
I think it originally started out as a break from the deck fixing and as a cool down refreshment. Then as the weather crept up into inferno territory everything just sort of got blurry!! :OD

25 degrees, I know, crazy town!!

I didn't know deck building was one of Dante Alighieri's levels of hell...Clearly it is though, but you've come through it well, with the help of a beer or twelve.

It is indeed one of those levels. I am on the home stretch. This weekend is it. I will finish it then. I just have to saw a couple of big long bendy bits and finished the edges!

Sawing big long bendy bits is so rewarding. I so wish I could be there to offer unhelpful and unsolicited advice to you.


I am sure there would be a lot of people that could offer such unsolicited and unhelpful advise. The Good Lady manages to throw in quite a bit which I find utterly fascinating! lol!

Haha, yes the good lady's of the world can always be relied upon for some sage advice dropped right at the most opportune moment.


They have an innate gift for it. Just appearing at that very special time and dispensing it. An otherworldly talent!!!