
You will be shitting a Lego man!!!

I meant to say, a piano? You play, or the good lady?

That's why the story is so funny; The exit. I may share it someday. I was 5 at the time...Wasn't pleasant...I just wanted my Lego man back!

Yeah, I play the piano, bass guitar and trumpet. Started learning piano at 4 years old. Did all my grades etc.

Oh man, it doesn't Bear thinking about. Poor 5 year old you! Poor Lego man!!

Poor everyone!!!

Goddamn man, that's awesome you talented motherfucker!!

Lol...I really only play the piano now, but I'd make the others sing too if I had to. All my family have talent in artistic pursuits...Mine is music.

Music is king, I say that because I'm biased and play guitar :0)

Have to get a trans-oceanic Jan on the go! Then again, I'm not that good so perhaps not!

Yeah I know you carve it up on the axe...Imagine the jam sesh we'd have? Asher and Taraz as back up singers, we could give them a triangle and a tamborine to make them feel part of the band, maybe a recorder and a xylophone? 😂

A triangle and a tambourine, that's the one!! I can actually see it in my mind's eye!!! Lolz!