
I might not tell the good lady of such wisdoms though. For wise that they are, they take less kindly to commentary on their wiseness.

Your wiseology knows no bounds.

How astute of you sir! I wrote a book entitled Wiseology for the Wise Man but it didn't do too well. Too many truths in it I suspect.

Maybe I was cancelled!

#bestseller bro; so many #dumb asses who could benefit from your #wiseology wiseness.

I reckon you have many wisdoms too mateychops. Perhaps we should do a collab. We could call our book, The wisdom of not being a dick! :OD

Collab accepted. It's on the blockchain now man; has to happen.

Wisdoming brain storm session initiated:

  1. Sit on deck
  2. Get littluns to bring coldies
  3. Same as above but snacks
  4. Now...Serious wisdoming

Snacks!!! Thats where I went wrong before!

Funk it, abort after snacks that sounds wisest!!!

Lol. G-dog is wise in the ways of snacks.