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RE: Ibiza's Dark Secret

in #life7 months ago

Sure new how to build walls the Spaniards did, still standing for you to slog your way up, little one has the right idea ice-cream.

Not that the drink does not look enticing, just too sweet on a hot day, stick with beer....

So you found Hilter did you in those frocks, now that makes for interesting lesson to be taught in this day and age!

@tipu curate 2


They really did. I thought we had all the best castles and fort type walls but when saw this I was like blimey! Really thick and really tall. No getting up over them or through them I think.

The drinks in the sun were the perfect tonic to the winter that I have come back to! :OD

Castles normally close to water when built, must be a way under? Looked like you needed a drink a lot earlier than you realized tackling uphill staircase.

Thought you possibly had put the flippers and snorkel away, dream on about that perfect pine tonic under sunny skies, you back on home turf ain't yeah!

I was glad on that day that I hadn't drunk anything going up the stairs. What a climb!

I did reward myself on the way back down :OD

Younger ones make it look so easy....

Looks an amazing place to holiday.