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RE: Fatherhood

in #life6 years ago

This picture made me a little teary....
My dad gave himself up completely to his kids....
Maybe this was what led to his early death.... Sad one...

Shout out to all the fathers out there to give sacrifice so much just to make the children happy and satisfied too...

And a big shout out to you too @themarkymark I can strongly assume you're an amazing father.... 😊


I was actually choking up writing it, I didn't have a childhood or a good upbringing, and I do everything I can to prevent that from happening to my son.

Wooww... Goes to show that despite your upbringing... You still have a heart of gold...

Your children will definitely be proud of you as their dad... I celebrate that....

You keep being awesome, you'll be the proud dad eventually too...

Just wondering how much you know or are involved in @familyprotection on Steemit because there are also many unfortunate stories about families being torn apart... I don't have such experiences but there are some very good people that support and run the page.

What did your son make of this image?