Holy Cowbell & Slot Machine Beers!

in #life7 years ago

Shangalang a Saturday beerbumptulousness!!!

That's right, I am so excited I can barely write properly. This week sees two astounding looking beers come a calling. I am glad I got a Beavertown this week as the little specialty beer shop that stocks them is closing. Sad times for me and my Saturdays. Still, the flat earth always turns! Onward we go!!



You always need more cowbell! Beavertown is a brewery that I hugely respect. Their beers are mostly great and often amazing but it's the design of their cans that takes things to another level. This one is no exception. Look at the cow skull beauty of it!


An India stout at 5.6% I am looking forward to the tasting.

It pours black, like my shrivelled heart. Muy bien! Cries the Spanish in me.


It's a smoky treat. Dark, bitter with a lingering toasted malt aftertaste. A very good stout. Doesn't quite have the backbone to be stunning but very good none the less. Almost like toasted walnuts. A fine 8/10. Yum!

And now, the return of the Brewdog! Last week they disgraced themselves with some hastily brewed Christmas rubbish. This week they have a chance to redeem themselves.



I have always forgiven Brewdog when they come up with a dud. Sometimes I think they are over extending themselves and getting carried away with variety and not focusing on drop dead amazing beers. However, when has trying too hard been a crime! A 5.2% number. Let's do it.


Skips out of the can like a champion boxer. The colour is splendid, a fine chestnut red. The head itself is unbeatable and refuses to slink away.

I give it a sniff, wow. Smells like a caramel tart that's been dipped in a barmaid knickers!! In a good way.

I am most impressed. It is a full bodied rye beer with spice and bitterness and a lingering caramel finish. Mmm, c'mon the Scots!! Raar. Brewdog is back in town - 8.5/10!!.

Join me tonight in a clinking beering weekending joy!!!




wauuu! what beers dear friend @meesterboom, I also would have decided for the red one! Ipa, I love it! SLOT MACHINE GENIAL, today I managed to break my diet, I decided to release the jar that my daughter from Ushuaia sent me with a delicious beer Warsteiner
I wish you a happy beer Saturday dear friend

Oh I do like a Warstenier! And that my friend is a beautiful mug to drink it from!

Big cheers to you and yours @jlufer!

This sounds like a story WE ALL like to read as a post with the #BeerSaturday tag. have a look to this cool challenge I run since 24 weeks

"The head itself is unbeatable and refuses to slink away."

Hahhahahha!! ;O)

Perfect reply! Hahaha!

When I first saw the Brewdog beer at the beginning, I though "Oy vey! Do they have it in them to redeem their name?" Truthfully, I'm glad they did! Beavertown+skulls is almost a surefire win, so I really wanted the field to even and let others have a chance. We can't have one dam brewery rule them all, we simply couldn't. Not only did they redeem themselves, they eked out a win with a small margin. While they're pretty hit and miss at this point, I'm happy to cheers for the hits. As you can see, I'm really invested in this series haha!

Hehe, I am glad you like it. I am a bit gutted though.. The little distally beer shop that was my secret stock of smashing beers closed today. I don't know where I will get Beavertown ever again. Waaaaa!!!

Ahh shoot I didn't even get into that in my comment, didn't I? I think I thought that it was too soon to bring, to fresh of a scar to pry. If this is the last we see of Beavertown, then enshrining them into the great Hall of Hops would be a fine tribute. They had a good run, and I only wish that I could've tasted their sweet sweet brews in this lifetime.

Hehe, they shall carry on! Just probably be ridiculously hard to get! Lol shall continue my prowl on the harsh streets of Glasgow to find some more!!

Once they catch wind that you would have a hard time accessing their wares, I'm sure they would be open to send you your heart's desire. Let this post trend so that our Dear Uncle Boom would be forever inebriated!

Hehe, they would be an awesome thing. A trending post and free beer from one of my favourite breweries!

Unfortunately, the earnings for this post doesn't match the views on it :( Unlike some other posts that we know acting up again hmmmmm...

Cheers mate, this was my poison.
Have a splendid sunday!


That looks flipping marvellous dude!!

Cheers! :oD

Insel-brauerei really has some great looking outside design and marvelous inside taste to match. :-)


I am goin gto have a look. When the taste and design are top notch you know you are onto a winner!

This brewery surely does have 'm.

I'm gonna find some!

HOLY MOLY! well done and an excellent brew. but i would have voted simply for the intro and awesome first line. lmao! cheers, relish.

Hahah! It was a great first line if I do say so myself! :OD

Pass a couple of those slot machines, please! I love any thing made with rye, and caramel! Love the colour and the foam too. Good choices this week, Mr. Boom.

Or was a colourful foamy beast!! I love anything with rye too and it didn't disappoint!

You have a really good rye whisky over there is Scotland? It is really difficult to come by here in Nicaragua. My brother usually sends me some from Canada.

Not so much here, mostly it's straight up whisky. In fact, come to think of it, I have never had a rye whisky? I must check this out!

If you can find it, Canadian Club is an excellent choice, in my humble opinion.

Oh is it a rye!! I have tried that, it's lovely!

Lol, that's exactly what I thought!

Very funny at the end. Gee I don't know what beer is better.

Second one definitely slightly better :0)

Hells Bells. Well OK then.

Yeah - Awesome Man, Prost, Cheers and have a marvellous Saturday Evening!

Prost dude! Have a great Saturday!!

I'd like to be with you now to have a beer, but there's time, next year when I get my health back,you have a call from me

I look forward to it. I hope you are in the road to recovery!

Yes, thank you for your support, you are really positive, so I like to talk with you.

I get the feeling you are quite the positive guy yourself!

I work on myself, honesty in the first place, I do not have time to lie at the age of 42.

Such a young thing ;0)

hola amigo, al parecer hoy toco la negra y la roja jajaja, mi traductor esta raro hoy, no me quiere ayudar, ´pero se que celebra con cervezas frías, saludo..

hola chica !! ¡eso es extraño! en tu caso, estás teniendo un buen día; 0)

si he tenido un buen día, gracias, tienes días sin visitar mi blog, espero me des una vuelta.

Me disculpo, he estado permitiendo que mi poder de voto aumente. ¡se estaba poniendo muy bajo!

entiendo...! suele pasar eso, espero no se olvide de mi, que tenga un feliz día y abrazos para el bebe.

No lo haré, no te preocupes. abrazos directamente a ti y a la familia!

I wouldn’t mind working my way around the Brewdog, but I always settle for the session one. Love that bitter hit of paracetamol in it.

Hehe, a bitter hint of paracetamol. That's quite the way to describe it!

Once I heard it described like that, I couldn’t untaste it. Just love it though, cuts through everything! I’m more about that than maltiness.

I totally get it. Now I won't be able to lose that!

Cheers reserve me a glass so we can have a drink together.

Consider it done dude! :0)

very nice blog

It's lovely, like a cat covered in jam

please upvote me

I have a higher right testicle than my left

if you upvote i will send SBD to your account

That's just mad silly

why do you say such words, is this impossible?

If I could come back But from a distance I say cheers. Upvote @meesterboom

Thank you!

If you feel free pls visit my page and upvot. thanks

I love the fun I read in your posts.

Feel free to join the #BeerSaturday challenge again. New weekly post is every Tuesday and we have 20SBD in payouts now.

Cheers from Aken

Oh is there one on Tuesday! I might just do that. The prize never bothered me it was just that I had my beer tasting on a Saturday and didn't like to mix the two :0)

No and yes,

We have the #BeerSaturday since 24 weeks on a Saturday


you might do you post on any day and put your link into my weekly post which I do on Tuesday.

Oh I get you! Ya that sounds fine!

Did you saw the speech about this challenge at steemfest on d.tube.

I guess you will love it.

I didn't but Cheers dude I sure am going to now!