
How astute of you sir! I wrote a book entitled Wiseology for the Wise Man but it didn't do too well. Too many truths in it I suspect.

Maybe I was cancelled!

#bestseller bro; so many #dumb asses who could benefit from your #wiseology wiseness.

I reckon you have many wisdoms too mateychops. Perhaps we should do a collab. We could call our book, The wisdom of not being a dick! :OD

Collab accepted. It's on the blockchain now man; has to happen.

Wisdoming brain storm session initiated:

  1. Sit on deck
  2. Get littluns to bring coldies
  3. Same as above but snacks
  4. Now...Serious wisdoming

Snacks!!! Thats where I went wrong before!

Funk it, abort after snacks that sounds wisest!!!

Lol. G-dog is wise in the ways of snacks.


Sounds a bit like a clown from a horror movie!