Car Wars

in #life7 years ago


I parked the car at the local garage. I was trying a new one after the last garage owner I used to visit seemed to think he had the right to charge me 70 million zillion quids every time I sneezed near his premises.

I went into the office and squared off with the Boss of this new garage as he lurked behind an ancient desk.


I was fully prepared to knock the shit out of him (figuratively) for being a bastard. Despite having never met or dealt with him before. I knew his creed and that was all that mattered.

How can I help you sir?

Beamed the sly cheery robbing bastard at me. No doubt already calculating how he could wangle my first born from me in turn for an oil change.

The rear indicator on the opposite side to the driver's side is not working.

He leaned back like a Bond supervillain.

The offside you say?

I gave him my best Al Pacino back in the day look. Offside? Wasn't that that thing in football where one nancy ran further than the opposing teams rearmost nancy?

Yeah. Would you be able to look at it today?


The Garage Boss enquired venomously.

Sir, I will have my son look at it within the hour and give you a ring!


The Garage Boss took the keys from me with a lecherous smile. No doubt already planning on how he could demand the title deeds to my house in exchange for a minor repair and throw me out on the streets to be homeless.

Erm, ok then.

I toddled off back home my mind full of terrible thoughts of the coming battle of the bill. I wonder how much he will dare charge me, will it number in the mere hundreds or will he go full bhoona and take it to the thousands?

I had only managed a couple of coffees in the house by the time the Garage Boss called.


That's your car ready for pickup sir!

He declared nefariously.

How much will it cost?

I demanded. But he had hung up.

Bastarding fuck!

I shouted impotently at the phone. This guy knew how to play the game alright. I gathered my bank card and a credit card and a spare thirty quid we had hanging about and headed down to the garage with a sense of deep foreboding.


I arrived in his office. The Garage Boss was there, smiling. He rose to shake my hand. I shook it. The fool didn't even realise that in the few short seconds we had wasted on pleasantries I had scoped out his office for makeshift weaponry and cover points I could hide behind in the soon to come Garage Boss Battle.

He handed me the keys to my car.

Time stretched out seemingly forever.

From far away I heard my voice echo.

How much did it cost in the end then?

The Garage Boss moved slowly around his desk to get nearer me. No doubt to get a better angle in which to leap upon my body and rend it with his teeth when I fainted at hearing the price he was going to charge me.


28 pounds sir! It was only a little corroded wiring, stripped it out and replaced it. Ten minute job!

Aghast I stared at him.

Why you dirty robbing scoundrel of a bast...

I almost said.

28 pounds? Wow, I have never had a bill so cheap before.

You're welcome sir!

I arrived home shortly after and walked into the house. The good lady looked up as I came in. The lack of blood spattering on my clothes from a Garage Boss fight immediately apparent.

How much was it?

She enquired anxiously.

28 bucks.

I said quietly.

That's amazing! Oh fantastic, our last garage would have charged a fortune! What a great garage, what a great price!

It was eh!

I said.

She continued to talk excitedly as I went to the hall to hang my coat. I kept thinking of the smiling cheery Garage Boss man.

A fantastic deal... Or was it?

I wondered, with murder in my heart.


It's a trick! It has to be a trick! This isn't right! It must be one of those wires they install that makes something else fall apart every two weeks. There must be a catch. Don't put your ax away just yet.

Exactly!! My wavelength, we are both on it. Wobbling back and forth with unsulloied rage against the machinations of the universe!!

I know he is at it!

I was thinking the same thing! LOL
My, aren't we a cynical group? 💣

Lol!! Yes indeed! ;0)

He' said just setting the bait. He might even let you off easy next time. Once he knows he's established trust you'll be sorry! Your grandchildren's grandchildren will be paying off your catylitic converter repair. Also, this is my first post on someone's post.

Your first on anothers, oh shit does that mean we are doing it? Aargh!!

Hehe, yeah, he is probably going to ruin me next time I go in and charge me ten thousand quid!!

Haha, it's so funny to see my bro in 'our universe', awesome of course, and what an excellent choice for a first comment! I

Epic cover photo Meester!
U still got the touch!

Cheers dudemeister!!

Is anything else wrong? You should finish fixing it before they raise their prices. lol 28 pounds = about $40 USD.

Hehe, that was all. It was a bargain!

Was indeed a fantastic deal.. Quit cheap if you ask me.. But this
"Why you dirty robbing scoundrel of a bast"
.. Lol i almost thought you said that to the Garage boss. The expression on his face would have been unexplainable..

He would have been rather taken aback Iam sure, I am glad the wordsd didnt spill out my mouth!

I almost want to make a stupid comment just to laugh at your funny reply lol There was a VW garage that treated my buddy well, I forget what they did - replaced an old dashboard lightbulb for free or something. Next thing you know my buddy tells all his VW crew about it, and there's 3-4 of his friends getting their cars fixed there regularly. NOt sure they ever left with murder in their hearts though lol

Hehe, I might not have had total murder in my heart. My world has been rocked by this mans niceness. I had almost forgotten there were such people. My last garage would have charged loads and told me I would have to wait for three days or some tosh!

And replaced parts that were perfectly fine and maybe even made some parts up "Your digital cresence monitor is acting up, you should replace it so that the petrolinator doesn't get gunked up"

I am soundly convinced that in the past they would loosen and damage bits. My fine running car except for one thing would go in and come out a rough sounding wreck!

I have been on the side of the garage-owner in a very different business. I always liked it if I saw people all worked up because they assumed it would be bad for them and than be able to give a good decent price or even better give them something extra.

I like your writing style it is very engaging.

Why thank ya! I have a way about me ;O)

Hehe, Ido try to be funny but today was hilarious because it was exactly that. I was so sure I was going to be stiffed yet again by an oily man!

An honest mechanic is hard to come by. Keep that one!

I am never gonna let him go even if it means holding him back from the gates of death!

Ohhhhh how I hate the thought of taking my car to the garage. The worst is when you take it in for an oil change or tire change and when you get there they have a list of a million different things that need repair. Umm when did I ask you to look at my whatever it is!??! Argghhhh... why can’t you just change the oil and leave the rest of the car alone??? So frustrating. We have finally found a local guy who treats us well but nothing with your car is ever cheap!!!

Thats true, I have suffered exactly the same. I am amazed I managed to pay for this one in the small amount of cash I had on me!

I guess this is an invitation to a duel, it's only the ticket to a voracious butt kicking fight....... That's how they win hearts only to break it with the hammer of their neck slicing prices...... Be careful for a next time come back in that garage...... They await you.

Lol!! Hahaha, that was half on my mind!

Meester, when I left school I worked in a garage working on cars, trust that barsteward at your peril, he has you hook line and sinker with 1 sweet deal, just saying. hmmmmmmmm.

See, I am kind of thinking that. I know how this devilry works! In two days my engine will explode and it will cost me one quintillion dollars to fix!

Lol, you should have heard the owner of the garage I worked at, when a woman walked in. He was like yes the brakes need replacing, yes it needs a full service, they would leave, and he would say take the brake shoes out and rub em down with sand paper and stick em back in. And charge for work he never did.

Lol, thats terrible! You know it goes on of course. I am paranoid about it and try to do most of my own stuff on it but electrics baffle me

Get a cheap electronic multimeter off ebay or from a shop for around £6 and you can trace electrical faults easily. I am not fond either, though tools for the job help, and when they are so cheap only time is the limiting factor my friend.

When I have more time I will defo do it!!

No one knows the depth of his evil schemes. You better prepare yourself for a battle!

Big Boss battle!!!

In my province we have a very popular saying "when the alms are great until the saint mistrusts" this has to be a comrade strategy, keep in mind for the next settlement bill.
It is incredible that in all the countries of the world the technicians are so swindlers, that when we find one that charges us correctly, it surprises us a lot.
Thank you very much dear friend @meesterboom theexcellent reading
I wish you a beautiful afternoon

You could have knocked me over with a feather when he didnt try to rob me!

Darn cheap! Nice job researching and selecting a car repair shop! I was waiting for a spoon reference (as a weapon) so a bit disappointed 😞

Hehe, the spoon is only the provenance of the detective boom!! I am astonished that at least for the moment I do not have to spend future childrens lives in getting my car repaired

This bastard doesn't know that he messes with incredible uncle boom.

Exactly, he should be charging more!

Garagemen and lawyers take the same classes. Get them hooked and then go in for the kill...

Aiyee!! Just what I am feared of!

Watch your credit card start getting used all over Europe...... watch out!
Too good to be true!

I once paid $850 for an alternator change. Not even joking.

That's grim. These bassas will charge anything.

I managed to pay in cash it was so cheap!!

It's the labour cost so. I remembered some years ago I decided to go to a near by shop instead of the authorised dealer which will cost more but it still was more than I expected.
I checked the cost of the bulb before even google and found some pages telling how to get it out but still I went. It was a good 15 minute job but I asked the price and how long before I got him to do it because I think I'll take much longer than 15 minutes. haha.

Hehe, it was a good price. I had replaced the big which was a task in itself because the gap to get in is tiny. But it was still not working. Now it is as good as new!

Sometimes just need to spend money buy some time

That works for me!

Yup, he's just softening you up, there's no doubt about it, soon as your guard is down WHAM, kidney selling commence ;)

But I only have two kidneys!!! Waaah, waaaaaah!

28 bucks should be inexpensive for me but for you, meesterboom it is expensive. Everyone has different tastes. Is it that expensive to you? Upvoted!

It's very cheap to me! Ridiculously so!

You realize @meesterboom there are still honest people in the world and your bad thinking of the poor man. However, there is always the doubt because you do not know what else you could have done to the car, would you change any part of your car and put a spare used in unhealthy conditions? ... Excuse this bad thought, but people say what: think wrong and you will score a goal. Greetings.

That's right! There are good people left in the world! It's just that they seem harder and harder to find!

It's unfortunate, but it's like that. However, when you act well the good usually comes close to you. Greetings @meesterboom

These Garage Bosses operate like drug dealers, dontcha know. Sure, you got a great deal, the first time. That's how it works. Next thing you know, you'll be hooked on their great, and honest service. Next thing you know, you'll be there once a week, begging for an oil change, or a tune up. Be careful. I sense this may be a "Gateway Mechanic," - leading to harder and harder repairs.

Lol, that is very funny. But whilst funny it also is a stark warning!! :0D

I agree hahaha! That was the bait price! Wow he does know what he's doing. Who wound'nt come back after that kind of price. After awhile he will have you bent over so bad and haveing you thanking him after words hahaha!

Haha, I might have to go to many different garages and see if I get the bait price each time!

As Uncle Boom would have trained him, give the sucker a couple of cheap jobs, suck him in and when he thinks your **** don't stink, hit with a whopper.
28 pounds in 10 minutes = 168 pounds an hour, how much are earning?
Who said the tradesmen are underpaid, and this was a cheap guy.
How interested is the Little Lady in getting all dirty and oily? could be a good job for the future, or maybe hope the wrongly named "last one" might grow an interest that way.

It would be smashing if one up them took up the mantle. In fact if one became a mechanic and one a plumber then that would be a fine thing indeed. All my woes would be over!

The modern car mechanic is becoming a "parts replacer", well within the resources of the little Lady, you wouldn't want her displaying a 'plumbers crack' all over the place.
The so-called last one will soon be draining the dregs of the Saturday night testings and will be able to plough whole fields with just the wave of his hand, [I also think the crack is just a bit of a come on for the female customers'

'So called last one' lol. For real the last one!! :0)

The Good Lady, + barrel aged beer (9 +) = BOOM.
The first two are the hardest, you get used to it after that

I bet if I had a third you would tell me the first three are the hardest ;0)

No, you just get accept things after that.
We had 4 good kids, touch wood.

Lol. Good story. So did you pay with the 30 quid you had on you or one of the numerous cards you thought you'd have to max out?

Paid with cash! Never managed that before in a garage!!!

Hmmmmmm or is it just a sly plan to be inviting and then..... strike with a huge bill...... hahahaha sometimes I think we must just accept that people can still surprise us. But only sometimes

Only sometimes indeed but when it happens, wayhay!

I hate to break it to you, but you may have to let go of your anger! At least in this case.

My rage is my armour!!!

Raar, graak and smashy noises!!

He's reeling you in, one repair at a time, then BOOM! he's got you by the short hairs and there isn't any coming back!

It always starts that way it's true!!

I guess we can all rest assured knowing that the life lesson here is to always assume the worst in people, so that they could surprise us and turn out to be great! If we always assume the best in people, we're only gearing ourselves up for disappointment.

Speaking of garages, are we living synced lives!? Well, not 28 pounds cheap (I'm holding for hope, or shouldn't I?) but I got into a bit of a hitch last night. Let's just say I had a hiccup with my bumper. And by hiccup, I mean quite a large dent, and it's not fully covered by my insurance. Just took it to the shop earlier, and I am awaiting the verdict. The BOOM present might prove to be of use so soon :(

I have every finger crossed for you. There is nothing worse than a bad bill from the blue. I think sometimes, despite it being against my usual cheery outlook, that it does pay to think the worst!

I have made the owner of the shop a godparent for the wedding so it was his treat! I just got it back, and it looks like nothing happened haha!

Ha, that is awesome!!! Top notch wedding godparenty shenanigans!!!

It's all about them strategiez, mateychops!

They are the things that shall keep us sane!!

Remember your quest for snow? We currently have about a foot of it lying around outside!

A foot of it! Hrm... That's why you people get sick of that white stuff haha!

I hate garages, they could be robbing you blind and you wouldn't even know.

That's the very thing I hate too

I imagine this was your face during the stare down waiting for the price.


Yeah, followed up by. Oh really!!! Wow!! Really!! Like an excited four year old girl

congenial & surreal!

Haha, the best mix!

That bastard should be killed :3
What man 28 pounds just for car parking?!

hey uncle boom I hope you are fine and doing great,
May today's remedy is especially for you.

Don't forget to have a look.
Thanks :)

Ah no, he fixed it. The parking was free :0)

Thank God :p

@uncleboom my today remedy is for you.

28 pound is a hell of a amount dude.

In the realms of garage repairs in the UK it's tiny!

is it a monthly surcharge? or daily?

A one off!

it's to much :/

It was only a 20 cent globe, you idiot. Youve just been ripped off 27.80 quid. Hahahahaha

Lol, I had already replaced the bulb!

interesting stories and you are a brave

Yes great deeds require greater brave

Wow !! fantastic experience @meesterboon.
I likes your this sentence that "I wondered, with murder in my heart."
I mostly appreciated you.

I am glad you at least read a tiny bit before you decided to comment and not cast your vote.

Well met my friend!!

Hey friend, read whole the story. believe me or not.
But i strongly said it .

Well I am glad you commented in the hope of getting an upvote and never bothered voting. As my old mum would say Kill the fuckers with a knife son!!

very intersted story,, thanks for shareing...

And you my friend. I like that shirt. It compliments your eyes