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I'm really liking your rant @crosheille, 😁, well put. I often feel like writing a rant but then chicken out. 😂

I've had my own experience of getting sick from being outside in the summer, hot weather, briefly exposed to intense short rain in the late afternoon, about five years back. I was soaked. Next day I had the stomach flu, something I don't recall having since childhood. Three days for it to pass through me.

We live in an environment where we are exposed to toxins in everything. Toxic environment directly relates to illness. The exposure can be mitigated and the immune system strengthened. I have the feeling that you are most likely aware of this sort of approach. I do think the toxic load we all are exposed to has increased exponentially, based on my observations.

 2 years ago  

Rant away my friend! That’s what I made the community for lol

😂 That's your community? LOL! I didn't realize that, but I've been savouring some posts in there like fine wine.

If I do a rant, I might go way wild and I think I need to mentally work up to publicly ranting since I don't typically do that. Instead it comes out in my visual art. 😂

 2 years ago (edited) 

Yeah it was funny, river flows and I were complaining about something earlier this year and she was like wtf why isn’t there a rant community for this? Boom! Created right then and there lol

You can exclude some details and the rant will work out well! Give it a whirl, it's a lot of fun!

That's pretty cool, it's a great idea frankly. You're on, I'll give it a go, expect some weird freaky something or other, with some details excluded 😉

 2 years ago  

I know the asshole who designed the avatar.

I know the individual who knows the individual who knows yet another individual from which that design originated. None of them have made the a-hole cut, epic fail.

Haha thank you @nineclaws! 🤣

Oh it felt so good you've GOT to do one now! 😆😁

Oh yes, that stomach flu is no fun at all.

I’ve been talking about how their immune systems will only be strengthened from all of this. You can just see and feel how much more we have been exposed to and the sicknesses just keep increasing more and more.

You're welcome @corsheille, always a pleasure.

Oh it felt so good you've GOT to do one now! 😆😁

I'm tempted, I'm so tempted with each post I read in that community, LOL. If I do one, it's going to be intense and I'm not sure it won't sear eyeballs or really tick a bunch of people off. I save my rants for in private pacing, although I think I forgot today and was talking to myself in public....must be why people were staring at me.

We are exposed to a great deal of things we ought not to be, but all one can control are one's choices.

If people can't handle your rant they can simply walk away. They knew what they were in for when visiting this community. 😆

Hahaha that's so funny because I talk to myself quite a bit when I'm out shopping so people must always think I'm crazy. 🤷🏽‍♀️😁

😂 I like your way of seeing it. I've been thinking about rants the last two days.

Oh well, I'm in such good company. I also talk to myself when out shopping. I find it very satisfying. I think my conversations with myself have increased quite a bit in the last several months. I've started singing a bit too, just made up things that pop into my head, not really in tune but sometimes they rhyme. 😂