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RE: Straight To Hell

in #lifelast year

Sorry to hear about your mate. We have been doing fist bumps. My dad shuffled off this mortal coil to a stroke and one of my friends had one recently which left him walking with a stick.

I do like to think yo can find a joke in anything. Strokes are unfortunate in their very name!


I'd like to see an obit where it states... He completely stroked off into another plane.

It makes me imagine a meteor shower of a special kind...

Haha, yeah. I do appreciate a humorous obit. Few and far between!

Back in the 1980's, while playing softball, we used to read the obit's in the local newspaper. (It was our custom - while our team was at bat)

There was one for a Bertha Bumchuckle.
It was a couple paragraphs. Everything but the name seemed real... so we had to conclude that ... some very cruel parents had named their kid horribly.

For use tween's, it was the funniest thing we had ever heard!!!

A quick Google search couldn't validate my claim .... but I got close....

Bumchuckle would be the finest name ever!!!

For whatever strange reason I remember when we were young a few of us lads would read them too. How peculiar is that and why the hell would we? It's normally the province of those who are getting on a bit..
Unless you find a bumchuckle!!! :0D