I am no longer a home owner and I feel good about it...

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

cake and clothesswap.png

I just listened to the Minit soundtrack on vinyl, for the very first time and am loving it!

Minit is a video game my brother, his girlfriend and two of their friends made. It was released in 2018, when I had just arrived in Portugal.

Fun fact: I met the guy who made the soundtrack ( Jukio Kallio ) for Minit, years ago. I love his work! You can check it out on Spotify, among other places.

How many people can say that they listened to the soundtrack of a game made by their brother, let alone on vinyl? ;<)

More info on this game can be found here: https://minitgame.com/
as well as the blog post I wrote about it, back in the days:
The Best of Both Worlds - Practicing Portuguese by Playing my Brother's Game

So yesterday I sold my house. It's the first time ever I sold a property.
A little over three years ago, I bought my first house. Now I sold it.

This is the village where my house was located ( picture taken by me 3 years ago ). It looks a lot greener now. This picture was taken about a year after a huge fire that destroyed a big area of Portugal.

I am now homeless, in a way, but not really...

In fact, I have been renting a pretty sweet house with an amazing view, since early May. Before that, since mid December 2020, I house sat the house of my current neighbors. That place was pretty awesome too and had a 7 hectare terraced garden that bordered at the river and included a small private beach.

The house that I'm currently renting is actually also for sale but the asking price is ( way ) above my budget.

Also, I'm not really sure whether I would like to buy this place if I could / can ( in the not too distant future ).

Now I'm in the luxury position, where I can just rent and take my time to figure out what next step to take.

Meanwhile I plan to increase my crypto investments, expecting my money to grow in the coming months. This is something that wouldn't be the case if I just kept it in Euros.

Now I could make this a very long post but I just wanted to share this with you all. I have had some hectic days lately but it seems that - now this has been taken care of - I will be able to focus on my creativity once again. Something that is of paramount importance for me.

Expect me to do some painting and get back to writing my Hypersensitivosaurus story very soon.

Also, on Sunday, I will reach the ripe age of 80
That is, together with my twin sister

Pretty crazy if you ask me :<)

I invited a bunch of people today and I am sure my extravert sister invited loads more and expect us to have a fun time eating pastry and swapping clothes at my twin sister's quinta, Sunday afternoon.

In fact, the picture above this post is a design my twin sister came up with as an invite for this special day of ours.

How can you not love her style? ;<)

And yes, I am bias-ed as a twin brother but still...

I am gonna end it here for today although there's so much more I could talk about. No worries, I plan to up my blogging game, once again, from now on.

Much love,



Yah congratulations Vincent, so happy to hear your house got sold and welcome to the 40's, they are such great years, I am loving mine.
Here's to lots of good times and an abundance of love xxxxx

Woohoo to freedom of getting your place sold! And happy early birthday. Sounds like it's going to be a fantastic celebration. 🎉

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 3 years ago  

Thank you so much, Katie! Yeah, I'm sure we are going to have a blast!

 3 years ago  

That’s great man, congrats on selling the house. It’s a wild moment that’s for sure. Lots of adult things that aren’t so fun lol glad you were able to buy and sell the house. Some don’t get that opportunity!

One thing I’m glad to hear is you are looking at things in what you feel is your price range. A lot of people just buy something expensive and get into a whole lot of debt for no reason lol

 3 years ago  

Cheers buddy! It feels pretty special indeed.

One thing I’m glad to hear is you are looking at things in what you feel is your price range. A lot of people just buy something expensive and get into a whole lot of debt for no reason lol

That's very normal in Holland, where I grew up, too. 30 year mortgages.

Here, on the Portugese countryside, people actually buy a property/ land / house at once ( no mortgage ), which is possible due to way lower prices than in cities and many other European countries.

A mortgage might seem attractive to many, but it's debt in disguise.

Also I am doing my best to make wiser decisions with my money and learn from the past ;<)

Wow! What a step. I am sure there is always better ahead. Makes a lot of sense not to keep Euros. Specially not longterm. I wonder what perennial inflation has in store for commodities considering current shipping and supply chain rates? Hoping for the best. This is really an awesome picture. What have you and your sister planned for that big day ahead? If i'd have a car, i'd be on a road trip out there already. Everyone seems to be moving to Portugal around me.

 3 years ago  

Ahhh you youngsters you 😂 ...good to read you're doing good.

 3 years ago  

Hahaha! You're funny! Together we are almost 40 years older than you ;<)

 3 years ago  

🤔 40+40/41+41 I take that compliment but you remember my evil twin right. You guys can never be older lol...wait a minute...forget what I said, you being older is fine 😂 🤗

Enjoy the ease of renting!! ;-)
And wow, Portugal… we’ve been thinking of moving there…

 3 years ago  

I always thought that renting was a waste of money but I've changed my mind, as of late. Earning a home can also be a headache and if you aren't even ( living ) there...

P.S. You're not the first people thinking of moving to Portugal haha ( and that is an understatement ). This area attract people like a magnet!

It looks like a nice place to live indeed, nature, nice climate, and less stress!
And indeed, I’ve been both home owner and renter, and I prefer renting!

Birthday Blessings 😊

 3 years ago  

Thank you :<)

Hey Happy 40 ! I'm happy you're 2 years older than me lol just kidding ! I hope you had a blast !

Now I'm in the luxury position, where I can just rent and take my time to figure out what next step to take.

I've always thought that having your own house is the "luxury position" . I'm conscious that I'm pushing 40 and I still don't have my own house or never have bought my own house. And yet I probably have more savings (cash and crypto) than those who have their own houses I don't know.

 3 years ago  

Thank you! It's awesome being 40 :<)

And yet I probably have more savings (cash and crypto) than those who have their own houses I don't know.

What??? :<)

That makes me curious if you invest in crypto too, outside of Hive

Congratulations my man, I bet that is a relief. Well, you are in position now to take your time. I think your heart is still in Portugal, am I right? If so, I guess you just keep your eyes open for any potential houses or properties that inspire you, and maybe an upgrade exists for you in 2022.