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RE: To The Deck

in #life3 years ago

I can get one of them to hold the camera. Of course that probably means that there would be lots of shots of feet and sky and might miss some of the main action but thems the breaks. The deed would still be done.

Might give them something to say when they get told not to play with matches at school :OD


Well, what's cool about this comment is that you're thinking about it. I think a little more coaxing and you'll be rolling those little tackers out to get it done!

I will tell them we are rehearsing for a School play or something. That will get me past any awkward questions

School play. Inspired thinking Boomster!

You can get away with anything by throwing some crepe paper around and announcing School Play!

I'll remember that when I need an alibi!

You will be trotting out of whatever situation it is clicking your heels and whistling a jaunty tune, a free man!

G-dog approves.

I will tell them we are rehearsing for a School play or something. That will get me past any awkward questions