Photographing Lightning Storm Strikes

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Hello Hivean in Photography Lover Community

How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are


Tonight another thunderstorm occurred at my place. As we know, lightning is a phenomenon that often occurs before the rain or after it rains.

A sign of lightning, a voice boomed through the sky. As usual, whenever there is lightning near where I am, I always hunt to photograph the lightning phenomenon.

Usually lots of frames get the picture, but tonight I only got four frames. Well, all the shots from my camera, I share in this post for all my friends in this community.

Alright, here are some photos of lightning striking that I will share with all of you. And I will continue to hunt until I get the best results. Hope you guys like it.

Malam hari ini badai petir kembali terjadi di tempat saya. Seperti yang kita ketahui, petir merupakan salah fenomena yang sering terjadi saat akan menjelang hujan atau pun setelah hujan.

Tanda akan adanya petir, suara terdengar menggelegar di langit. Seperti biasa, setiap ada petir di dekat tempat saya, aku selalu berburu untuk memotret fenomena petir tersebut.

Biasanya banyak frame mendapatkan gambarnya, namun malam hari ini aku hanya mendapatkan hanya empat frame. Nah, semua hasil jepretan kamera saya, aku bagikan pada postingan ini untuk teman-teman semua pada komunitas ini.

Baiklah, ini beberapa foto petir menyambar yang akan aku bagikan kepada kalian semua. Dan saya akan terus memburu sampai saya mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik. Semoga kalian menyukainya.




If you want to see some of my lightning photos that I've posted on my blog, you can, you can see them below:

  1. patiently waiting for an amazing moment that is lightning strike
  2. lightning strike
  3. finally i got a really amazing thunderbolt and lightning photos
  4. lightning strikes over my city sky
  5. failed lightning strike photo hunt
  6. behind the patience of the photo of lightning striking in the sky it is very beautiful
  7. 'Terrible' Sky Records of Storms and Lightning Strikes
  8. The moment of lightning strikes

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All Picture Taken With Sony A7 II Camera
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