
It's pretty funny right? The cool thing is that's exactly how they talk.

I'm sure your dick deck will run straight and true and everyone will want to see it and be on it.

[Now I know what the circular saw is for.]

It's quite hilarious because it took me a second to realise that it was a joke and he wasn't just talking normally.

I am hoping the cicular saw will guide me!! something will have to!! I am gonna be saw-daft over the coming days!

Dude, I was going to drop a circular saw fail video but that shit ain't funny so...Just be fucking careful ok? Those things can bite.

I will be super careful. The feeding thing gives me the fear so I will be doing everything as safe as safe can be.

Although I might lose a leg but you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs as they say!

Yeah, I know you'll be safe and re: The leg. This is why you have two. One is expendable. It is known.

Be safe dude.