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RE: Blood Tsunami

in #life4 years ago

Yeah, ceramic, grr.

I held it very tightly with my thumb till the bleeding stopped and it felt like it wasn't going to burst open. Them I used two plasters to hold it together. Probably like stitch tape would.

I think on any other occasion I would have gone for the stitches but this time, no chance!


Oof x_x well stay on top of the betadine (or whatever you're using for disinfectant) and manage it like there's stitches x_x hope it feels up swiftly and normally XD

I'm sure you'll be fine, I sliced my knee open on a broken soap dish once (even I'm not sure how that happened), my uncle was sure it would need stitches and that we needed a hospital, my aunty and I figured it would be fine so we just aloed and bandaged it up in a similar fashion to what you did and I now have a wicked scar...which goes with all my other wicked scars XD (the scars aren't that bad/noticable, I used to skate a lot so one more was whatever XD)

I am keeping it insanely still. I think it is healing quite well already. Hurts like a mofo but I am not too worried about it cracking open today!!

Another few days and I will be sorted.

It will leave me with another nice scar. Lol, what a thing to collect!