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RE: Straight To Hell

in #lifelast year (edited)

He was sulky about it. He belligerently said that he already had dettol cleaning spray and he didn't need a new one, You would never know he already had one.

I thought about getting him a deep clean but I actually think it is beyond what a deep clean would touch. I was pretty horrified by what it has become. It almost reminded me of a house that slobberchops would do an urban explore on. Its our family home as well and that rankles a bit that he is just letting it go to ruin.

Next I will get him an eviction notice, maybe he will take more notice of that :O)


I had one of my houses almost ruined by a family member. Without going into detail hefe, I wish I had asked them to leave sooner.

It was mess nobody shoukd ever havecto clean or repair.

Yes!! It reminded me of slobberchops urban escapades!

Boot him! I was way too nice!

I think I am way too nice. I promised my dear old mum I wouldn't kick him out. Do the great I can hope for is to shake him into not wrecking the joint!!

Family home. That's right. I wouldn't be able to boot him either. This was a temporary solution to a house foreclosure. I was helping him get back on his feet. For 5 years????? I didnt actually boot him, but had to ask him to leave.

I helped him find a place him and his wife could afford... you can't boot him, but that ounce of prevention... maybe he will get tired of living that way.

I like to thinkthat he will tire of it but a part of me realises that he wont as he just doesn't consider it. He looked baffled as I pointed out some of the mess around the edges of the room or the black mold forming in the corners of windows and various bits. Git

It is funny how people take temporary measures to be permanent!