Keep moving, don't quit.

in #life4 years ago (edited)

"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."- Conrad Hilton.


Don't quit because you made a mistake.
Mistakes are seasonings that makes the meal tasteless before it gets tasty. It is only by seeing the struggle through that you get the good out of the bad.


Success is nothing without actions. Inaction breeds noticeable fails which in turn breeds lasting losses.

Be more about taking actions and seeing that the things that matters at not clouded by the thing that don't matter.
Success is not some walk in the park, it is a result of things pursued overtime to get results no matter how many times we have to fail.

When it is sweet, it must be with some pain that must be endured at the start.

Licking honey from the honeycomb almost guarantees a sting from the bees.

Quit when it gets hard and stay on the low to be safe, but if you want to succeed, don't quit, give it whatever sweat it needs.

Make the world a better place for someone today!


Truly spoken, success is accompanied with action. Our resilience to keep moving is what guarantee success in the long run

Inaction can only breed inactivity and inactivity breeds losses and regrets.
Success though not being final, is brought to life by our actions.

Stay Awesome!