Eating ribs with friends. Blockbrothers first monthly meeting :)

in #life7 years ago

Tonight I had a nice meal with my friends @bennierex and @eqko.

Together with @s3rg3 (who sadly had to cancel at the last moment), we recently formed a group called @blockbrothers.

Our intention is to build cool tools and apps for the Steem Blockchain.

We are old friends and we grew up on the same street together.

We go way back.

(If you wonder how far back, just check this video from Ben and me when we were seven link. In total, I have known him for 33 years. The others for about 28 :) )


All of them are on Steemit and they wanted to know all the things I learned from SF2.

I said to them: why don't we have a nice meal and some beers and I'll tell you all about it.'

They liked the idea so we went out tonight.

I already know a new tradition is born. A monthly tradition. Eating ribs and drinking beer talking about STEEM ideas.

We are currently working on a notification app.

@bennierex is the programmer, @eqko the designer. @s3rg3 came up with some awesome ideas and well they have chartered me to promote it :)

I have been running an alpha version on my phone for about 3 weeks and I can't live without it anymore. It's the best way to stay informed.

I showed it to a few people on Steemfest and it was very well received there too.

On SF2 I learned STEEM inc is working on a mobile wallet with notifications. It might throw a wrench into our plans but that's the risk of the game. If anything we just have fun and we are already toying with new ideas.

@bennierex said if Apple works with us a little bit we can have a private/public beta out within the next two weeks.

I'm really happy because I never really felt that I could contribute to the value of the blockchain besides making blogs but now through this group I can.

Just four friends combining their strengths to make something cool.

Pretty cool stuff :)


It sounds wonderful. You guys are having fun.
Enjoy it.
By the way keep pushing your project and i do have testflight and I can test it out.
Thanks to steemit we can all be happy and enjoy with you this tasty meal.
Keep on steemit.

That's cool, thanks!. Soon as @bennierex is ready I'll find you. We are going to need some testers.

nice post my friend, well many congrats on building this app that's a fantastic development indeed, i am glad to see you guys doing excellent work to contribute in steem blockchain as well in shape of this notification app and i am so excited to see it's beta phase launched so we can use it and get notified in time, wow that 1994 video is beautiful both of you are looking so cute while playing that monopoly game, Wishing you all the very best for each and every one of your future endeavors! Stay awesome

Look at these goofy bastards.
Somebody should get that bald guy a hat. 😉
Well I know I have three episodes of Hots or Shots when I come to the Netherlands.

I hope this all works out man. If I say so myself, I think Steemify is going to be pretty awesome in itself and I’m looking forward to other great projects in the future!

@exyle I strive to do a daily post and I want to be just like you when I Grow UP........Thank You for all you do by putting your Heart into making STEEM a better place for all.............

The apps idea is good and all but with a name like blockbrothers I think y'all should start a band!! :0)

New Kids on the Blockchain.

lol, who knows! the blockstreet boys.

Hehe, catchy!

Hahaaha totally agree with this !

Go for it @blockbrothers!
That's a winning team right there :)


Waiting for the app @exyle
I will surly try your app. In this artical you said that we are old friends and know each other,one from him is programmer,one is designer,you the promoter and the another one is the man who came up with idea.
This is the perfect friends combo you get to create a app or anny project.
So best of luck.

This is the first time I heard about BlockBrothers! That would be an awesome too indeed! Hope you will build PC version of it too! And more tools can be here too! Wish you all great of success!


Sounds like a great plan and what better than beer and ribs to get the creativity flowing! Enjoy guys!

Thanks, eric!

That's cool, i hope your app will be needed even after steemit mobile version )) enjoy your ribs !

On SF2 I learned STEEM inc is working on a mobile wallet with notifications. It might throw a wrench into our plans but that's the risk of the game. If anything we just have fun and we are already toying with new ideas.

If your app is released first, at least you will be able to provide steemit with suggestions based on user feedback. All of your efforts will no go to waste.

You are right, an excellent article and an interesting story about your meeting for a beer, where you discuss the future of Steemit and all those novelties invented by you. Thank you and keep us informed @exyle :)

Well done to the four of you, Nothing like a good feed and a few ales to clear the mind and solve all the problems, steem first, the worlds next month.
Please keep us updated on progress.

The power of friendship and Steem! How far will it go?

You should master planing about steem blockchain together other masterclasses friends. Its nice fun with beer, then more creative.
Go ahead with massive hits @exyle.

It's awesome you have friends that you've known for so long. Good to see you combining work with pleasure in such a nice way :)

Sorry I couldn't make it fellows. I had to pick up my new glasses. I' sure we'll make it up soon. Those ribs taste amazing from what I can remember!

It sounds wonderful. You guys are having fun.
Enjoy it.nice post my friend,many congrats friend.

still no mention of visits to the gym... Please try to regain your physical momentum.

woaahh cool ♥

It would be great sound with beer fun. Also having great discussion.
What about it? steem mobile wallet is attractive. best wishes @exyle.

wow nice place nice meet i also meet you of my blog @exyle

Interesting, can't wait for it to release on to Apple's ecosystem :)

Best wishes for ur tools and work. Nice post

@exyle - Sir this is a good news & nice tool you & your friends are developing.... I hope to use this tool for my mobile Sir....
To get more audience, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

wow that's great to know about them you all seem to have a great time spend together : )

Ok I think this is going to be an kick ass app ! Awesome friendship you have :)

I simply love your articles, what great content and quality of posting you offer the community here on Steemit and abroad.

Thanks a lot :)

Best of luck with it !
Buddies for lifetime!!