Leftover cooking - Making a healthy meal before traveling to London! Rice with lemon-garlic chicken with peppers and spinach.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

It's the day before Bianca and I travel to London to visit our friends @ezzy and @rea.

Normally I'm pretty anxious about traveling.

(I wrote about this before....I'm not the greatest at leaving)

But this time is different.

This time I don't have to go to the airport and struggle to get there on time.

I'm going by train!

All I have to do is get to Central Station Rotterdam 30 minutes before the train leaves and that's easy!

You can also bring all the food and drinks that you want on board.


Tonight we decided to eat all the leftovers in the fridge.

I hate to waste food in general.

I managed to make a pretty decent meal with what I found.

Rice with lemon garlic chicken with peppers and spinach.

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Ingredients: Red peppers, bell peppers, bacon, spring onions, 1 lime, rice, 2 chicken breasts, wok paste and a half a bag of Spinach. Not a bad leftover yield!


As usual prep all your stuff before you start cooking. Cut all the vegetables and the chicken.

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Since Bianca ( @bkdbkd) thought me how to make rice the Brasilian way I don't make it any other way anymore. Put oil in a pan and fry some garlic then add the rice and fry for 2 minutes. Also, add salt.

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Now add the water to just under and let it simmer. The rice will slowly absorb all the water add more if you need to.

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Get a wok and heat it up then add oil.

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Add the bacon and fry. When it's a bit crispy add the chicken. Fry until it has a nice color.

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Time to add the vegetables. First all the peppers.

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Then add the spinach. It will shrink in seconds.

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Add the lime (just squeeze it by hand) and the wok paste.

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Yes! It's starting look like something I would like to eat! I added the spring onions and stirred all for 2 minutes.

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End Result! Great taste. Not bad at all for leftovers! I did also find some salad. Decided to eat that too. If last time London is anything to go on it won't be the most healthy experience :)

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Everything is getting clearer.
Good trip and stay warm.
Stay safe as well and share with us a lot of pictures and cool souvenirs.
Keep on steemit.

Really it s a healthy food, it looks delicious..I am a lover of rice..Good appetite and nice trip.

Thank you. It's good to start the trip on a healthy note :)

Yes really a healthy and protein food

wish you a very safe journey, my favouright witness

Thank so much man!

you are welcome

Amazing!!! The food looks colorful and delicious, thanks @exyle for sharing the recipe with top quality pictures and have safe journey to London.

Thank you!

Have Safe Journey
use Youtube For Self Work Like Cooking Etc..

This seems delicous. Always wanted to make cooking videos, and i think i'll start doing it on DTube. I had no idea you were from The netherlands? Anyway, greetings from Denmark, hope you guys will have a nice trip :)

Thank you! You should. D.tube is a great place!

I just love traveling. I liked London a lot. I watched football game between my country Slovenia and England at Wembley. Going by train is best way to go. Enjoy.

I wonder what it will be like! Thank you.

Mark, Nice that you find an alternative way to travel. And it is much more convenient for you, so a very good choice.
Mhhh I wish to have those ingredients in my fridge as well, doesn’t look as left overs at all.
Dish looks delicious and I trust you had a good dinner with Bianca.
Have a good trip, enjoy and take care!

wonderfull idea your journey on train it is a good and feel free journy on train and the best experience of life when we have some long travel on traine always best wishes for you and speciall in you journy

I hope working out is going as well as your meals, that looks pretty healthy.
I'm curious what restaurants you will visit in London. Safe travels !

Not that great with the workouts atm. After London is my queue to start again.

well you always love foods and new tasty recpies i get from you many time and its good to know that you dont waste food and dont like wasting food ,,, and also it will the your wonderfull journy via train with bianca wish u best for your travelling @exyle and hope we see your posts from london

Thank you so much! All the best!

you know how to cook :D


I love cooking. Grilling even more!

It's nice to travel with a means comfortable to so you would not be nervous in your trip

Have a safe journey on the train and fun in London


looking delicious.. when is the dutch meetup..;-) can't wait to also taste some BBQ skills..

safe travels and enjoy london! :)

Thanks man!

I am fascinated by the rice especially. I have dry roasted my rice before but never given it a bit of a fry with garlic. Sounds ace!

That's a nice meal. I had dinner with your sister, Thomas, and little Sam.
Call me tonight will you? I want to say goodbye before you go and I leave for France coming Sunday!

rice is not very healthy :)
BUT SEE MUCH TASTY! I live in Turkey and we have some of my recipes similar. they are very similar to them. I'm sure it's big. thank you for sharing :)
by the way, what is "wok paste"?

I think that rice is very healthy! Why do you think that it's not?

Rice isn't healthy? That's new! Lol

That's a fine looking meal
Food wasting often comes from not knowing how to cook or handle and respect food in general.
Great post and nice travel ! :)

Healthy and tasty, safe travels and I'm sure we will see some pics of your time in London!

Thank you! I'm sure you will!

wow so cool man on cool journy best of luck and have a safe journey exyle sir.
this tasty and so delecious food attract me to eat it now sir

Nice, have a great time! If you ever head up to Manchester, feel free to hit me up for some recommendations of places to go! (It’s mainly food, because FOOD GOOD)

Looks healthy and delicious! Have an awesome time in London my friend. You @ezzy and @rea should consider coming out to Dublin, Ireland in March. @eroche, @misslasvegas and I are thinking about organizing a good ol' Irish STEEM meet up for the weekend of ST. Patricks Day!

Will there be beer? :)

We’re talkin Ireland on St Patty’s Day @exyle.........

looks incredible!

Pretty good left overs dinner if you ask me. Enjoy your time with your friends in England. Have a safe trip.

You remind me of myself, eating super healthy before an all out binge fest bwahahah.. Travel binges are the best though so enjoy yourself and take lots of pictures! lol :)

Same here completely hate food waste cant believe how much gets chucked away, wow thats awesome going by train I would love to try that one day how long is the journey on tracks then @exyle ?

Around 4 hours it should take.

That's perfectly made with love and deliciousness wow looks Incredible :D

You never ever waste food that's a great positive thing we should all learn from you the dish looks so amazing and delicious thanks for sharing :)

wow wow perfect thing to do before travelling have a great time ahead bro :)

Dry frying rice of any kind seems to make the rice taste better even if u are just making a white rice! It gives it color & taste! Your dish looks delicious! Have fun on your adventure! Very new here, but as a foodie myself all the posts about food I just love!

Nice post and looks tasty. Never tried that wok pasta before.

Groeten uit Rotterdam ;)


Oh, I just remembered that I'm hungry when I have seen this.

Leftovers always makes the best dishes!

Teaching us how to cook rice, hmm

Congratulationes friend your food is very nice from see, I imagine to eat you deleite all audience

That you can make this dish with leftovers is great. good example for others. Good journey by train, the storm is almost gone so that will be fine!

Bon appetite @exyle!

Great time to be the biggest blogger here on Steemit isn't it ? :P

Very resourceful. When I have leftovers, I just make fried rice.

@exyle You must be an amazing cook! You make me hungry every time with your veggies! Enjoy your trip!


Excellent application of the remaining products, my friend and the fact that you are an excellent culinary expert, I understood long ago by your recipes and you do not cease to amaze us with this. The dish is just fine, as I'm also a big fan of different meats, and if it's with fragrant spices and vegetables, it's really amazing! Thank you Mark for a great recipe and let us know about your trip to London!

@exyle wow yum yum looking delicious i have water in my mouth

Amazing looking so testy.

If that what you cook with what's left over I would love to see what you make when your fridge is fully stocked . Safe travels !!!!!

That's made me hungry... peeling myself off the keyboard to the fridge 😂

Wow really healthy food! Could you maybe make a video please next time? when if possible is :)

😀😀😀 😀😀😀 ⤵⤵⤵
Thank you very much friends,,I like your post,,your post is very nice,,, you are talented
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹... (-_-)

the food is delicious and what an experience that would have been simply outstanding....

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