
They have an innate gift for it. Just appearing at that very special time and dispensing it. An otherworldly talent!!!

And how grateful are we for it when it is delivered right? That wisdom, expertly timed, is so welcome. Ah yes, praise be to those bonny lass's and their sage advice and uncanny timing.

Where would we be without it!!!

Praise to them indeed! How would jobs ever get done without the wise words they impart... 🤣

Boomy, I knew you were a Titan, now I know you're an incredibly wise one.

A wise man once said;

A man who listens to unsolicited advice from a bonny lass, delivered at a moment in which said man least needs it, is a wise Titan.

In fact, I believe it was a wise Titan that said that!!

And how wise was he? VERY WISE!

I might not tell the good lady of such wisdoms though. For wise that they are, they take less kindly to commentary on their wiseness :0D

I might not tell the good lady of such wisdoms though. For wise that they are, they take less kindly to commentary on their wiseness.

Your wiseology knows no bounds.

How astute of you sir! I wrote a book entitled Wiseology for the Wise Man but it didn't do too well. Too many truths in it I suspect.

Maybe I was cancelled!