100% upvote giveaway: tell me a story!

in #life7 years ago

The last giveaway I ran, I put a bunch of rules in it, and then it was a chore for me to verify that the rules had been followed.

So, this time, I just want to learn more about all y'all. Tell me a story about yourself, any story -- funny, dramatic, thrilling, romantic, etc.

I'll give out 100% upvotes to story-tellers until I reach 20%. I'm currently at 97.36%, and one 100% upvote is worth $3.57 ("Do you feel lucky, punk?" :) ).



When we are still a kid before we start a story we say story story.....story.when was growing up taught life Will be easy so I tell myself that when reach 40 years I will stop working.but am still working for some body.lives is not easy out all.

Oh well, let's try this out. My story... I like eating junk food and then crying right after I do. I also like to be lazy and do nothing and crying after the day is over and I accomplished nothing. Well, there's nothing else interesting about me. Lol, Just kidding ^^ That's a story though, isn't it ? :P

LOL perhaps I should add a few rules to the next story-gathering post. :)

I knew the Bitcoin very early, when it was still worth $ 8. I mined a hundred that I resold so early. Today I find it hard to get one. Sad story.

My story will be about a game we have with a friend:
We play a computer game, and the winner makes the loser do anything he wants.
For example, I lost one time, and i had to post "i hate all of you, just delete me from facebook" on my facebook wall!
Another example, he lost a card game (yeah we do it with nearly every game now) and had to send a message to a girl he barely know: "hello, do you want to take a drink with me? :)"

So thats just a little story, but we have plenty of fun doing it! :D
I don't know if its a good story or not x)

Sounds a little abusive, but, I too was young once. :)

It is and it can creates problem aha but for the moment it's ok :p
We put restrictions, like "don't send message to family" or things like that ;)

Thanks for the upvote by the way!

Sure thing! I'll be doing another one like this, I really enjoyed reading everyone's stories.

Yeah there were some interesting stories!

When i was a teenage i used to put mentillated spirit on my chin to grow bears. Hahahahaha. The story is short.😁😁😁

Wow. Thank you. It has really made my day.

My story is based on the expectation of investing in a good ico and tirpicar the money, because I am going to go to the 2018 World Cup where our Russian friends

I began invested in cryptocurrency on April 2017. Nobody ever talked to me about bitcoin before. I knew bitcoin from an article I read on FB, I was convinced and invested right away. Up to this moment I never met in real life anybody who really invested in crypto. lol

The only people I know in real life who have any crypto -- I gave it to them. :)

That is a good one lol

wow. really? lol

I like traveling. I enjoy outdoor activities. I began to like this steemit too, I can meet many people here.

So I have had bad asthma my entire life. Here is a story about the one time it actually helped me.

When I was a child in elementary school they held a run-a-thon at my school to raise money for something (cant remember what for) and the top earners won prizes. We were suppose to go out and get sponsors for the event from friends and family and businesses. The sponsors would pledge a certain amount of money for each lap you could run in a hour, like 25 cents/per lap, 1$/lap ect. Anyways the school decided that the disabled/sick kids should get to participate but many couldn't run as far so they made a MUCH shorter course for us. Now I got put with this group due to my Asthma but as long as I had my inhaler with me I was good to go and could run faster and further then most of my classmates at the time. The race-a-thon starts and I crush it. I ended up with like 20 more laps than anyone else and my donors ended up having to pay a bunch of money. I won a prize and the money went to a good cause (I am assuming) I felt a little guilty but its was the school s bad since I had told them I could run fine.

Sounds like you did the right thing; their bureaucracy made the race less fun for the other sick/disabled kids. Thanks for sharing!

Morning sitting on the train to work, as usual open phone test message. Seeing an unread news story at WhatsApp, opened. It's not a message, but two photos. The first picture was a photograph of her husband's face with a very gentle smile. The second picture is of a girl with a mischievous smile :)

An audience turned to the person sitting next to the disgusting singer singing on stage:

  • Sing something that sounds horrible! Do you know who she is?

  • The man replied: Know! My wife.

  • Wow, sorry. Actually, it's not because of her voice but because of the song. It was horrible when his wife was forced to sing those extravagant and addictive words. Do not understand who is going to write such a terrible song?

My story is about a shopping tip, it is was realization I had at a kroger while getting groceries one evening. I got the buggy from hell. One wheel rattled while another was cockeyed and would drag the floor. The third wheel had a flat spot on it and was bad enough to make the whole cart bounce with each grotesque revolution. Did the cart have any good wheels, well there is only one left and you guessed it , NO. About half way through my shopping experience that night I had to swap out carts.

Yes my cart was almost this bad.

I finally finished my trip and was heading to the car when I noticed one of the bag boys wrestling carts to get them back out of the parking lot to the store. It was then I had my "cartpiphany". Here is how you have a much greater chance of NOT getting the cart from hell and you will help the bag boy that has to bring the buggies back to the store entrance multiple times everyday

Here's your tip;
When you get to the store and start heading in take the time to go to the cart rack where people put the emptied carts after loading up their trunks. This gives you the chance to "test drive" the cart before you are committed to shopping with it. Believe me if it wobbles or bumps or pulls to one side or another you will know by the time you trudge across the parking lot to the doors. If the cart sucks leave it for the next shopper while you grab another. At least at this point you have a 50% increase in the likelihood you get a working shopping cart.

I hope my story and my tip are beneficial to all those shoppers aggravated by bump drag rattle [cuss], rollbumprollbump [cuss] rollbumprattle.

Cleanup on isle 5? not this time.

LOL that picture! Nice story, thanks for sharing!

A pedestrian asked his beggar, "Why are you begging?" Let me get some liquor.
Why are you drinking?
Let me have the courage to beg.

A vicious cycle.

It's funny, it made me laugh

Here's a good one:

In the mid-1980s, when I was a youngster, I went to East Germany for an athletic competition. We flew to
Frankfurt (West Germany) and hired a van for our crew to drive through the border to East Germany. After the
competition was over we went to the banquet and some of our players got drunk with Russian vodka the
Soviet team had given them. Soon after that we packed up the van to head back to Frankfurt so the team could catch a flight in the morning. I had planned to drive to Paris to visit a girl so I was not flying back with them. This point becomes important later.

When we arrived at the East/West border crossing, in the middle of the night, player 1 could not find his passport while another player exited the van and puked at the feet of the border guard. This was the Cold War so the border was serious: German Shepherds, Machine Guns, Barbed Wire, Guard Towers etc. So obviously, they would not let player 1 leave East Germany. That night before we embarked, our coach made us all check our passports and we all had them. So the only explanation was that we had stopped in a nearby town to mail some postcards and to buy some cheap gas and maybe the passport had fallen out of the van. We drove back there but no such luck. So I asked a kid on a bicycle for help (in my broken German) and he led us to the police station to see if anyone had turned in the passport. The coach took player 1 inside.

It seemed like hours later, because we were all asleep, but the coach hopped back in the van and started heading for the border. I asked, "where is player 1?" He told me that player 1 could not leave the country without a passport and they had to make their flight in the morning. Since I was not leaving, he delegated me to drive back the next day and take player 1 to East Berlin to obtain a new passport. I was flabbergasted and a little scared. So we made it back to Frankfurt and I dropped them all off at the terminal and went to the car rental lot to trade the van in for a car. The only thing available was a manual Opel and I had never driven a manual before so I had to learn fast. I checked into a hotel near the airport, left all my stuff there and got back on the Autobahn heading to East Germany.

The story is getting long so I'm going to try to summarize. When we left player 1 he was in a jail cell in a little town in East Germany. He decided to lay down so he took his shoe off and found his passport inside! He showed the police and they made him go to a hotel and change all his hard currency into East German Marks to pay for it. The next morning he went back to the police station to wait for me and they took him to the train station and made him buy a ticket to Frankfurt. He was on his way to Frankfurt before I even reached the border. When I arrived at the border, the guards called the police station and they told me that he found his passport and he was waiting for me. I was so relieved!

The border guards gave me a one day visa and I drove directly to the police station. The police would only tell me that he found his passport and they sent him to a hotel. I looked at the only hotel in town where foreigners were allowed to stay and they would not tell me that he stayed there. Finally, I told them that the police said he was here. Then they said he left and they didn't know where he went. I even went to the train station and back to the police station again. Finally, it was getting dark so I gave my hotel info to the police and headed back to Frankfurt feeling defeated.

Arriving at the border without player 1 was another ordeal. They brought out the sniffing dogs and pulled out the seats and searched the trunk and asked me a lot of questions. It was very intense and I was glad to get through that border once again. The next morning I received a message at the hotel that player 1 was at the Frankfurt airport. I went to the airport and was able to page player 1 over the loud speakers so we finally connected. He had slept in the airport the night before and begged for some money so he could eat at McDonald's. I took him back to the hotel and out to eat and put him on a flight home the next day because the coach had given me his ticket. The last thing that makes this so unbelievable is that player 1 was of African descent so he did not look at all like a native East German.

Needless to say, I'm not a big fan of Communism.

Thank you! Yes it really makes you appreciate law and order in this country even though it is not perfect.

Awesome story, thank you! This is the type of story I was looking for; some were short and trite, so I think I'll put a 500-word limit on the next one or something.

I've not had to deal with communism much. Was in Brazil with an ex from there, she was driving and I was reading a book, and the police roadblock directed us to pull over, for a shakedown (gringo -- and, with glasses and reading -- means he probably has money).

Fortunately her sister was in the car and said "give my regards to my cousin, the chief of police." They didn't have radios, so pulled over a motorist going in the other direction who had a cell phone, and used it to verify her story; they let us go.

So, I'm neither a fan of communism, nor corruption.

When I was in the fourth grade my parents bought me a yellow cockatiel with the red spot on the side of his head. I named him Henry and we got along famously. He would sit on my shoulder and bite my ear and chirp and raise his mohawk while staring at me askance. One day when his wings were overdue for a clipping he was out of his cage and the screen on my window was off. Henry jumped to the window ledge and stood there.

I tried calling him over but he flew out of the window into the tree in our front yard. I went outside and called him over but he just sat in the tree for several minutes. Then he launched towards our neighboring city in a straight line. I watched him until I couldn't see him anymore and my bird Henry was gone.

A few weeks later we had a show and tell in school and my classmate Dave brought in a familiar looking yellow cockatiel that he said he found in his backyard. He was happy and lucky with his new friend. I knew Dave. We hung out before, rode our bikes together and I had been to his house. I knew where he lived and it was directly in Henry's path when he flew away.

Even at the young age of 8 years old I made a conscious decision to bite my tongue and tell no one for fear of being called crazy or covetous of my friend's new friend. I swallowed my shock and amazement and tried my best to act like I wasn't completely bewildered.

Was it Henry? I kept this secret until maybe my college days when I probably finally told some one at some party, or maybe it was my gf at the time. Little did I know I would be keeping secrets for a living one day and this incident was great training. To this day one of my favorite movies is Magnolia because it touches on such incredible stories and wonders, are they really coincidences?

That's really neat that you were able to make that decision at such an early age, especially knowing it was likely your bird.

In college my hair changed color, from dark brown to a rather yellowish color, and I told everyone that somebody must have put peroxide in my shampoo.

Turns out that "somebody" was me; I didn't know what the peroxide would do and was curious, and, also, only slightly bent the truth. :)

Know about steemit while i lost 1 btc through online gambling with hope that i will earn one day after that i join steemit and say goodbye to gambling :-)

here is my some fuuny story,,,
I was in my friend william's home trying to fix their Internet connection. The william called out to his wife merry in the other room for the computer password. “Start with a capital S, then 123,” she shouted back.
We tried S123 several times, but it didn’t work. So we called the merry in. As she input the password, she muttered,
“I really don’t know what’s so difficult about typing Start123

That's hilarious! I had configured the wifi for my parents many years ago, and was having a frustrating time with it so started swearing, then started swearing in the wifi SSID, and they ended up with the network "shit3" for many years. Retired it not long ago. :)

I live in Latvia. It's a small country in Europe, poor, but proud :)

I raise my children until I go to work. And at home I try to deal with crypto currency. I buy a little, although there are no special abilities.

On the contrary, I noticed that if I buy a token, it begins to fall in price. And vice versa. So now I am entertained, digging tokens from all sides - that is, I put on the purchase of a low penny, and sell on high. And I watch how the unfortunate token rushes back and forth in this frame :)

nice post to know about everyone sir and its a good topic to know each other
i start to tell about myself my name is shenzie and i live in dallas city in texas now, and i also from pak...
i was born in my parents city islambd captial of pak.
I was start my study from younscoller school system and i passed my +level in first division with some good marks
after i chose a uni lums in my country and pass my master in degree with 3.1gpa..
i have 2 brohters, and i m 1 sis of my sweet brothers
my hobby is reading knoledge books and some journey and now is crypto and i like delecious and some fast foods also in sweets vanilla
i was married and i have a my small cute daughter name liza which is now only 3year and some months
. now i live in texas from some time with my husband because his job is here..he work here in a multinationl company and i also housewife..
And i m now many interested in crypto currencies from last 2 month and i read many articles about it and now i involved in some and i buy some ripple and i like to spend my time on steemit and enjoy it very much because steemit gives many knowledge and new news and many benefits us

Yeah I'm glad to have found Steemit as well. It's amazing that there are so many people here from such far-flung backgrounds, and thanks for your kind words -- I agree it's good to get to know each other.

my only some funy story that my sister saved threatening to expose a video to me if I saved leaving the bathroom seat up. She claimed it'd make certain I always maintain it down. I had ignored her up till this factor.

subsequently, she cornered me. I rolled my eyes as she got out The Video.

I had by no means been greater horrified. The video became of a technological know-how test wherein they positioned unique water inside the bathroom that might glow under a blacklight. They flushed the toilet, in a big bathroom, with the seat up. once they grew to become on the blacklight, it’s like the room turned into protected in stars. the toilet water got everywhere.

I didn’t need to observe greater, but I couldn’t look away. They flushed with the seat and lid down. The spatter become contained to the floor surrounding the rest room.

And that is how I have become terrified of toilets. I pull the release and run as rapid as i'm able to. You were right, sister. I’ll by no means depart it up once more

Great story, I remember more than a decade ago reading about the "fecal fountain factor" of flushing, which was a similar experiment; instead of a blacklight, they put red dye in the water, and tissue paper on the seat and the area surrounding the toilet (including, hanging).

They determined that one flush causes the water (and any bacteria in it!) to spray about 3 feet in all directions, or a "ball" about six feet in diameter.

After learning that, I've never left the seat up as well.

I'd love a link to that video! :)

My story is half sad half funny.
Some time ago in summer I was chilling and eating in the restaurant. I was sitting on the terrace and enjoying my visit with a friend. The restaurant was good, with tasty food and smiling waitresses, the weather was even better. So we ordered some food and started to chat. The waitress brought me a soup and a drink. I finished my soup without having a drink, so when I got to the second meal I was kind of thirsty. And now the story beggins:
As I have mentioned before, I got thirsty and had an idea to try my drink but suddenly I see someone's hand from behind reaching for it. I did not understand what was happening, so I moved my head back to see who is taking my drink. There was a woman about 40-45 years old, smelling with alcohol and looking like a bum. My head almost exploded, I understand if she would ask for money or food or smth like that, but taking my drink from behind my back. I asked her question - What are you doing? -
Her answer was epic - I am thirsty! (silence)
SO she finished a drink and went away. It all finished like in 30 seconds and I did not know how to react. I was very angry at that time, thinking why me, why does she have to pick me and take my drink, when there are so many people around.
However, now when I think about it = it makes me sad that there are people like her, who lives for nothing :(

That is sad, both that she behaves like that, and that her life situation has motivated her to do so. She will likely try that with someone not as forgiving as you.

I've been victimized in the past, and at least one of those went on to do far worse criminal acts, ultimately resulting in his incarceration. I had nothing to do with it, other than perhaps not fighting back strongly enough, thus encouraging him to go further.

i tell u my some funy Yes came back to me 2009
I got out of work. I took the ground to the highway, and I found myself behind a car that looked like me - it was the same exact, model and color (a Red 1997 full Sublime GS Wagon) .

I need to move a lane on the left to get out. So I changed the rows and ended the parallel with another car. Out of curiosity, I saw another driver and saw it. Accidentally (or maybe I'm seeing out of my eyes), they turned and looked back at me at the same time.

Not only was we driving the exact vehicle - we also liked each other. Due to this fact we were killed, both of us did the same and surprised expression. And the fact is that our expressions are moving forward.

After a few seconds, I took my way and we separated.

Interesting! Reminds me of one time I was getting some take-out, and clicked the remote and my car and the car two cars over beeped. I clicked it again, and they both locked. Clicked a third time, they both opened, and I got in and drove away. (Later I realized I could have walked away with their car closer to me, until my car was out of range, and locked theirs; oh well. That driver must have been surprised to come out to his car all open! :) )

That's the only time that has happened to me, although I have heard of others where the garage door remote worked at someone else's house.

Hello :)
When a I was a child before I am ten years old, I spend all my time searching spiders in the garden,I brought them in box in my house and I showed to my friends and my sister. My mum is totally afraid of spiders, so one day she told me to never bring again a spider. I was upset and angry so I decided to complained to my aunt (sister of my mother). One year after my aunt bought me a mygale without telling to my mother :). Best day of my life, my mother didn't go in my room during 1 year. But she used to it :) I still have it with me 11 years after. It is a girl name Charlie et it is a real member of my family :p

Sorry for spelling mistakes :/

No worries, thanks for sharing! I'm guessing you speak French, as you used "et" in place of an "and"? :)

How long will the spider live? Can they be bred?

Haha yes I'm french x). It is a female so it could live 20 years, a male only 10 years for this kind of mygale.
Bred ? I don't think so, the only thing is that they can recognise your skin if you used to took her. The problem is they have stinging hairs, and it hurts a lot but if they recognise you (through your skin) they won't free her hairs. But appart from that, nothing special ^^

PS: Just thanks for your upvote

So the first few days must have been painful, huh?

Oh, also in English that spider's breed is Tarantula, I recognized it from the picture and just looked "mygale" up to confirm.

You're welcome, thanks for the story!

That was painful yes ^^
Ah maybe, her specie is Grammostola rosea from Chili !
Your welcome, hope to see you soon again !

helin (my daughter's 13 year old friend) was texting another friend when helin's mother walked by. She noticed helin's text chat and ask what does "WTF" mean? helin in a moment of quick thinking said "oh Susan was asking what I was doing tonight so I told her I was WTF, you know, With The Family."

helin's mom smiled and said "oh that's nice" and went about her business.

A few months later, the family took a summer vacation to Paris. As they were traveling around the city, helin's mom said to her, "I can't believe all these Facebook Likes I am getting about our trip."

helin asked "why, what are you saying?"

helin's mom said "nothing special, In Paris WTF."

Hilarious thanks for sharing!

hello i m tayab and i m from iran i m a student of A level i m only one brother i like all the fast foods and specially pizza burger chiken roast bbq and fingures in potato and also i like bike riding and i now hungry of crypto and my crazy moment when i ride my bike made a race with my friend and i sliped my bike and i fall from bike my i dont understand whats happend with me i only want to win the race and i stand again and try to start my bike again then my that frien who make race with me come back to check me ans save me and when he come near me thats he also sliped from the place where i sliped and now we both feel crazy we laugh both many time and then we call the rescue teme give us some injections and good advices to make ourselves save and becarefull so now when we thout about that we laugh again

I picture you taking a deep breath after all that without punctuation. :)

Glad you're both okay!

What Me can say ,well...

I grew up with Sesame Street, and miss that it used to not be political.

Or perhaps I was just young.

I love your quote though! :)

Me HAPPY ! :)

Each of the moments I share with someone is part of my journey, my story and, ultimately, me. Everything that others bring me helps me to build myself and shapes the pieces that create the person I am now.
Every story in which I participated left a trace in me, in any way. I still remember some of them and others fell into forgetten. Nevertheless, each of them has influenced the person that I am. If I could change something in the past or make other decisions, I would not be the same anymore because everything that happened to me led me to Steemit.

This is happened 13 years ago, me and my friends went for second show movie, after watching the movie we all returned back home on the bus two of my friends reached their home safely, my home is in the next stop, i got down the bus and walking on the road to reach home, Time is around 1 Am midnight, everyone is slept, street light is slightly blinking i am walking fastly suddenly there is big snake crawling on the road i am so scared of snakes i felt like its coming towards me, i started running and running and didn't stop until i reach home. I felt relaxed once i reach my home. Next day in the day time i was walking on the same find the big rope in snake shaped then i understood it's just a rope not a snake that i saw yesterday night, it just felt like crawling due to the high wind. That makes me laugh.

Nice -- a thrilling story which turns out to be humor! :)

Thanks :-)

This giveaway for starters should be voted on more. Had to get that out of the way and resteemed it before telling my story.

For the past few years of hearing about bitcoin from a buddy of mine, I AM here now. Not only wanting to learn what I missed out on, but finding golden nuggets along the way. So far steemit has been so informative that the extra votes and rewards makes it more positive to do the nice thing, which is read and connect with liked minded individuals. How hard can that be at a so called real desk job 8 hours everyday? Anyways thats my story and wanted to let my buddy know I AM here now.

Nice! And, I agree -- at the rate people are posting stories, I might never make it to 20% voting power before the 7 days are up and the post is done. Thanks for the share!

This is my true story @libertyteeth sir, i was 13 years old and and i read in 8th class and my little sister was in 7th class, me and my little sister on those days comes back to our home on local transport, so one day we are coming back to our home, we are on van and i saw 3 to 4 mans comes with rifles in their hands and they start shooting towards a man sitting inside a hotel and then runs away, i am so afraid after saw this scene and hide me and my sister down behind the seat and the van driver also shouting that he is not going forward in any case, so we have to leave the van and then i grab the hand of my sister and walks towards our home and once i reach home i got fever and i also don't able to sleep on that day bcoz that scene just gives me a huge shock, now i am 32 years old but whenever i thought about that moment and day i start feeling bad again. I must say that some things just got written inside our brains that we just can't able to forget.
Thanks for reading sir

Wow, that's touching, thanks for sharing.

I can't use a urinal if anyone else is there. I realized a couple years ago that it stems back to childhood, when a "special needs" student body-checked me into the urinal I was streaming into.

Then, around a year ago, I realized that he might have done that as "revenge" for laughing. I moved in 3rd grade, and in the new class he had asked to use the bathroom, the teacher said no, and he wet his pants. (Might not have been my first day in the new class, but it was very early on.)

I knew nothing about special needs, it was just something unusual, out-of-the-ordinary, and those things tend to make children laugh. Wasn't degrading him, internally -- but I can imagine what he must have felt.

He must have held a grudge though as that was 3rd grade, and it was in 6th grade that he body-checked me.

My story is to make every steemian laugh by posting memes,cartoons and some cool stuff.



Really like that second one's caption! Perspective is truly something.

You are really good man, supporting other steemit users and encouraging them to engage with posts. Their time is worth investing on your posts.

Thanks! Yeah, that was my thought with this post -- how do I reduce the back-end expense for myself (i.e., verifying the rules were followed), and increase the enjoyment for everybody who comes back to read after being upvoted?

I will be doing more like this; appreciate your feedback!

Thanks and i just followed you. Looking for more of like this.

My wife threw up in an UBER.. it was after a night out of a few drinks.. I learned she's a cheap drunk, UBER charges $100 for any little stain, and sometimes we get lucky with rain as she was able to wash off her coat in large streams on the side walk ;)

Went to a Phish concert with coworkers and an ex. Walking out of the stadium, she jumped forward -- one coworker had gotten sick and spewed it all over her back. It pooled in her shoes, she left them in the parking lot. She had just bought that outfit and I had to ask him to pay for it, which caused some friction.

hahaha.. well if you spew it you lose it. One chick threw up in the back seat of my car all over my brand new coat. I went to the dry cleaners twice and the smell still was there. I ended up donating the coat. Feel sorry to whoever wore it afterwards.. but it was a nice coat! ;)

Drove for Domino's in my youth, went to a party and took one of the "phone girls" home (you had to be 18 to drive, but could answer phones and make pizzas as early as 14). She had had too much to drink and wasn't feeling great, I asked her to roll down the window which she did, and threw up. Dropped her off, got home and went to bed.

Next morning, had to use a hose on the passenger door, as she hadn't made it all the way outside, and it was stuck in all the door pockets etc. Yuck! Thanks for the memories, LOL! :)

Some of them spent their childhood in front of the teletubbies, I drowned in "Thalassa". I was also a fan of "Ushuaia". What I could vibrate in front of "Les Cavaliers du vent", an episode on Argentina and Peru, or facing "The Constellation of the Islands", on the Pacific! At age 11, I applied for a "Geo" subscription. For my father, an accountant, and my mother, a teacher, delighted to live near Bordeaux, it was incomprehensible. In the summer, we went to the Cote d'Azur. Winter in the Pyrenees. And that was enough for them. I dreamed of discovering the world, of knowing other cultures ... At 12 years, I was sure, I would be explorer. At the age of 13, I imagined myself a plane pilot. At 14, my math level forced me to revisit my strategy. At 15, I had an illumination: I was going to work in tourism. Being paid to travel was a brilliant idea, right? However, at 27 years old, I am back in my Bordeaux, delighted

Great topic @libertyteeth
Thanks for sharing

nice post. :)

My life is a story, yet to be written!

Well, write it for the 100% upvote...

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Good luck to you! I love this Mark Twain quote: "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."