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RE: Testing Times

in #life2 years ago

I think that is definitely the best way to do it. Other activities and skills to stay sharp and keep you motivated to get up and do something. I am currently working with some chaps from Boston and Chicago and we have chatted about the approaches to work and work-life balance and I have been quite astonished at the focus on work and the identity it gives a person which is quite apparent in our conversations. Certainly over here and possibly more so in Scotland relative to other parts of the UK work is not generally something that defines us. Although there are exceptions, I am glad I am not one of those!

The north and the east are the quiet parts that I go to, very traditional and rural which is what I like these days especially!

Sorry for the huge delay in replying. I have not been very active and just lying about feeling Covid sorry for myself! Thankfully I have shifted the worst of it now!


The work/life balance is really out of whack here in the States. It's a little better since the pandemic hit but I see things going back to the way they were. My wife had a lot of European accounts (she worked in finance) and she always envied the schedules and attitudes of the people over there. It seems the scales are tipped more towards what's really important. Americans are somewhere between Europe and Japan, in more ways than one. : )

Ahh, thanks for that tip about Iberia. That's on our list of places to visit. No worries about the delay. I haven't been getting on here much the past few days either. So glad to hear you're on the mend! Everyone is getting it over here now.

I suppose there is always ask argument that the European side is a bit more lackadaisical and cares less!

Although, I definitely think the balance should be aimed more towards the non working part. Perhaps it is because we are mad drinkers and live for the weekend 😀

Yeah, my wife and I both think the scales should tip more towards having more of a personal life. Lol, we have plenty of those mad drinkers over here too I may even have been one of them every now and then. : )