
Sometimes, certain foods that aren't the best for you taste great after not eating them for a long time. 🤓😅 !LUV !CTP

I would even say that most food that isn't the best for me ALWAYS tastes great and not only after not eating them for a long time !LOL !CTP

Did you hear about the cat who ate a ball of yarn?
She had mittens.

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It makes me wonder what types of food and drinks you do not like. 🤔😏 !LUV !CTP

Hahaha that's a good one. I don't like anything with coffee taste... Mokka ice cream, Amaretto, coffee itself obviously, etc. I don't like the smell and even less the taste. It's a hugh problem when doing business in Italy. These people tend to drink more coffee (or some derivate from it) than they work or do business I realized. Later I reconsidered and thought, theymight have had shares in a certain coffee brand !LOL !CTP

I'm glad I know sign language
It's pretty handy.

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@savvytester, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @svanbo

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It makes me wonder further why you don't like anything with coffee taste and smell. 🤔😅

I know some people who still drink hot coffee even in hot weather. 🤓😏 !LOL !CTP

What to say? Why some people like or dislike something? Difficult to say I guess why I don't like the smell and taste of coffee... About drinking hot drinks at hot weather I'm not that surprised.... I'm also drinking tea in summer and also red !WINE....

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It's okay if you can't explain why you don't want coffee. 🤗 You are probably the first person I know online who doesn't want coffee (except those who won't drink coffee due to health reasons). 😅

I would assume that you drink hot tea during the summer, though it can also be iced tea. 😏 !LOLZ !CTP

How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus?
Ten- tickles

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@svanbo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester

Rumor has it The LOLZ Project runs on !PIZZA