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RE: Catching up to New Year

in #life2 years ago

Ahaha! The camouflage cat is also quite stealthy when she goes outside in the wintertime. That black and white combo works well to catch a bird from time to time. She's is so sweet most of the time. Except when in hunting mode. Then suddenly she turns into whole different creature.

Have you thought about traveling somewhere for snowy holidays? Or are you literary stuck, stuck? That's sucky!

I usually get quite depressed with the darkness. I mean sometimes it is dark already around 3 pm in the day. However, there are also remedies and workarounds for those issues. I am coping a lot better lately.

Ah I wish I could send some cooler air or temperatures your way. You should at least treat yourself with ice-cream!


Or are you literary stuck, stuck?

Yep, this. Basically if I leave the country I can't come back which would destroy my entire life. And although I could feasibly travel within the country, the amount of regulations, tests, codes, forms to do constantly, combined with the almost daily change in rules and policies province-by-province, just makes it kinda unworkable. Been stuck in the city almost constantly for 2+ years now... ugh.

Please send me some cool air, you can put it in a thermos flask and deliver it. I'm pretty sure it'll stay fresh by the time it gets here =)

Aww. I am so sorry to hear that, but do I understand correctly that at the same time you are happy being there? Or it is more like career, culture and language that would be lost if you could not go back?

I wonder if it would actually work with the thermos flask, ahaha!

Well I want to be here for now, my girlfriend is Chinese but she also wants to get outta here (Also an artist on hive btw just starting out!) here, it's just a waiting game for the right time...It's all good for now though!

Also - You only just started following me after all these years?? eesh

I hope it comes sooner than later. Also so cool that she is an artist and you have brought her here! Are you guiding her through all Hive maze and the communities?

And the answer to your question. Yes and no. I think at some point I purposefully distanced myself from peoples I had not talked with in a while. I distanced myself from all kinds of groups. I felt I needed that. At the same time I can say that it is not the peoples fault I decided to be a weirdo like that and I hope you can forgive me.

Haha no im just messing, no need to worry about that stuff, I do that kinda thing often, there's no requirement for you to be or do anything =)

Are you guiding her through all Hive maze and the communities?

Of course! I'm sure you'll see her around soon