people with stake need to start understanding that each website has its customers/user base.

What is acceptable on one site, like for example a microblogging site may not be acceptable on a full on blogging site. What is acceptable on a site for musicians may not be acceptable on a site for homesteaders.

This then comes down to the use or lack of use, of the communities feature.

The communities feature should be the only place where Upvoting and Downvoting is possible.
This way, a person who dislikes one niche can't cause damage to those who like another niche and there is no abuse of peoples voting power for bullying others.

Again, this is something that is said imo, just another voice from the masses.

However, without sharing thoughts on issues as important as this one, how can we ever have discussions that lead to constructive conclusions!

This is our guideline for posting on #DBuzz and it would be good if @hivewatchers used it when flagging our users 👍

Maybe you need to not look upon HiveWatchers as a "free" service that monitors the chain 24/7 for abusers, spammers etc.

After all, every site is a private business and as such needs to ensure that their business has the necessary services for quality assurance.

I don't get the mentality sometimes:

A business that runs in a building, hires security guards for safety, hires QAQC personnel, yet so many of those here on the chain with commercial businesses think that someone else should do those jobs for them, for free.

Yet every one of those private businesses expects nothing but the best and wants to have the most possible from what Hive has to offer.

I don't get it!

We are doing our part but @hivewatchers automatically sends bot comments on people they flag and it often results in those people getting confused.

As far as I know, they also receive funding from the #HIVE development fund, if they want to do a better job with interacting with our users, they could change their bot comments in our community to link to our guideline, if not, the people they flag on our site will continue to be confused with us having to correct the situation each time.

I offered a solution and and I think it is good, it would also require very little work on their part since their comments would still be automated via bots, but would include a link to our guideline that WE made in their automated comments.

Sound fair @jackmiller?

Your business, I won't get involved, apart from saying that HiveWatchers has a job that is blockchain based and each and every private business needs to do what is necessary to ensure the QAQC in their own place of business.

It sounds great that you are communicating with HiveWatchers. Many in the past just blame others without taking on any responsibility that is theirs and theirs alone.

Yeah, I actually love communicating with @guiltyparties when he's free.

( He's a busy guy )

But some of the members of #HiveWatchers don't always coincide with his much more rational ideas & perspectives.

I believe we will ultimately win, not because we are fighting anyone (we are not) but because we will benefit and help the #HIVE community so much that the community as a whole will join us.

#Synergy and #Collaboration is also a big part of what we want to do.


That is what makes all the difference.

This project you started, I see as an excellent opportunity to expand upon.

& fully support you on it, especially after reading that you are working with people to make things happen, rather than doing what was the common practice in the past in which "egos and pride and who knows what all not other mortal sins of humanity" destroy a potentially great project.

We've all been around to see the ugly side of human nature in this line of business and the kindest and most loving side too.

However, it seems to be a constant battle in business. Which is to be expected.

Thanks for the conversation and understanding my point of views on how we ALL need to approach Hive and our currencies (HIVE & HBD) in a manner that keeps up with the demands of the open (competitive) markets out there.

After all, that is where our future is, if we want to see HIVE go to the moon.

"We are doing our part but @hivewatchers automatically sends bot comments on people they flag and it often results in those people getting confused"

I don't understand this sentence. It does not make much sense to me?
What automated comments? By which account?

By @hivewatcher account?

Accounts commented by @hivewatcher are blacklisted. That's why they receive the comment. Obviously and logically.
Are you saying that we are confusing blacklisted accounts why they are blacklisted?
It doesn't make sense what you are saying. Blacklisted accounts have always received an explanation of why they are blacklisted either in comments left on their abusive posts or in the blacklist message itself. If they don't understand, they always show up in Discord where they have explained the reason for the blacklist.

None of you here appears to have an understanding of how the platform has worked for the last 4 years, the abuse going on, and how actually Hivewatchers work. These are all assumptions coming from a lack of understanding.

Anyway, it was already said by Hivewatchers that they will ignore reports for these posts. Unless posts contain plagiarism or are recycled multiple times.

On my personal note, You may have a vision of grandeur about you app but I see very little benefit from your app. Like I already explained. There have been at least 10 like this before. Same, low-quality spam posting with little value added to the platform.

 4 years ago (edited) 

ALL of the curation by @dbuzz is 100% manual and done by @chrisrice himself, about once a day or less due to him being busy.

In the future, the curation will be decentralized to follow the votes of active quality users like @iamraincrystal @vimukthi and @jaaling among many others.

wow 😊😊😊

Posted using Dapplr

We made a guideline for our users some time ago and @hivewatchers could use it as a guideline before flagging users on #DBuzz: