
I am reduced to an Android right now, so until I get my new desktop done; im limiting my online time.


Do you trust Google Android? You could install a Linux system onto your phone.

Linex is what palnet choked upon, and since it is a blockchain and permanently searchable, googke is okay, since they will be analyzing it anyway.

But I am looking for a purpose built unix phone.


Why Unix and not Linux?

Unix based, I am open to all!

My assumption is that due to the limited processing power in a hand held, combined with limited storage capacity; that a minimal system will be the most likely OS.

A Linex install, will cost 20 to 30 G of memory.


There are different kinds of Linux operating systems and other forks or spin-off OSes too and some of them are less than 10 G of memory. So, in other words, I'm not talking about Ubuntu and some of the different flavors of Ubuntu for example as they can be bigger than 20 G depending on the programs you download. Some of it can be customizable. But Ubuntu is an example of a larger Linux-based OS. But don't let the larger heavyweights scare you away. But of course, Linux is like a grandchild of Unix. So, if the OS is lightweight and if it does the job, then that is good. I've not used Unix OSes yet but I probably should experiment on some of them. I may need to have smaller OSes for older or smaller computers, phones, devices, etc.

The effort to align and function with the cell system Is what worries me. I am confident that I can force a phone to run unix, but making it work with the cell tower software is much more difficult!

I run Ubuntu here, beginning with ver 6.04; a long time ago....
