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RE: The Many Cheeks Of Cod

in #lifelast year

I recently watched a video on how to skin and cook a squirrel because the economy is going to shite and I anticipate needing to forage to survive 2023. Anyway, back to relevant comments, the host recommends vacuum-sealing and aging the nekkid bushytail for a week. It ain't steak, but then again, were those hoity-toity restaurateurs offering gen-u-wine squirrel on the menu? I think not! Such blandness of dead cow you can just buy at the supermarket if you want!


I like the idea of eatinhg the squirrels! We have millions of em. The new cow of the 21st century. I have a few that maraud around my garden. I might need to catch em and cook em!

Dry cow though, mmm, tis yummy!