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RE: In our hearts forever.

Oh yeah, the fun really brought some relief from the heartsore, as my madam was crying when she painted the tile. Soon after that she was smiling and petting every dog that came up to her 😊

Cheers and thanks.


I would have cried too and I still feel very sad when I think of our old cat.

Oh yes, I really can imagine how Marian loved to pet each one of the other dogs 😀

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Oh yes, it is a very heartsore affair, as so many things can trigger the memories.

Shame yes, it was like a balm for her soul and it was the ideal cure to get her smiling again 😊

Cheers and thanks.

You should visit such happenings more often or look for another Troy ... we have said "nomore cats" after the first one was gone and these are now number 4 and 5 😉 !LOLZ the old cats will never be forgotten, but the new ones help a lot.

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Everyone says that, but the pain of witnessing our little guy's death is still too raw Hannes. There are so many triggers here in this house that instantly reminds us about Troy and I think with time things will become better 😴

The way that I know you, the little cats will be spoilt rotten 😮 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

I completely understand you, we also needed a couple of months and when then we have found a family with new born kittens we have had to wait for over a month until they have been old enough to be separated from.
We have only kept the big scratching tree in our livingroom where the new cats sometimes sleep.

You're very right, even when they got fed they will get some treats whenever they look hungry ... they always look hungry 😂 !LOLZ

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

It was such a serious issue, that we even thought at one stage that we should sell the house and then move into a place where there are no memories. Your wait for the kitties only made you to appreciate them more. Yep! I know about that old scratching tree and maybe you should call it a tree of remembrance.

They obviously know how to trick you guys for giving them more food, and it sounds like they have cultivated the hungry face expession 😜 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

A dog that has accompanied you everywhere for so many years is clearly a more missed friend and family member. Since there are only good memories, I think I would stay in a house full of such good memories, but in that case it would be hard to have a new dog, I believe. Having new cats seems not not to be a big problem to me.

It's a foggy morning after some rainy days and I can't see much here at the reservoir, and certainly there will be no sunrise !LOLZ ...

Hope your weekend will be great, my friend ☺️ 🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

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