120K Steempower reached! This insane journey.

in #life6 years ago

This morning I couldn't contain myself :)

I bought some STEEM and powered it up to reach the next level of my journey.

120K Steempower.

I took me a long time to reach this.

In fact the last time I made a post like this was 7 months ago when I reached 100K.

In other words you can also say it took me 7 months to earn 2 power downs.

Yes....7 months of blogging and buying STEEM equals 2 power downs (2 weeks) for me.

Hence I have never powered down.

I would never be able to earn it back fast enough.


When it comes to SP I think I done well especially when I look at where I had to start from:

What you are looking at is probably the worst trade I ever made. (0.5 BTC - $325 back than for 82 STEEM).

It's how it all started.

Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 10.33.19.png

But 5 months later I wrote this on the 12th of December 2016 here:

I had just reached 20k SP. (I remember this period well, I was so excited about this blockchain and told everyone about it but almost no-one listened...it was so frustrating that I stopped talking about it all together except on Steemit. I started to invest in secret, throwing everything I could spare into STEEM not telling anyone what I was doing, except @ezzy).

I invest in Steemit by writing stories and being paid in Steem Power and by buying Steem on the market. Today I bought some more Steem. I am following the plan I set out for myself. I am buying a little every day and I have almost reached my goal of 20K steem. Next Stop 25K.

I only use the money I can do without to invest.

You either believe in a project or you don’t. After using Steemit for 5 months I can say that I believe Steemit has a good chance of becoming successful given enough time. This is the reason I’m investing. I’m in for the long term.

I have no interest in powering down, trying to sell high, buy low, and I’m perfectly ready to lose my money in case that I’m totally wrong about everything.

And that I have. (And notice how I say steemit..and not the Steem blockchain...because steemit was all there was.)

And in all that time since then I have seen it all.

People come and go for various reasons, different Hard Forks, a million different opinions and insane price swings.

It has never bothered me I just kept grinding.

I still do every day.

My believe in this blockchain has not faltered in-fact it has only increased.

So often do you read posts about why this place sucks.

But in the end of the day none can deny that this place has been transformed from that 'little' blogging platform it used to be to a fully grown social media platform with 60K daily active accounts in a little over 2 years with every chance to grow bigger in the future.

I'm not going anywhere :)

Next goal 150k.

I am part of witness @blockbrothers.

Please consider us for your witness vote if you think we deserve it here:

Vote for @blockbrothers via SteemConnect
Set blockbrothers as your proxy via SteemConnect

We are the creators of Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:

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Greetings, great exyle

Excellent score of sp that you hit. I'm happy with my sp 11900 hehehe. However, of course I want to increase that amount gradually. My amount of sp is smaller than your the end of 2016 hehehe.

My next goal is to reach the 20000 mark too. However, I think it will be more complicated, because next year I will begin to remove some of my steem and sbds to help me pay the Bills, because here, things are not easy. This year I joined and invested a portion of my money will be only for accumulation. Next year start to use. I think I come in January/2019 with more or less 13200 steem power on account. It's a considerable value.

I appreciate the post and the encouragement he gives us.

Thank you and good afternoon!

Congratulations on your achievement!

Nice to read words of encouragement @exyle, from a "veteran" whose "been through the wars" of disbelief, doubt, skepticism, etc. And just kept on going ... Means a lot to a "newbie" like myself.

When you catch up on your reading comments addressed to you, you'll find that I followed through on my commitment (an exchange between us in a previous post of yours several days ago ...) and vote for you (blockbrothers) as a Witness.

Your input to what I say there is welcome. It is important to me.

Thank again @exyle for doing all you have done in setting an example for the rest of us.

P.S. Portrait below not meant so much to draw attention to myself, but (to spell it out for others ...) to highlight what our Steem Community represents to us all.

Specifically, supporting fellow Steemians like @skyleap, who drew this, although we live on almost the opposite sides of the planet!

As a result of this great example of what I considered to be a "mutually beneficial transaction," I wrote a business review to do my small part to boost @skyleap's prospects for the future.

Not possible without our Steem blockchain ...

divider 123.png

Always nice to see more business on the blockchain!

I also had a logo developed for my blog a long time ago by a fellow Steemian which I used for a long time (but have replace now with our witness logo). It's indeed all possible on here.

I have not seen your vote come in for blockbrothers. I read in your comments to me that you take your voting extremely serious. Remember though that voting on this blockchain is very dynamic. You can vote and take votes away for witnesses at any time. Which makes it 'less heavy' and 'permanent' compared to elections for instance.

I wish you a great day!

Good evening @exyle. While I have returned home not finding a response from you, I was chagrined ( 😞 ) to found out what the problem was, with a little "boost" from fellow Steemian @foxon.

Fixed. Double-checked and confirmed on SteemWorld:

Now finished. As promised, +4.2 MVests committed to your designated Witness, from the accounts in which I have a controlling interest.

Going to go catch up (hopefully, much needed ...) on my rest ...

Thank you for the prompt response @exyle. 👍

"I have not seen your vote come in for blockbrothers."

Disturbing. This is what I see on the "Voting for Witnesses" page on SteemIt:

You will note it is highlighted. I had to enter my Active key to get this result. What else is there to do?

"Remember though that voting on this blockchain is very dynamic. You can vote and take votes away for witnesses at any time. Which makes it 'less heavy' and 'permanent' compared to elections for instance."

Good and fair point. And understood. Voting "in here," however, still has serious consequences for us all. I would hope we can agree voting should be well considered and done deliberately and thoughtfully or (at least to me ...) not at all.

Perhaps we can "meet in the middle" ...

All the best to you for a good day @exyle. Looking forward to your reply. Off to my "day job" ...

blocktrades != blockbrothers

Oh ... Wonderful ... 😧 Clearly, this "burning the candle at both ends" is not going so well ...

Thanks for the "assist" @foxon! 👍

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Now this is some encouragement.
I have 350, 119,650 to go!

Congretulations for the great achivements.Your hard work and dedication bring you the great fruit of success.Thanks for the inspirations.

Thank you Maya!

Congratulations on your achievement sir. Its people like you that gives us hope of growth here. Your inspiration inspires us to go all out and make it work here on Steemit. 120k reach, much more to come sir.

In terms of increase in Token value Steem has not been my best investement with the biggest increase. But factoring in the earnings from posting and curating it is without a doubt my best investment. I also feel that putting my money in SP is a safe place because Steem is not a coin that is in a “deliver or disappear situation” with big promises of what it will do in the future. It has proved itself to work very well and the Steem blockchain is growing day by day so I feel very secure that this is a good long term hold ! I bank on Steem becoming an investment that will do a lot for my future so I’m gonna continue powering up !


It is all in the mind mate, if you focus on what you want and you are willing to work hard for it and sometimes also to take risk for it, you will achieve anything you want, good on ya @exyle, happy for you

120K Steempower.

I will reach your level in 2058!

it's a brilliant milestone, you and the @blockbrothers contribute so much to this community, for you to reach 120k is big, something out of the ordinary, congratulations buddy

Thank you!

Excellent result, my friend and I congratulate you on 120K Steempower! You have come a long way and have done a great job on the Steemit, so this excellent result is a real achievement and I wish you good luck for the 150K Steempower! Well done! Thanks Mark

Awesome, man. An incredible milestone reached and thoroughly deserved. Never stop pushing, my bro. You had the vision and look how it's paid off. Bless... :)

Thanks man! And thanks for all the chats in the past and now :)

Congratulations dear @exyle! Its a huge achievement and best luck for 150k hope you will be reached your goal very early, i think eople will be inspired from you .
Great post, thanks to share.

congrats buddy. you deserve it. showing up each day, i respect that.

Congrats buddy. you
Deserve it. showing up each
Day, i respect that.

                 - teamhumble

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

yeah, your bot is broken.

Thank you!

Hi Exyle. You are where I want to be in a short time. What you have done is very impressive. I am trying to do it organically without any extra to invest. Hoping I can soon afford to put some in though. Well done and aim for 200 now. One of these days you will be very wealthy and you deserve all that is coming your way.

Next goal 150k.

Yow. I’m working towards 6K. No plans to power down.

If SMT’s turn out to be used widely, SP may turn out to be the best investment I’ve ever made.

That's an Insane achievement and you have clearly worked hard for a long time for that amount. I have been on here uploading every single day for the past 9 months grinding through the good and the bad for the same thing. Hopefully in years to come I will get there too.
Here's to being an inspiration to us all!

Awesome job on the accomplishment! I wish I had been around to listen to you back then! I have been doing my best to save up and post content. I have been on Steemit for about six months and I am hoping to reach 200 SP by the end of July. It is going to be really exciting!

Congratulations on reaching your goal. You have done amazingly well. You are my inspiration. I just keep plodding along. Perhaps one day...

LOL we all made such terrible FOMO-based trades into Steem when we first joined.... I also spent over 0.5 BTC on some Steem 😮 Definitely should have Hodled bitcoin and then waited until now or last fall to power up LMAO

I share your belief in the growth of this platform. I wish I had found this awesome platform two years ago like you did. I invest small amount that I don't mind losing in that case when I can and I post to earn when I can. I don't get much exposure and in result of that , not to much upvote from people. I will continue to grind it out because I truly love this platform over Facebook. I will strive here by persistence.

You are one of the big accounts of STEEM and your number of followers is always growing because you don´t sit on having a lot of SP, you create good content and have a huge impact in the blockchain.

@exyle,congrates brother, hope to reach 10% of ur level, n ll get an upvote frm u... xoxo


Great achievement m8!. A year of grinding and slowly but surely reaching my first goal of 10.000. Also not going anywhere trying to reach significant goals as well. Thanks for filling me in back in the days!

It's been a cool ride so far! Keep grinding man!

Congratulations! I bet it will take less time to get to 150k than what it took to get from 100k to 120k!

You see that 0.5 btc investment for 82 Steem as the worst investment but was it really? I mean its what got you started here and probably what kept you here! Imagine where would you be without Steem right now? I used to browse Reddit daily and i barely even go there now! Steem takes all my procrastination time now :^)

That's a good point!


I was so excited about this blockchain and told everyone about it but almost no-one listened..

I feel you brother I told all these people who didn't listen, and showed them numbers in Dec of 2017 and they still didn't care, no matter what I say they won't join and post on Facebook for free.

Isn’t this a sad truth? Facebook annoys me now and I don’t like going on there. Steem is the place for me by far 🙌🏻

Congratulations! I adore your dedication to the blockchain and your vision. You deserve all the success imaginable. Keep it up and you are the no1 shining example of success on STEEM! 🙏

Thank you so much.

Do you get some form of special magic from the green egg? Tremendous results you have and a great motivational post to keep people focused on powering up and investing for a future state which will be significantly better that the current state.

Congratulations! And thank you for being part of the reason STEEM was worth more today.

Im still working on getting to 500SP I get closer to the mark every day.

I go no where too....... Yes a better advancements in here for you and as for me steemit is here and is here to stay ain't a ponzi scheme where everyone and everything is based on luck but in here is to figure it out how things, move and just following the trend looking into meeting people and building a great community......... Congratulations to the lastest achievement in life in here hope for the very best.

I like hearing about your strategies and how you know where you're heading @exyle.

Are you saying you got to 20K SP within 6 months of being on Steemit? 😱

Yes, but not by blogging alone, I bought too. 20K SP sounds a lot but back then it wasn't great. My upvote was worth around 3 cents back then (40 times a day).

No wonder you say those people who powered down in the early days were making a big mistake @exyle.

I think you were more correct than you even realise.

This is an example of what it is like now . . .

I have been here just over 6 months. I have posted every day except Christmas day and my birthday, usually 4 times a day. I have made more than 12,000 posts.

I have managed to buy 120 Steem.

I have won a number of competitions giving me SBD and Steem.

I have been gifted a few delegations of 200 SP for different periods of time.

Even with all that, I have yet to reach 800 SP. 😂

I'm always torn between diversifying and forging on toward 100K.
(85 currently). Between securing small stakes in other promising chains like Smartcash, other assets on the Steem chain (Steem monsters, Pockets etc) and diversifying into physical silver (2018 Steem coins are in the mail), there are so many excellent investment choices.
I'm aiming for 90K by Christmas.
100K by 2020.

85K is a lot man! If this blockchain goes were I think it's going that be more than enough to make you very happy :)

And I would never fault anyone for diversifying. That is a smart thing to do.

Congratulations on your new heights...you've been inspiring to say the least and your love for the steem blockchain is quite obvious for all to see.

I recently got about 170 steem from my little BTC holdings after I read your post about the beauty about steem when there is a price dump. I'm pretty happy about that. I doubt iI I will invest in bitcoin anytime soon...my focus is strictly on steem for the now. Maybe some altcoins every now and then.

Without knowing I've been adopting your more since I got on here, buying sbd and steem, mostly using the sbd to pay for bidbots that have helped increased my sp a little.

I am going nowhere myself 😂

Job well done !!

Can you share what percentage you bought and what percentage you earned from the platform ?

I don't know exactly. Although someone can probably claw it out of the blockchain. I like to believe it's around 50/50.

Tks for the reply.

You've really shown your confidence in this platform. I hope it pays off for you in the longer term. We need more big players to spread the benefits.

Congrats! And cool little post!

Thank you, man!

You set a goal and you reached it, you actually did all you could to reach the set goal, you persistently pushed & you reached it, that's highly commendable!
You keep laying a groundwork for us to follow and of course encouraging moves for minnows to emulate.
Congrats @exyle.
Road to 150k SP is now opened..🤔🙂

Well said @exyle! This blockchain is growing bigger by the day, people just look at price swings, which don’t represent the growth currently taking place. The market is going sideways right now and I think it’s a good time to keep accumulating SP, I wasn’t here when you had 7 cents Steem unfortunately but I’m doing my best to increase my stake as much as I can 😃

The reason STEEM went to 7 cent was because a lot of people were selling and almost nobody believed in this blockchain anymore. Buying was not as easy back then as people like to believe in hindsight :)

I think your stake is very decent man!

I guess the risk-reward back then is well deserved for those who bought at those levels, anyway thank you! I would like to slowly become an orca 😁 but you never know with these markets, it could easily spike to 20 dollars as bulls come back and I will never be able to accumulate that much vests at that point only through blogging and investing every now and then.

Wow...That is simply amazing. Your story is so inspiring and motivational- it just goes to show that consistency and hard work always pay off. I am sure many others including me will follow your example. Keep steeming, congratulations and well done:)

Congratulations @exyle on reaching a tremendous goal! I am slowly powering up but it is taking a long time for me! I am so happy for your accomplishment! It is funny, before reading this post I had actually just voted for blockbrothers as witness for steemit.

Again, many congratulations my friend!

Aloha Exyle,

I just read this post again.
It is encouraging, so I read it from time to time, so I know I am not the only one who feels this way.
I just started in cryptocurrency in February and built two miners. Then I learned about POS and started staking several coins and boy have I learned a lot about staking, coin inflation, scam coins and similar stuff. I then learned about masternodes and finally learned about Steemit in April. I can honestly say, that if I could go back in time I would buy Steem instead of miners, staking coins and maybe even masternodes. The learning curve for cryptocurrency is steep and expensive. But what’s past is past. I am very sure Steem is a good long term investment and I am investing all my extra money in it. I believe the platform provides good return for those who invest in it and learn how to earn Steem and Steem power daily. I post daily and use all the upvote bots I can afford. I am learning lots about the value of the different components and I try to write about my journey thus far to share my fails and triumphs, although I don’t call it that...perhaps I should. Hmmm an idea there...probably not original...but new to me 😊
Any way pardon the length, I want to get to 100,000 SP in a year. I have 1300 now and and it comes from a combination of daily staking rewards, masternode rewards and posting as much as I can. It’s a lofty goal I know, but why settle for mediocre goals right? I shoot for the stars and dedicate myself to it.
Congratulations on reaching 100,000 SP! That’s a great achievement!

Thanks for helping to raise the price of Steem. Buy more! ;) lol

Indeed a great achievement, i am sure you will achieve the next goal of 150k much earlier than expected...

Yep, once you start gaining this kind of momentum it's a slippery slide into success!! ;) good luck!

Its insane thats a lot power to get this up wow congrates man. Hope best wishes for your journy

Great news mr. exyle , you are very good worker .
Keep good work of every time .

Thanks for sharing @exyle
Upvote you .

wow congratulations

next step is 150K and Im sure you will reach that sooner than you expect to

Congratulations to you.hardwork is always rewarded by a success.

Really nice :) This does show everyone that you can be successfull here if you post good content :)

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