
Maybe its because we have to consume so much to have the energy to provide for those we love!!! ;O)

When was the last time you did anything for your wife and i dont mean housework as that's both your jobs... haha

Sometimes I swish my hair to the side and stand slightly side on in a gentle breeze so she can admire my rugged almost beyond human good looks. They say I am a pleaser!

Hahaha you have me in hysterics, i can just imagine you chest puffed out stomach pulled in, what a magnificent site. Does your wife realise how much she is haha

That's exactly what it is like. I mean, I don't want to boost bit what a fine creature I am!!! Lol

You are very modest, I thought you would be blowing your own trumpet in public 😉

If I could... Har!!!!

Maybe its because we have to consume so much to have the energy to provide for those we love!!! ;O)