
The gin might be a step too far... lol!

Can't even get drunk off that kind. Can probably still get hungover, though...

Dem hangovers, they will find any excuse to get ya :0D

Tell me about it. Especially as you get older. Once I drank two sodas (without booze!) with real sugar and woke up the next day hungover. 🙄

Oh I know. I have a terrible time with stuff these days. Everything makes me hungover. Sometimes it seems that going to bed early is the only way to avoid it but I refuse!

11pm is "going to bed early" for me.

Lol, same here!

Vagina beans.....ponders what they look like

I don't think you or I need to ponder what a vagina bean looks like. All we need to do is open the flaps and take a look.

😂😂😂 You're just killing me!




😂 I just had to save that one. Thanks for making my Sunday!