When a slow roast works out! Pulled pork sandwich.

in #life6 years ago

This is a smile of a happy man.

It's Bianca's Birthday party today and after a grill session of 9 hours yesterday here it was time today to tear into the pork neck.

The result was awesome!


Reheating this piece took way longer than I anticipated. About 40 minutes until the internal temp was back at 45-50c.


I then finally got to play with my new toys! The bear claws! Man, they worked a threat. 100% better than two tiny forks and seven hundred times more manly, lol.


After this bear was done :)


And finally the end result as served to the guests. A nice bun with coleslaw and a nice pile of pulled pork on top!


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Ive never put coleslaw on a sanwich before hmmmm now Im thinking...i'm gunna try t out now lol :))

I only do it with pulled pork, it's a classic.

Wow that looks good. Where did you get the bear claws? Im stuck using forks!

You can order them online. I wrote about them here

My God, friend that looks very good, it's worth the wait of 9 hours for this to be so great, it made my mouth water jajajaja good advantage my dear friend, enjoy that banquet with your friends. And I give my congratulations to your beloved Bianca, may God bless you greatly and for you too, my dear friend, you are a sun, a good companion of that excellent lady.

A great sandwich, my friend and you have achieved an amazing result! Therefore, at once I want to congratulate Bianca on my birthday and wish her all the best! Yes, you did a great job with your meat and this bear did its job, tearing the meat into small pieces, which of course was very good for a sandwich with all kinds of additives and spices, it looks terrific and super appetizing. Well done! Thanks Mark


To start with a very happy birth day @Bianca. Wish you a happier life forever and party hard. Thanks for sharing @exyle. That grilled pork of yours. This special dish of yours is lovely. Those bear claws are awesome.

@exyle a happy birthday for his wife Bianca.
You look terrifying with those bear claws in your hands, how great it works on the flesh, without udas it's better than two forks. ! What fun!
Have a wonderful day and a good weekend


I am not a meat eater, but I like the bun!

Well, Happy Birthday to Bianca... and well done on a successful slow grilling! I know it can seem like a lot of work, but the result is well worth it. I hope you guys have a brilliant day!

As for that manly-man meat tearing device you have there, is that some special kind of Dutch grill accessory? Haven't seen anything quite like it before...

Thank you and it's called bear claws. You can find them from many brands. Mine are called grill guru bear claws.

That looks really great Mark, I think the taste was also great. I hope Bianca has a marvelous birthday. I am curious to know what your birthday gift to her was. I will call her tomorrow to hear all about today. Sjoerd and I wish you and Bianca a lovely evening.

Thank you, It was a great party and I'll let her tell you :)

I have to say this home made burger 🍔 looks way more delicious than McDonald’s. I don’t eat out any burgers at all, but I wouldn’t mind this one.
Once again

Happy Birthday to Bianca!

Happy birthday to you is Bianca poses happy, hum I love pork sandwich here on my plain eat a lot are very delicious

First of: that looks really tasty!

Second: Where did you got those buns from? I've never seen premade buns that are connected to each other.

Thanks! And the soft buns are very common in the Netherlands. You can buy them from any supermarket or bakery. Dutch name is: Kadetten, usually come in 4 or 10. They look like this and they come with different seeds as well.

Viva la man claws!!!

Ahhh that is so delicious @exyle, you can use apple juice and inject it to the meat to marinate it and it will give the best pulled pork ever.

That's a cool trick! Thanks!

I doubt there are leftovers. But if there are: send them to Norway!!!

Wow...you outdid yourself this time. The burgers look fantastic and am sure they were finger-licking good. Happy birthday and many returns of the day to Bianca. Wishing her the very best. Hopefully you guys are going out dancing tonight :)

Glad it all went well. That looks really yummy @exyle. Did you eat outside? The temperature has dropped a lot here. 😊

It's way more pleasant now!

Your bear claws were lethal in tearing that meat apart. Happy birthday to your lovely lady Bianca. She must be really proud of your cooking skills. what a good thing to do for your partner, you are so sweet, hope she appreciates.

Many many hapy birthdau to bianca. Wow. Its amazing party. Everything is perfect.

Wish you a happier life forever and party hard. Thanks for sharing @exyle. That grilled pork of yours.
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Nom Nom! Looks delicious!

so tasty 😋 enjoy

wao! the final product looks super delicious.

At first happy birthday to Bianca and many many happy returns of the day with Exyle who loves you lot and best wishes for you. This is from me for you...

unnamed (1).gif

Secondly your last food photography looking very very testy and delicious and also liked your bear clows toys playing that really enjoyed, thanks and have a great day with Bianca.

delicious food
have a nice day

Oh my god! Congrats Bianca it's your birth day today. Many many happy returns of the day. Live happily and share with us too. BIANCA for sure is blessed she gets to eat this grilled pork on occasions. It is a wonder recipe @exyle. You specialise it. I have tried it once but the meat just got too black. Any suggestions for improvement.

Oh thats nice. Happy Birthday to Bianca :D
I didnt tried that burger before, but will in the future. Looks very yummy :D

Hi exyle. You have done Bianca proud. That is my kind of food.

Now that is amazing food! I'm hungry! happy birthday to Bianca!

Hey exyle.
I like your passion for food.

One of the best feeling we can have in this world is when we know what we're trying to cook is perfectly matched with what we're expecting in look and in taste. It seems you were able to do it @exyle!

One of the best feeling we can have in this world is when we know what we're trying to cook is perfectly matched with what we're expecting in look and in taste. It seems you were able to do it @exyle!

One of the best feeling we can have in this world is when we know what we're trying to cook is perfectly matched with what we're expecting in look and in taste. It seems you were able to do it @exyle!

Happy happy birthday to Bianca!

These pictures made me so hungry:)

Wow quite a nice idea that was great sandwich it turned out to be :)

Oh, man! That worked out awesome! The guest must have enjoyed this feast. I think I need a pair of these bear claws!

That is awesome! I am glad that it turned out so well for you. My wife and I did a turkey breast on the grill yesterday for dinner. It always turns out so good. I don't think I would cook a turkey any other way now. I was hoping to get a pork shoulder smoked this summer, but time has just not allowed for that. I definitely need to get me some of those claws now!