Some fun facts about my cat Puska

in Hive Pets2 years ago (edited)


Hi guys,

How ya doing? You guys have a good Saturday?

This is my second post in this community and I would like to introduce you my female cat named "Puska" as well as tell you somethings fun about her:

Short intro about her: Puska is an Norwegian Forest cat. She was named by former Russian owner and the owner died of cancer. So we adopted her when Puska was 2.5 years old and overweighed. Now she is 4 years old and very fit 😋.


Puska's name means "cannon" or "fluffy" 😂. Yes, she is a loose cannon in my zoo LoL.


She is super smart. We trained her to wait for the permission to eat and only twice, she remembered. So every time she eats, I say "sit down Pus!" and she sits down and wait until I say "good girl" and pet her head. She knows she can eat.

She loves sniffing any wood or flower then chews them as her snacks. 🤡


She loves sleeping underneath our blanket and farting in the middle of night 😱


She always...always hides my flip-flops every day when I leave home from work. Below is my every night comedy talk show with her:

  • Me: "Yo pus, why you always hide my flip-flops when I left home?"
  • Puska (looked at me like saying): "You need to learn how to be patient by finding them"
    -Me: "b*tch......" 😂😂


She always wakes up around 7am just to climb on my chest and sleeps on. She is 6.60 kgs. That's why sometimes I get panic attack early morning 😭


She is always the queen in my home.


Happy Caturday! Thank you for your reading.


How beautiful is Puska. It's good that the cat has learned good habits. My cats have the habit of eating the bread on the table haha ​​Beautiful.

Thank you! Yea, all we need to train cats is to be patient with them. They are smart but they often obey your command when they feel happy to do so. 😅 if they dont want, whatever you try to teach them, they will ignore! I am lucky that my cats never jump on the table to eat our food. They only eat their food. They are picky AF LoL

What a beautiful cat she is! Norwegian Forest Cats tend to be such loveable "teddy bears." Thanks for sharing about her!



Your post was featured in this week's Caturday Compendium of Cat Content, curated by @curatorcat for the Hive Cats Community! Thank you for sharing your wonderful cat-related content on Hive!

Thank you 🥰

I saw the cat on noise cash , me it is kalima on noise cash

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So beautiful and lovely posts.