Grab a Book. Or Some Booze.

in #humor4 years ago (edited)


It's Saturday or at least where I am now. I'm gonna be left all alone again in this space. It's gonna be quiet around here once again without your comments and all. You probably gonna be doing what other normal people do on a Saturday night. Like going out with some friends to some bar to order a pint because you have a L I F E. I don't really want to sound pathetic but maybe I'll just go grab a book. And you grab a beer. Up to you.

I don't know, is going out still a thing these days? During this literal global pandemic seriously? If so, what is it like out there? What are your plans for tonight?

Oh those were the days of my life. You know, days when I had plans. I don't mean to sound 60 but maybe I've retired too early from this thing called Fun. I guess fun for me now is staying away from the warzone while listening to this:

In normal times, I bike around while listening to this song. I just got tired of distracting lyrics with meaning I can always relate to. I want to give my mind and soul a break from all the noise.

I am gonna stay here in my dome of safety where I will not most likely infect people with my cough, cough, cough, puke, puke, puke. Sorry for making it sound like the whole pandemic is a big joke, I just want to light things up. Anyway, time for a weekly wrap-up. I'll keep it short and sweet, promise.

I've been at my most productive this week. I blogged every day and kept that momentum. So yeah, I want to keep this rhythm and stay busy to keep my mind off nasty stuff out there.

Happy distraction!

I know y'all hate lists so let me bore you with a list of posts you might have missed this week, not that you care really. But hey, thanks for the sweet upvotes!

Being Okay with Not Being Okay

This is My Newfound Weapon

On the Beach

I Can be a Great Procrastinator, Sometimes

It Could Have Been Us Minus the Fish

Sensory Overload

There you go, proud of Me!

Now I'm going to take a break for a day so I can post on my other blog. What I have another blog?! Yes that's just my self-hosted tours website and I'm starting to get some followers there actually. Finally, I'm starting to get the hang of the Wordpress blogging community thanks to this plugin called Jetpack. Gosh, it took two years to make it happen. Anyway, it's not too late, I gotta grind! Who knows, I might recruit some bloggers from there too.

Just a little cringe-worthy throwback, what was I thinking on this day?

3 years ago

How To Have that Money You Need to Travel The World Without Dealing Drugs or Selling Your Soul

And I am so happy I don't write like this anymore, ha!

What have I learned this week? Maybe it's time not to bail on people being overly nice to me. Maybe everything good takes getting used to...

Short and sweet as promised. My shoulders hurt so bad now maybe it's time to get a massage.

Have a great weekend y'all!


I'm inclined towards a book but don't really have anything in mind. It's probably that I had too many beers yesterday...and that's why books seem more appealing. Aaand, yes the pandemic is a joke.

I'm inclined towards a book but

or more beers maybe. Have a great weekend!

No more beers. Have a great weekend as well!