Vlog 266: South Korea was buying STEEM/SBD + The Hardfork Series (and steemit.com) was mentioned in Forbes.

in #life6 years ago

Yesterday we had a nice jump in the STEEM price.

I have been trying to find reasons why it happened.

But first who was buying?

Most of the volume came once again from South Korea, Upbit exchange.

This picture is from today but yesterday volume was way higher: 59,563,800.

Thank you Upbit :)

Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 10.50.28.png

On the fundamental level, I could only find two good reasons.

The Hivemind update by the steemit team and the other was an article on forbes.com about the Hardfork Series where also Steemit.com is mentioned.

Article: here.

from the article:

“The HardFork series is one of the first projects of its scope to take this nontraditional, decentralized fundraising path,” explains Karr, who early on saw cryptocurrency’s potential for his projects. “For HardFork, Steemit.com was an obvious place to start with our community building and initial funding; it’s where we raised our incubation money.”

Steemit.com is a cryptocurrency-backed social media platform where artists earn money for content they post. The team raised an initial 30k on the platform by creating and sharing content, which was enough to produce a teaser trailer. The teaser debuted at Steemit’s annual conference in Lisbon, Portugal last November, where it received tremendous audience support.

The trailer for the serie:

I talk about it more in my vlog.

ps. If you know my vlogs you probably are familiar with my inability to look into the camera for a long time. I tried to work on that today but noticed it takes about 30% of my brainpower just to remember to do that so it's all a bit slower today. Let me know if this is something I should pursue.

ps2. This is the Steemwhales link I refer to in my vlog here

I am a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

We build Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:

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I'm very happy about the jump in price. Sounds like hardfork series is setting a pace for the greatest future

no wonder there was a bit of a jump of a price yesterday, and i'm proud that forbes mentioned it too, facebook now has a problem in privacy and steemit will provide a solution to that. :)

That's true is Facebook the next Myspace? that is the question to determine if #Steemit will be a true success.

Sooner or later everything will flip to the limit where prices will be irrelevant.
Just stick around and the horizon is getting clearer.
Keep on steemin'

Have you noticed overall in cryptocurency when there are bad news itnpiles up one after another and it automatically pushes the price down. Than all of the sudden bad news disappear and good news start to pile up. This gets me thinking is this psychology of humans when bad news come they tend to concentrate on bad things and the same when it comes to good news? Anyway I honestly e that good news will actually start to pipe up and we see higher Steem prices as well as overall crypto.
BTW: the camera is fine to me! Dtube is getting better!

Mark @exyle Interesting perspective on Hardfork. I watched the Trailer and I don't really have an opinion good or bad so we will see what develops. As for the price of STEEM and SBD yes it was nice to see the rise yesterday and if it comes back down again then I know you and I are waitiong to get more...............

I did not notice any difference in style or delivery speed. Looking into the camera is a non-issue for me. I am curious... how can you measure your personal brain power usage? I do not have such capacity.

That takes an additional 50% brain power to know how to correctly measure brain power.

I think it looks a lot more natural when you are not looking straight at the camera.

Great! Back to the regular program next time. It made me feel uncomfortable anyway.

Wayhay!! That's good. It's a bit fighty looking straight into the camera!! :0D

I agree. It looks like he is giving real thought to what he is saying.

Yes, about the increase in volume coming in from the south Korean market, @dragosroua mentioned that yesterday. Personally, I believe much of the pump resulted from the Hivemind update from the development team. That and others as you mentioned likely cause that little pump.

On the issue of bidbots, I don't really wanna talk about them anymore. Let's just see what the future holds but if things are not done in moderation, then someday it will get worse.

Let me know if this is something I should pursue

I noticed a bit of a struggle trying to keep your eye on the camera today. I think it's been in you quite a long time that you will have to work a lot more in order to be able to do it effortlessly. Off course, it's something I think you should work on. It's necessary to try to focus on the camera when talking to people. Diverting your eyes from the camera have a little negative effect on your audience attention.

Good morning dear, about your ps.
I just watched your video and I noticed that it looked if you had a big bandage on your right ear, I even saw some blood. But later I saw that it was the sun that caused it! I even didn't see your whole face on the screen. The lower part of your face (your beard) was hidden.
I like the way you look into the camera on the other video's better than on this one.

It was great to notice that for the first time, I didn't have to wait a few minutes to watch your video. It played/loaded immediately. Did they do something at Dtube to make this happen?

i think if you are comfortable with a style of talking then go with it. the more natural you feel the better. if you feel like you don't know who you are talkin at, who's behind the camera and that makes you feel weird don't do it. simples! :) i think the vlog style was fine anyway because you impart information from an honest mental place. all good dude.

Thanks for the feedback, man!

Just do your naturals, never noticed you didnt look into the camera that much. Nevertheless it looks good anyway :) .. if you have an solution for removing wrinkels in my face on cam , let me know.... i'm looking older every day lol !!

I have accepted that faith (wrinkles). It works for me :)

Thats perhaps the best option... :)

I had a hunch the South Korea was buying lot of Steem and price went up on Monday when Korean Traders usually buy most on Monday.

Ha, ha, ha! I just watched the hard fork video @exyle and I have no idea what it was about or what the point of it was!!! 😂 😂 😂

Maybe it's not aimed at my generation???

I highly highly doubt that the TV show is having impact on steem's price.

Of course, they were buying. So many people are working on different apps for steemit. Just as an investment it's already a good choice.

I took this opportunity to make more STEEM! It was sudden rise and I went to a sell call and buy back when it drops!


The koreans are big fans of steem since at least last year, so I hope they are just getting started :)

I think you look more natural when you're not trying to look at the camera. I liked the way you were doing the vlogs. Don't change things if they aren't broken!

Thank you for the feedback. I going back to the old ways :)

South korea loves steem in bulk that's what we love too which is great and great to see that trailer looks good :D

Sorry to ask @exyle, I am a first timer on your blog. Is your inability to look in the camera a medical condition?

HAHAHA, no man, I just think better when moving about I guess :)

Okay, good.

Morning @exyle. The hard fork series looks interesting. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Thanks for the heads up and the Steemwhales link. I really like that idea myself because it means the community can have more of a voice about what they do and don't want with regard bots.

I didn't notice that you don't look into the camera so, from my point of view, I would say just keep on doing what you've always done! 😍

Thanks for the feedback!

I don't mind that you are not always looking at the camera. In fact, I think it adds to your style as it appears you are giving serious thought to what you are saying. I don't think anyone will feel left out if your are not constantly looking into the camera. If you're not comfortable doing it, then do what makes you feel comfortable. There's no rule that says you have to stare at us.

Thanks for the feedback!

Hey @exyle!
I am a long time follower of you, I started making Dtube videos as well!
Keep up with updating the community, it's great!
PS trying to reach you out on Discord, I would gladly appreciate if you could have a look at my biggest project, LEGO Around the World tour!

Appreciate the updates .Its great steem is trending positively more than other cryptos out there. About the camera challenge, i hardly notice because you are doing such a fine job presenting ur posts.Forget about it and do your thing.

I'm so impressed @exyle. At least my accra community and the whole of steemit Ghana will be motivated with the increment.

Wow that's a Really amazing post dear, Well done job by you, i read it and enjoy it, and learn lot of thing's from this post, and i visit your blog many times, and reading your interesting articles and comments on it, So keep it up, and im waiting for your next post, well thanks for sharing with us, Thank You.

Are great news friend, but the bitcoin is on hold

Well both the news is good for steem, this shows how much our platform is growing and how much luck are we that we are on the right platform and at the right time

your advice thought always perfect sir.. just watched your video and I noticed that it looked if you had a big bandage on your right ear, I even saw some blood. But later I saw that it was the sun that caused it! I even didn't see your whole face on the screen. I am happy that this community is growing, do you think that it may skyrocket in the future when it is out of beta mode?....thanks to sharing for your good post sir..very well done dear..@exyle

great jump in steem price,thanks for share

Love your content <3
Like who also does

congrats,great post,carry on

Kemajuan yang sangat bagus bagus, saya sangat memdukung anda @exyle

I remember my SBD that was stolen by the scammer I felt sad

Thank God, steem is growing drastically, nice one

wow very excellent post Thanks for sharing i will done upvote...///

dear sir this is a great post.
this is good news for steemit members.thnak you for share with us.

Mubarak You deserve it because you are a wonderful person who really did well
I wish you all the best

Nice post friend

Thanks for sharing your writing dtube

Good post

your post and video are very good.I hope you continue share such this blog.dare @exyle sir I am your new follower.

Thanks for sharing it with us.

Wooo.... I saw one of the guys who needs to be saved calling for a bounty of 10 bitcoin and other cryptos and winner takes all in the trailer. Definitely going to be a unique movie for sure. Upvoted!

Nice Video

Korean Millenials appears to be responsible for the uptrend nice analysis. However, I don't know anything about hardfork; can someone briefly summarize the essence of it to me? Thank you. I am new to steemit and I would like to know important things that I need to know.

Wow good news

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