
Home workouts are where it's at so long as there's a pandemic in the works... But we can overcome all of that by supporting each other on the Hive Blockchain! Thank you for supporting with positivity @silvertop! That's what we need to get the word out there! 🙌

Excellent workouts my friend thank you for what you are doing!!😀

I'm enjoying doing the LIVE's @silvertop! Say! Would you and @elizabethbit consider joining the workouts? It could be a great stay at home date activity! Get in shape for 2021 together!

So how about it!?

Thought I would ask directly! That's how I roll! lol! 😝

Thank you for the offer, but at the moment we are both stretching ourselves too thin. Liz is working with Ladies of hive, and Lol at the moment I am Crypto trading, and running my Crypto miners....Did I forget Actifit Lol😇

You two are certainly busy! Well! It was worth a shot! I'm just doing my rounds... Don't mind me! hahaha!😆

We will be working out with you!!😀

Say whattttt?! You talked and made up your minds then? Great! Ok you two! I’m excited to have you aboard! Let’s do this!!! 🙌

Thanks, I just try to do my best 😁