Vlog 263: MSP radio Witness panel with @andrarchy is a must listen + Crypto prices slowly nearing my targets.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

If you haven't listened to it yet, listen to @andrarchy defending this blockchain more than ever before on the MSP radio Witness panel here.

@andrarchy is the Content Director for Steemit.

He calls the steem blockchain the 'blockchain of opportunity' which I love because that's exactly what it is.

This blockchain enables anyone to build and create on top of it and there are chances here for anyone that decides to take them.

It's also one of the only blockchains with a working product.

He's defending the team developing this blockchain. They are working their ass of every single day building this blockchain for us making 60 hours a week with little to no vacation time.

He's talking about the comparison between ERC-20 tokens and SMT's but also Automatic Market Makers and ICO's.

He also mentions improvements in the signup process.

You will learn a lot in an hour. He's really growing into his role.

And o yeah....he also mentions this.

The STEEM blockchain is handling more transactions than all other blockchains combined.

Just look under average, that is impressive:

Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 11.14.48.png

I am a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

We build Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:

▶️ DTube

Steem is here to stay.
We have to strengthen this token for us.
Keep on steemin'

Glad to know that "The STEEM blockchain is handling more transactions than all other blockchains combined.", this itself is an great achievement for the team behind Steem Blockchain, credit also goes to all the witnesses as well...

Great video.
I am buying crypto on every drop since Bitcoin 12K.
Never thought we would go this low.
So next time I will take profits earlier and wait for many months to buy back lower.
Are you going to buy at Bitcoin 6K or will you wait even longer and buy lower?

I'm a buyer @ that point.

Belive it or not, I do follow your advice. I’m in crypto for about 6 months only and until now I didn’t go emotionally through this crypto bear market cycle, only in stock market. All I know is, this is already 7th correction in crypto if I’m not mistaken. Just like people said when bitcoin was at 20K “this time is different” many of them are saying the same “this time is different” they think they have a good reason to sell or stay on the sideline, because they say it will go to zero or it’s over for crypto. I say, it’s a mistake. This time is not different, it’s just another correction just like many times before. Few days ago I purchased some bitcoin and ETH and if Steem gets to $1.00 I will by Steem as well. Most importantly, I can’t wait when it finaly turns around. Right now I’m excited to be able to take an advantage of these discounted prices.

Your targets to buy were super low and I was not expecting STEEM to reach it, but I was always with you on BTC, my signal to buy is very very close and I´m going to buy some more BTC very likely.

For me this is the bottom for all coins, It´s an amazing time to buy because the bounce back will happen, just diversify your portfolio and you will be fine.

Happy Easter to Mark and Bianca @exyle and @bkdbkd ...............Thank You Mark for your daily VLOG and all of the Great Crypto Info that you bring to us........

Happy Easter man!

It's April and we are thinking POSITIVE Thoughts !

I completely agree with this term blockchain of opportunity.This is what steem is.The STEEM blockchain is handling more transactions than all other blockchains combined.This line is the most inspiring news for me.Because under this circumstance we need some light of hope.Thanks for sharing with us.

Yes they are doing harder to make sure it is online a more time in a week.good steps. @exyle

you are a right sir..your thought always good and orginal..your daily experience discussion helped us for all steemians.becsuse its very important for steemit work matter i appreciate your post.. This is what steem is.The STEEM blockchain is handling more transactions than all other blockchains combined.This line is the most inspiring news for me. blockchain of opportunity that changed in life of many people..thanks to sharing for your good post..good job sir..@exyle

This is great news! Thank you for the followup.
I really am starting to very much enjoy the Steemit Platform and D-Tube integration. Looking forward to the future and going to be embracing it.

Appreciate your insight and the link.

Wow this is something wonderful at the end of the Steem Blockchain that it is gaining more and more attention.

The STEEM blockchain is handling more transactions than all other blockchains combined.

The price of Steem and SBD is so low at this time, one of my friend is really interested to buy steem and now i am going to give him a yelling shout "Go for it Man"

Thanks for the updates @xyle
Hope so your hand is better now :)

He is absolutely right! It is a block chain of opportunity that changed th life of many people and gave many developers the chance to show their work. This is the future :)

More than any combined, top notch!

Will give a listen, always liked andrarchy's style

Nearly forgot about that witness talk, thanks for mentioning it! Those stats from blocktivity are pretty impressing to say the least. I think I've used them at least dozens of times myself to prove that Steem actually has pretty decent scaling.

Hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend. Thanks for doing all the great vlogs! You explain things so well. It's nice to know that the blockchain is alive and doing extremely well.

Thank you!

Listening to technical explanations is a little discouraging as a content creator. I have no knowledge of the need or means to tweak a token. I can only be patient and hope I am not left behind.
The broadcast was very interesting from my limited understanding.

I’m going to listen to this this afternoon @exyle. I’ve been seeing a lot of negativity floating around the community, specifically on a lack of communication so I can point people to this podcast. I’ve gotten in to a lot of areas that’ve exponentially bettered my life that I wouldn’t have access to without Steemit, so I wholeheartedly agree that STEEM is a blockchain of opportunity.

It's worth it. Good information there.

I had watched the MSP Radio Waves Witness Panel and I am mindblown by the amount of content in it.

@andrarchy had been aggressively defending the STEEM blockchain repeating many times that the blockchain had the most transactions than most of the cryptos on the planet combined and the passion is there for this person. I feared that displeasing words could be heard but unfortunately, it was not.

I was certain that the future of this blockchain is bright and we could see light at the end of the tunnel. Upvoted!

Yes sir,he's really growing into his role.

Crypto prices slowly nearing my targets. same here hope it will be helpful for both of us.

Thanks for this piece sharing here.

Great Information You are a wonderful and successful person providing us with the best information
Non-fixed electronic currencies can not be expected

well said @exyle, I always appreciate your words about crypto market.

Crypto prices slowly nearing my targets.

Yes, I quet agree with you that it's really a blockchain of opportunity.
But I will prefer to called it, a blockchain of a great opportunities.
It has been a source of revenue for many users and allow people such as developers to maximize their potential.
Thanks for sharing with us @exyle

It awesome to see that much activity on the steem blockchain and also to hear developers defending their work.

The dips is really causing FUDS
Good thing blockchain has come to stay

what a moment!

steem this time too handling more transactions than ever that is really great and bitcoin nearly under $6K soon :D

Thank you for uploading this video. I am new to Steemit/DTube , but since listening to your videos I have learned a great deal of what Steemit is all about. Thank you for your advice, and thumbs UP on this video.

votes me ya exyle