Update on my regular Hive series

in #hivelast year

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Today is Saturday and if you follow my blog regularly, you know that Saturday was always reserved for my upvote giveaway series. For almost 4 years actually. But not anymore. I have decided to make some changes to my content here on Hive and since I have always felt responsibility towards you guys, my friends and followers, I would like to explain my motives in this post.


I had a little private conversation the other day with a very respected member of our community, someone who I personally hold in a very high esteem and consider a friend at the same time. We talked about various things and as usually, the conversation was very valuable for me. There was one thing in particular, however, that made me think about it again. A friendly reminder or observation if you will that my regular series that I host here on Hive may look like low-effort template posts to some. I thanked for this comment and said I would think about it, which I actually did. Here is what I found out about this matter. We will take a look at all 3 series that I have been hosting here.

Saturday Upvote Giveaway

Logo of my Saturday Upvote Giveaway

I came up with the idea for this series almost 4 years ago and have been hosting it until now. The purpose was to look for and reward undervalued posts. The giveaway post itself did feel like a template post indeed, I admit. The only thing that I always changed were the supported nominated posts in each round and their authors. But here comes the not so template part. I would get quite a lot of nominations in most rounds and just like I mentioned in the giveaway posts, I always made sure to read them all. I never just blindly upvoted what showed up in there. I always read the nominated posts, even though many of them, naturally, came from areas and topics that I was not interested in or experienced with. But I didn´t want to disappoint those who nominated the posts as well as those who actually wrote them.

I have got a lot of positive feedback about this giveaway from a number of people (especially newbies and little accounts) over the years, which is actually also why I kept it alive for so long, even though it was not always fun for me, especially with the deadlines and everything. It would be much easier and more comfortable for me to just spend the time that I dedicated to the giveaway by browsing and manually curating in communities and tags that I´m really interested in, without worrying about any deadlines, and it would actually be more profitable for me too because in the giveaway, I very often upvoted posts that were already several days old, meaning that my curation rewards from them were significantly lower than they would be with fresh posts.

The original idea of the giveaway was to do something good for the community and I hope that most people saw it that way. I think it was a great series and it was a pleasure to read and support many (but not all as I said) of those hundreds of posts that got nominated there over the years and I would like to say a big thank you to the contributors and participants of this series.

But for the reasons mentioned above, combined with what probably can be called a burnout, I decided to quit this series. So no more Saturday upvote giveaway here on my blog from now on but that doesn´t mean that I won´t be looking for undervalued posts anymore of course. I won´t host this official giveaway anymore but will be still happy to help out where help is needed and deserved so please feel free to hit me up in the comments under any of my posts, on Discord etc. whenever you come across an undervalued post that you think should get more support and I will be happy to check it out. Thank you ;)

Appreciate Beauty of Nature

My cover photo for one of the recent rounds

My weekly photography challenge. I have been hosting it for almost 3 years now. I remember I came up with this idea when I was stuck on the Azorean Islands during the first covid wave lockdown when appreciating the beauty of nature was really difficult and I was missing it so much... The introduction to these contest posts is always the same, it includes the rules etc. So yeah, we can talk about a template post again but I always make sure to provide my own fresh natural photo for each round with a bit of text, basically to show others what the entries should look like.

With this challenge, I don´t feel any burnout at all. As a lifelong nature lover and outdoor enthusiast, I really enjoy taking photos for this challenge most of the time and I also enjoy checking out the entries from the participants. Over the years, I must have received more than a thousand of amazing entries from many different countries, places and continents in this challenge. What also made me super happy were the comments where people said they actually started to go out to nature regularly because of this challenge :) So nice to hear that. Just like seeing individual participants engaging with each other, commenting each other´s entries etc. Very nice. I love it.

Right now it´s the winter season here in Central Europe where I´m currently based and that makes taking decent fresh natural photos much more difficult as it´s very often just dull gray everywhere out there in nature and it´s even less enjoyable to be out there photo shooting when it´s freezing or raining and you don´t feel well (actually happened to me in the last round when I was out in the forest to capture something for the challenge while my body was burning with a fever, yeah, that was not a good idea, don´t do this guys :D) but again, I don´t want to disappoint my participants so I have been doing my best to never skip a round and never cheat by using an older photo.

So yeah, hosting this challenge is not always fun either but generally speaking, I still love it and I would like to keep it alive but for some reasons, the participation in some of the last rounds was unusually low and if this trend continues, I will have to think about quitting it too I guess. But that would hurt and I hope I will not have to do it. Time will tell.

Monday Tipping Contest

Logo of my Monday Tipping Contest

My oldest series. I have been hosting it for some 4 years now. Simple rules, easy to participate. Price prediction game where the winner of each round takes five Hive as the prize. This series is still very popular and I usually get dozens of entries (guesses) in every round. The contest post is a template post, yes, but honestly, I don´t know what else should I possibly change in every round except the dates, prices and winners. As simple as the concept is, it took a long time before most participants got used to it so I would hate to change anything about it. The contest has been fun, people seem to enjoy the competition, they like to check their position in the ranking that I update after every round.

That´s also the only regular series that I share with the Leo community (because it´s about price prediction) and they never complained about it so I guess it´s fine with them. With that being said, I don´t plan to quit or change this series but if you have any suggestions as to how to improve it or make it more attractive for the participants, I would love to hear it of course.


As you can see, there is quite a lot "invisible" work, effort and stress behind what may look like easy, repetitive template posts. Then, there is also this constant pressure that is always related to anything regular. I mean all of these 3 series have their own deadlines for entries, their scheduled times of publishing etc. and it´s often very challenging and difficult to keep everything on time, as planned, as promised. Especially when you get unexpectedly busy in real life, when you struggle with technical problems (hello unrealiable internet connection in so many places around the world) or when you become ill.

Doing something regularly and responsibly simply takes discipline and consistency but even that, it can be still hindered by "external factors" that you cannot really influence and then it can actually get pretty frustrating. By the way, talking about frustration, I haven´t mentioned another thing that I have been dealing with in almost every single round of each of these series. Ignorance. Ignorance to read the (few simple basic) rules of the series and follow them. If you want to host a contest, just be sure there will always be someone who just don´t read the rules and submit invalid entries. Always. Yeah, this can get very frustrating too. Especially when it´s the same people ignoring the same rules over and over again. And I´m not even talking about scammers that you always have to be on the lookout for...

So this was my little (rantish) update on my regular series. I hope that now that I came with this little insight into the background of my series, people will understand that I have been hosting them because I wanted to do something for our community and not as a regular and easy way to autovotes and nice payouts. I´m sure if I just posted pictures on Liketu or something like this, I would earn more and with much less effort and stress than what I have put into these series.

In fact, quitting all of them would give me so much extra time and comfort to curate where I really want to curate, to engage where I really want to engage and to work on my own, decent posts that I have been meaning to write for so long but somehow never found the time for that. Simply put, my life on Hive would be easier without the series but as I already said, I do consider them a part of my contribution to the community and it would feel weird and kind of sad to quit them all now. But one of them is already gone and we will see what happens with the other two in future. Nothing lasts forever.

Thanks for your attention guys and please, leave an honest feedback. I would really love to know what you think about all of this. It may have a great influence on what I decide to do with my series in future. Thank you. Oh and sorry this post got so lengthy...


First of all, I want to thank you for your time and dedication to read all those posts 🙏🤗
I'm sure that you'll come with new ideas to keep supporting the new hivers and also those with low visibility in Hive, it's always inspiring to see people that don't think only about themselves and want to help others, too 🙏👏👏👏👏
Thank you again 😺🤘🤗

Thanks for this sweet feedback @gatubela, it really means a lot ;) I will do my best in future too, although without the Saturday series...

You're welcome 😺🤘🤗

Hele pro mě je nepředstavitelný, že bych něco vydával každý týden třeba v pondělí, takže já v první řadě obdivuju tvou vytrvalost a pravidelnost. To, že je to nějaká šablona mi upřímně vůbec nevadí už jen z toho důvodu, že aktivně a trpělivě odepisuješ. Takže naprosto chápu, že je za tím kus práce a upřímně by mě ani nenapadlo tvrdit opak.

Ale zase chápu, že vy velryby řešíte jiný problémy, na který "lůza" nemá čas (abychom to trochu odlehčili :D

Díky za reakci a podporu, začínám fakt nabývat dojmu, že snad čteš všechny moje články :D Nevím, jestli se tady úplně chci rozepisovat o tom, co mě k tomuhle postu vedlo. Dejme tomu, že na mě tady z blockchainových útrob vypadl jeden celkem starý a ošklivý kostlivec, který mě tak trochu donutil se zamyslet, jestli to, co tady dělám a jak to dělám, je v pohodě :) Já věřím, že jo a podle toho, co píšou ostatní (nejen tady ale tak nějak obecně), to snad tak bude...

Hele to je v pohodě, psát to samozřejmě nemusíš.



Vůbec nejsem zvědavej!

No pressure!

Úplně v klidu.

Nestresuj se kvůli tomu!


Příště dojeď na sraz a povykládám :D ;) Btw gratulka Bekse, v sobotu jste byli fakt lepší ;) Celkově ale letos liga konečně otevřená a zajímavá.

Těžký se mnou no ty srazy :D já bych to potřeboval vědět dopředu, ale zase ty víkendy nejsou vůbec jistý, protože třeba únor už mám komplet zabitej, v březnu nás čeká s klukama basketbalovejma CEYBL (Central European Youth Basketball League) v Krakowě tušim, pak zase mistrovství ČR (snad, vypadá to zatim dobře) a v létě zase kempy pro změnu. :) Trefit se mně do datumu není úplně snadný...

Jo vidíš, to jsem se chtěl zeptat, co se Vám stalo letos v Opavě? Odešli hráči? Zranění? Forma chybí?

Ajéje, takže takový ten busy typ, co když chce někdy zajít na pivo, tak vytáhne diář a zjistí, že nejbližší volné okénko má 13.listopadu 2027 (ale jen na hodinu :D) Pár takových známých mám, je to vždy hrozná otrava se s něma na něčem domlouvat :D

Letošní výkony BK Opava? V podstatě kombinace všech tří věcí, které jsi zmínil :D :/ Ale flintu ještě do žita nehážem. Letos je fakt po 20 letech reálná šance na titul i pro týmy mimo NBK, tak se o to taky zkusíme porvat...

Ne je to mnohem horší, já jsem totiž ten typ, co si diář ještě ke všemu nevede :D můj chodící kalendář je @tttweety. Takže kdyby si řekl: "hej pojď na pivo v květnu", tak já jsem si zcela jistej, že zrovna v květnu mám asi tak tři věci už, co mi zabijou tři víkendy, ale neřeknu ti ani datumy, protože si je nepamatuju :D

A co hůř, můj "head coach" mě například loni pravidelně informoval o tréninkách tak 24-48 hodin dopředu, takže jsem se dozvídal tréninky třeba jen s denním předstihem, což teda nebylo úplně ideální k plánování :D Už se nám to ale zlepšilo a začínáme se chytat!

Jako bylo by pěkné, kdyby někdo tu hegemonii Nymburku narušil. Klidně i Brno :D

Hope the other ones will continue as I know people like them. 😎 you are doing a great job, as long as you like it and get engagement.
I do see the copy paste bit, but it is inevitable for these posts.
Hope you get more engagement soon on the nature one, as it’s just great! I think it is in general quiet here lately. It will pick up…
Thanks for all you do @phortun 😊👋🏻 It is appreciated!

Thank you for sharing your opinion, I really appreciate it. Yeah, I also think that the overall activity on the chain will pick up soon as the market keeps recovering. Btw the last round of Appreciate Beauty of Nature already seems to be pretty prolific ;)

You are so welcome @phortun 👋🏻😊 yep, it will pick up 🤞🏻🤞🏻😉

Really that’s great to hear, have an awesome week further!

I am very sure that a lot of people will miss your contest. I could see that you are contributing to the growth of this community. That's great

It was a giveaway, not a contest but thank you. I appreciate you took the time to read the post and leave a comment.

Hi @phortun

First of all, thanks for your priceless contributions to the HIVE Community. It is hard to keep up an organization alive for such a long time. Also, you are absolutely right sbout recieving less curation rewards due to the posts older than one day.

Nevertheless, I think you should continue Appreciate Beauty of Nature challange. It is colourfull, we see different kind of photos from the whole world. I could join it every week, but seven days old rule sometimes become problem for me. I think you can change this rule, maybe one month old maybe lifetime. Therefore, we can see older photos of any place.

Thanks for your feedback my friend :) As for the 7 day rule in Appreciate Beauty of Nature, I remember you already mentioned this point before and I know what you mean. Not insisting on this rule would allow more people to join, that´s for sure. But then, my challenge would be just another ordinary photo challenge where people would submit photos that they took years ago. And this is not what I want :) The main goal of this challenge is to inspire people to go out and spend some quality time with Mother Nature regularly, at least once every week :) So thanks for your suggestion but I´m going to keep it as it is. We will see if the participation goes up again with the higher price of Hive. It usually correlates.

Oh, that sad. I am gonna miss your regular contests😭, as they are fun and easy to interact with the community when I don't have much time to write my own posts.

Thanks buddy but I have closed just one of them, the other two are still on so I will be looking forward to checking out your (highly optimistic) guesses in the tipping challenge and (spectacular mountain top) entries in Appreciate Beauty of Nature ;) Thanks for your support!

First of all i would love to appreciate you for your consistency to this platform. You are doing these upvote giveaways in the form of giving back to the community what this community has given you. It shows how humble you are :) Keep it up the good work mate.

Thank you! This community has given me a lot indeed and it´s natural that you want to give back too. We all have the same goal here after all and that´s a healthy growth, development and prosperity of Hive :)

That's what makes this platform great and we love it so much.

Hi my friend, some people might too at bad what you did but i think tha people speak from their privileged position, all the newbies out there will really apreciate your efforts, you have done a lot to support the people that is unnoticed in the hive blog!

Thanks for your nice feedback, I appreciate it :)

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