“Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

“Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.”

  • Aristotle
    better express anger - not "be angry"
 4 years ago  

I agree, saw this video, this guru is funny and he teaches a lot of things.

You either become a can of soda or become a bottle of water.

Very good. I will share. Thanks

 4 years ago  

You're welcome brother :)

Copying/Pasting content (full or partial texts, video links, etc.) with adding very little original content is frowned upon by the community. Repeated copy/paste posts could be considered spam. Spam is discouraged by the community and may result in the account being Blacklisted.

If you believe this comment is in error, please contact us in #appeals in Discord.

Thanks for the heads-up @hivewatchers. I do appreciate the work you do to keep Hive clean of spam, reward farming and plagiarism. My intention here was to share this very meaningful quite to help others in their awakening journies. I do not consider this post to be spam.

Merriam Webster dictionary definition of spam: "unsolicited usually commercial messages (such as e-mails, text messages, or Internet postings) sent to a large number of recipients or posted in a large number of places".

I don't think it was unsolicited as I posted in D.Buzz where short posts and quotes are encouraged. I only had enough space for a very short comment, using all 280 characters possible in @dbuzz. The post was not commercial and was only posted in this one place.

Part of the reason I post in DBuzz for short-term posts is to limit the rewards (max 1 HBD in DBuzz). Hopefully next DBuzz update will have options to burn rewards and/or to post as a comment on a seed post, thus avoiding autovotes. I will use these features when they come out selectively depending upon my perceived value of my added original content to any quotes or links I share.

I could have posted on peakd (and burnt rewards) within the DBuzz community only (thus limiting the reach of the post) but peakd does not have a character counter so it's difficult to get the post within the character limit and therefore seen on the D.Buzz feed.

I'm doing my best. Your feedback is welcome. I rarely use Discord as it just constantly beeps in the background when its open and I prefer open communication on the block. I don't feel the need to appeal as you've not flagged or added me to a blacklist, for which I thank you.


There are many spam apps trying to exploit Hive ecosystem just as they did on Steemit.
Just because someone has created a dSpam app, it does not give this app a license to spam or abuse the ecosystem. Please, don't use spam apps in the future.

If an account has enough RCs, they can do however they please. Your need of trying to "manage" how people use Hive isn't going to scale well. Hive is a database and you can be sure that app-owners will not tolerate anybody telling them how they are supposed to use that technology as long as they or the users' pay for RCs.

The only valid argument I can see is that dbuzz is automatically voting posts, but even then, this is a valid way of incentivizing ppl using the dapp.

Very good point being made about Hive.

Likewise, something that some of us have almost given up on yelling about is the responsibilities of each and every website (UI) to have clearly defined T&C's.

Every "website" out there that is hooked up to the chain, is an independent entity, owned by an independent business.

They need to worry about their website and the T&C's of that website & stop ordering everyone on Hive how to utilize their stake.

Likewise, those people with stake need to start understanding that each website has its customers/user base.

What is acceptable on one site, like for example a microblogging site may not be acceptable on a full on blogging site. What is acceptable on a site for musicians may not be acceptable on a site for homesteaders.

This then comes down to the use or lack of use, of the communities feature.

The communities feature should be the only place where Upvoting and Downvoting is possible.
This way, a person who dislikes one niche can't cause damage to those who like another niche and there is no abuse of peoples voting power for bullying others.

Again, this is something that is said imo, just another voice from the masses.

However, without sharing thoughts on issues as important as this one, how can we ever have discussions that lead to constructive conclusions!

This is our guideline for posting on #DBuzz and it would be good if @hivewatchers used it when flagging our users 👍


Maybe you need to not look upon HiveWatchers as a "free" service that monitors the chain 24/7 for abusers, spammers etc.

After all, every site is a private business and as such needs to ensure that their business has the necessary services for quality assurance.

I don't get the mentality sometimes:

A business that runs in a building, hires security guards for safety, hires QAQC personnel, yet so many of those here on the chain with commercial businesses think that someone else should do those jobs for them, for free.

Yet every one of those private businesses expects nothing but the best and wants to have the most possible from what Hive has to offer.

I don't get it!

 4 years ago (edited) 

ALL of the curation by @dbuzz is 100% manual and done by @chrisrice himself, about once a day or less due to him being busy.

In the future, the curation will be decentralized to follow the votes of active quality users like @iamraincrystal @vimukthi and @jaaling among many others.

wow 😊😊😊

Posted using Dapplr

We made a guideline for our users some time ago and @hivewatchers could use it as a guideline before flagging users on #DBuzz:


@chrisrice I think your input is required here
Edit: Thanks for the feedback @logic Perhaps the Hive Community need to be polled so a consensus as to whether or not short form Twitter like posts are welcome on Hive, or not. Then there will be clarity.

Yes, the input would be welcome.


I can also see that you are farming this spam trash post spam app:



Sometimes I think you guys are just bullies. Do you really have to make things complicated for average users who are not even getting a $1 for a post. Twitter is a multibillion dollar app, and does really well with "spam" per your definition. Let the upvote/downvote figure out the rewards. Why not focus on scam and clear abuse? This doesn't help.

This is the guideline we provided our users and our manual curation is based on this.

Abuse fighters could use this as a guideline when determining whether or not they should flag one of our users:


Oh. Again, it was not meant for farming (and yes, easy to say). I will burn rewards when they mature. And there's another one I said the same about, hard to keep track! I thought sharing the post ideas had some value. But again, thanks for the heads up @logic. I will desist for now, or at least think more carefully before posting.
I am really hoping the burn button in @dbuzz arrives with next update. But will burning rewards be enough for posts such as these not to be considered trash/spam?
Also, I'm now posting this reply using @Peakd but there is no option to burn, and some people may vote on this comment. What to do? I am struggling!

OK, thanks for explaining. I will speak with @guiltyparties about his opinion regarding dbuzz.

This isn't spam @guiltyparities help us plan our reward system with the $1.00 max-accepted-payout and the rewards he received are more or less curation from @dbuzz with the Hive Power that yuno, we paid for to reward our users.

@acidyo @theycallmedan @therealwolf

This is the guideline we wrote up for #DBuzz some time ago and it would be a better guideline for you when determine whether to flag one of our users or not..

And would also offer an explanation to users who got flagged if they went outside the bounds of our guideline:



What are you calling a spam app?

@dbuzz operates in a more controlled setting than previous dapps like @dlike or @share2steem.

You know @guiltyparties, and others, were involved in the discussions about their incentives and rewards set up.

I am not the only one who felt their current setup is good enough for now.

We should never push dapp owners, who take considerations about people abusing their services, away.

Or punish their users working within those rules for that matter.

Hive is not solely a blogging platform. Let’s remember that and be flexible and adaptable to changes to our environment.

Thanks for explaining. @dbuzz posts will not be included in our scope then.

This is why I like this blockchain... positively constructive conversation leads to somewhere.

Thank you for getting on top of this for us dbuzzers

Thank you @enforcer48 😊

We are also open to adjusting our code and policies, especially if @guiltyparties makes a new recommendation and discusses it with us ✔️

This is our guideline for our users:

It would be good if you pinpointed what the users you flagged did wrong in this guideline.

@dbuzz posts are junk quality trash posts spam posts allowed to post up to 5 times a day with reward. It is as bad as spam apps created for Steemit like dlike, partiko or share2steem.
How dbuzz managed to be allowed on Hive is very strange to me.


Almost all posts published using dbuzz fall into Hivewatchers scope of abuse. They are very low-quality posts that contain very little original content except 1 -2 sentences added to some copied & pasted text, quote, or link. It is basically spammy copypasta. Also, many accounts that are using dbuzz mostly post dbuzz content which makes the entire account a spam account that fits well into the scope of @spaminator.

I've taken screenshots of just 5 first posts published in "new" under dbuzz tag (all posts are like this). All complete low-quality junk post spam often just plain shilling for dbuzz:

Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 11.03.45.png

Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 11.04.28.png

Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 11.04.40.png

Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 11.05.10.png

Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 11.05.23.png

The proper way to RESPOND rather than REACT. ❤❤❤


Yeah, anger is one of the hardest things to do right, almost to the extent that it's better to avoid anger altogether (if possible).

But when I was attacked by a dog a few weeks ago, I think it was one of the only times I was angry in the right way, measure, etc.

Oh this is deep. And relevant. And pertinent. How often was are angry with the wrong people!

I see a lot of anger management issues right now. I suppose 'coz it's the crazy times. Personally, I've noticed that anger stems from disappointment that stems from expectations not met. If I manage my expectations, I manage my anger better 😉👍🏼 i still get angry at times 😁😁

I prefer to use the expression "I feel anger". The feeling of anger can be a powerful ally if fully felt without blaming, then when the feeling has passed to respond accordingly from a peaceful space rather than from ego.

very well said 😉👍🏼

Posted using Dapplr

Don't be addicted to rageahol.