Memories Deeply Rooted by Music

in Music8 months ago

( EN / DE ) There are those pieces of music that can instantly take you back to a long ago experience. Then it sometimes feels like you're reliving it all over again. Tears can flow, the heart can beat faster, every imaginable feeling is suddenly present, as if the situation were NOW.
For this #ThreeTuneTuesday, I have chosen three such songs that are very strongly connected to a memory for me.

Es gibt diese Musikstücke, die einen augenblicklich in eine längst vergangenes Erlebnis zurück versetzen können. Dann fühlt es sich manchmal so an, als würde man alles nochmal durchleben. Tränen können fließen, das Herz kann höher schlagen, jedes nur erdenkliche Gefühl ist plötzlich präsent, als würde die Situation JETZT sein.
Für diesen #ThreeTuneTuesday habe ich drei solcher Songs ausgewählt, die für mich sehr stark mit einer Erinnerung verbunden sind.

The stones in the way, the traces in our soul, everything that makes our life and ourselves unique.
Die Steine im Weg, die Spuren in unserer Seele, All das was unser Leben und uns selbst einzigartig macht.

TTT 1 - Phil Collings - Another Day in Paradise

The first song, a rather sad memory. We got our first dog when I was 7 years old and he left this world when I was 21. The night he passed away I was home alone with him. I knew he was no longer at his best, yet we thought we had more time with him.
That evening he was lying next to me on the floor in my room and I was listening to music. I had my headphones on so I could turn it up nice and loud. Phil Collins was very popular at the time and I was listening to "Another Day in Paradise" when I heard the dog cough. Of course, I immediately threw away the headphones and went to him. A few minutes later he passed away in my arms. And, phu, as I write these lines, the song is playing in the background and even though it was 34 years ago now, tears are running down my cheeks because it was such a drastic experience in my life.
It was the first time that I met death so close and could only watch helplessly as a beloved being went over the Rainbow Bridge. But sometimes I think the dog chose this song in its meaning as the right time for a last message:

Der erste Song, eine eher traurige Erinnerung. Wir bekamen unseren ersten Hund, als ich 7 Jahre alt war, und er verließ diese Welt, als ich 21 war. In der Nacht, in der er starb, war ich alleine mit ihm zu Hause. Ich wusste, dass er nicht mehr in Bestform war, aber wir dachten, wir hätten noch viel mehr Zeit mit ihm.
An diesem Abend lag er neben mir auf dem Boden in meinem Zimmer und ich hörte Musik. Ich hatte meine Kopfhörer auf, damit ich sie schön laut aufdrehen konnte. Phil Collins war damals sehr populär und ich hörte "Another Day in Paradise", als ich den Hund husten hörte. Natürlich warf ich sofort die Kopfhörer weg und ging zu ihm. Wenige Minuten später verstarb er in meinen Armen. Und, phu, während ich diese Zeilen schreibe, läuft das Lied im Hintergrund und obwohl es jetzt 34 Jahre her ist, laufen mir die Tränen über die Wangen, weil es eine so drastische Erfahrung in meinem Leben war.
Es war das erste Mal, dass ich dem Tod so nahe war und nur hilflos zusehen konnte, wie ein geliebtes Wesen über die Regenbogenbrücke ging. Aber manchmal denke ich, dass der Hund dieses Lied in seiner Bedeutung als den richtigen Zeitpunkt für eine letzte Botschaft gewählt hat:

I actually couldn't listen to the song at all for years without completely bursting into tears. It was only much later that I could hear it again. Although after such a long time the beautiful memories of my first deep dog friendship predominate, the sadness of the loss also comes up again.
It's definitely a song I don't just let play on the side, but pull out very rarely. RIP first dogs love.

Ich konnte den Song tatsächlich jahrelang überhaupt nicht hören ohne völlig in Tränen auszubrechen. Erst viel später konnte ich ihn wieder hören. Obwohl nach so langer Zeit die schönen Erinnerungen an meine erste tiefe Hundefreundschaft überwiegen, so kommt auch die Trauer über den Verlust wieder hoch.
Es ist auf jeden Fall ein Lied, das ich nicht einfach mal so nebenbei laufen lasse, sondern nur ganz selten hervorhole. RIP erste Hunde Liebe.

TTT 2 - Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz

Okay, a few years before that, time for a rather funny memory. Well, at the moment it wasn't so sparkling, but in retrospect definitely something to smile about ;-)
The song that is inseparably and forever linked to my very first alcohol intoxication! I was out with a friend and her friends had a game like this, if you made a mistake you had to drink a glass of alcohol.... Of course I had never played it before and lost all the time.
Soon there was nothing left to do with me and my friend decided it was time to take me home. She first loaded me into the back of her cars and then had to go find other people to ride with.
So during this time I was sitting in this strange red Ford quite befuddled and I distinctly remember the sounds of the following song coming through to me from the bar:

Okay, ein paar Jahre davor, Zeit für eine eher lustige Erinnerung. Naja gut, in dem Moment war es nicht so prickelnd, aber im nachhinein auf jeden Fall etwas um zu schmunzeln ;-)
Der Song, der untrennbar auf immer und ewig mit meinem allerersten Alkohol Rausch verbunden ist! Ich war mit einer Freundin unterwegs und deren Freunde hatten so ein Spiel, wenn man einen Fehler machte, dann musste man ein Glas Alkohol trinken.... Natürlich hatte ich es nie zuvor gespielt und verlor andauernd.
Bald war mit mir nichts mehr anzufangen und meine Freundin beschloss, Zeit mich nach Hause zu bringen. Sie verfrachtete mich zuerst auf den Rücksitz ihren Autos und musste dann noch andere Leute zum Mitfahren suchen gehen.
In dieser Zeit saß ich also recht benebelt in diesem merkwürdigen roten Ford und ich erinnere mich genau, dass aus der Bar die Klänge des folgenden Songs zu mir durchdrangen:

Absolutely a red old car, a dark car park and the party atmosphere of the bar in front of my eyes when I hear that.
Absolut ein rotes altes Auto, einen dunklen Parkplatz und die Partystimmung der Bar vor meinen Augen wenn ich das höre

TTT 3 - Blackmore's Night - Wish You Were Here

Time jump... Years later in my 30s. Beeber had learned to deal with alcohol (best strategy: just don't drink lol) and had landed in Bavaria.
With my partner at the time we built up a business. At a time when it wasn't that popular as it became later, we sewed and handcrafted medieval garments and items, which we then sold at medieval markets.
We had a workshop in the basement and in the early days of this venture we always played a certain CD by Blackmore's NIght: Shadow of the Moon.
Here you can find the whole album, very interesting, when I hear the first notes I immediately get into a "creative mood".

Zeitsprung... Jahre später in meinen 30ern. Beeber hatte mittlerweile gelernt mit Alkohol umzugehen (beste Strategie einfach keinen trinken lol) und war in Bayern gelandet.
Mit meinem damaligen Partner bauten wir eine Geschäft auf. Zu einer Zeit als es noch gar nicht so populär war wie es später wurde, nähten und bastelten wir MIttelalter Gewänder und Gegenstände, die wir dann auf Mittelalter Märkten verkauften.
Dazu hatten wir einen Werkraum im Keller hergerichtet und in den Anfangszeiten dieser Unternehmung lief immer eine bestimmte CD von Blackmore's NIght: Shadow of the Moon.
Hier findet ihr das gesamte Album, sehr interessant, wenn ich die ersten Töne höre, dann komme ich sofort in "Kreativitäts Laune":

Full Album Shadow of the Moon:

Even though the whole album has a very special meaning for me, there is one song that I still find beautiful after all this time: Wish You Were Here
Auch wenn das gesamte Album eine sehr besondere Bedeutung für mich hat, so gibt es doch einen Song, den ich nach all der Zeit immer noch wunderschön finde: Wish You Were Here

Yes, I wish I would rediscover that irrepressible power to create that I had in my 30s. But maybe it's also normal for energies to change? I don't know.
Ja, ich wünschte ich würde diese unbändige Kraft etwas zu erschaffen wiederfinden, die ich in meinen 30ern hatte. Aber vielleicht ist es auch normal, dass Energien sich ändern? Ich weiß es nicht.

Isn't it amazing how EVERYTHING we have ever experienced is unconscious in us and can appear and be felt in our mind's eye in an instant through the right trigger
Ist es nicht erstaunlich, wie ALLES was wir jemals erlebt hat unbewusst in uns ist und durch den richtigen Trigger in einem Augenblick vor unserem geistigen Auge erscheint und gefühlt werden kann.

What song can you think of that is very strongly associated with a memory or a time of your life?
Welcher Song fällt euch ein, der sehr stark mit einer Erinnerung oder einer Zeit eures Lebens verbunden ist?

This was another memories #ttt for @ablaze and as always I hope you enjoyed the tunes :-) Yours, B.

photo by @beeber
Videos the linked videos are not owned by me, I am sharing just the link to the copyright owner's video. No copyright infringement is intended.


Such a great and powerful selection. The last one is so nice and makes me have the same thoughts about the past and having that energy as before.

I have different memories as you to Phil Collins, that must be bad for you to play this awesome song and bring such sad memories.

I guess for me, some breakup songs or songs marking some big changes in my life bring back the biggest memories.

It's okay to hear it now, but it was very difficult in the past.
Blackmore's Night songs in general have this power to make us dream and dive out of reality to different views I think

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It must be hard to live in Bavaria and not drink. After 30s the 40s and Fifties hit too fast. My childhood memories are becoming foggy.

Creating comes from inside, but sometimes pressure from outside helps as long as it is healthy. I began to look at my life from a broader perspective and became thankful for the work I do each day. I enjoyed the trip down memory lane and good music.

Haha as long as you love Bretzel and Schweinsbraten its all okay ;-)
Yes but still the energy is different, but probably just natural.
Glad you enjoyed the music

Bretzel and Schweinsbraten

I wouldn't mind some now, but usually that's too filling for me.

Oh yes, one has to be really hungry to eat it all 🙂

Phil Collins. I couldn't go on because I had to go hug my puppy.♥️

here is a !HUG from me too 😍

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Oohhh I am Out of HUGs for today 😂
So here is some !LUV for the puppy

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He said wow-thank you! Rocky hates posing for pictures, !LOL

How do locomotives know where they're going?
Lots of training

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Dear @beeber, you just got hugged.
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Why is a timer like a scale?
They both measure wait.

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It's a pity that your mind connected Phil Collins' song with a sad moment in your life... He is one of my favorite performers and I grew up listening to his songs (and from Genesis)! My favorite is the other one...

The other two I know, and the last one I was even singing along many times, but I had no idea who is the performer and didn't hear that song for decades!!! Thanks for refreshing my memory!

Btw. speaking of "Wish You Were Here", that reminds me of another one of my favs...

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yes but it also makes the songs something real special in my life :-)

Ohhhh, haha, the other Wish You Were Here... boingggg boing boooing... The true Wish You Were Here from Pink Floyd ;-) this would be anonther story, dealing with one.. oder two ( ;-) ? ) bottles of !BEER ;-)

Blackmores Night has a lot of wonderful songs indeed. Glas you found the song here!

It looks like you have connected many songs by the beer! 😂

Haha, no that first time with the game was wine !LOL

I threw a boomarang a few years ago that never came back.
I now live in constant fear.

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Sorry about your doggo -- love the memories though. It reminded me of the memories I have linked to The Cure's compilation album Standing on a Beach, which we had playing on a boombox on a beach in Hainan Island, where I went backpacking with a friend, long before it was developed (1988!). It was nearly deserted in those days. We met up with a couple of backpacking dudes on this beach, and damn! we both fancied the same one. So my memory is of standing waist deep in green, phosporescent seas with my feet buried in white coral sands looking at the moon and listening to The Cure while she made out with him and his mate sat some distance off on his own looking pissed off! I had a good time, anyway 😀

Haha, staring at the sea, staring at the sand.. oh my, a lot of memories connected to the old Cure songs too. !LUV

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Beim Lied von R.E.M. Losing my Religion, fühle ich mich vor die Bühne eines grossen Open Air Festivals versetzt, wo ich vor der Bühne für die Sicherheit der Band sorgte. Ich konnte dabei Ihren Auftritt aus nächster Nähe geniessen.

"Oh life, is bigger...." summ summ
REM ist schon fantastisch. Das war bestimmt ein tolles Erlebnis so nahe zu sein.
Da fällt mir jetzt das Musical CATs ein, hab da mal backstage gearbeitet und die Musik hat sich total eingebrannt im Gehirn. Na, mal sehen vielleicht ein eigener Post demnächst :-)

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Heard this one way too many times as a kid, always on family parties or bbqs. Brings me back good memories.

The melody and lyrics are beautiful as well.

Nice Song, never heard and once again I think should learn Spanish language

@gtpacheko17! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beeber. (2/10)

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It's portuguese :P

Oh oh 🙈😅 it sounds the same!

I do love Blackmore's Night; I've got several of their albums, and they're all just as good as the other.

I love the stories behind the songs!

Love them too, its music at highest perfection and it makes me calm without gettin sleepy.
Hope youre fine !LUV

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Every day getting better. I know you know how it feels. Today was the first day I didn't reflexively reach down to pet her when I got out of bed, but I still keep expecting to see her in other places.

Oh yes I know, its so hard. And I also know, there is nothing I can say or do to make it better for you at the moment. The only sentence I have is "It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all"

Dear @wwwiebe, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @beeber.