
Have seen a couple of episodes of series 1. Somewhere upto where Romulans are restoring their own folk from the Borg assimilation. Infiltration of Romulans acting as Vulcans, a Romulan assassin cult group trying to act like terminators and an imposter trying to rat an Android out.

Have not gotten any further after that. Think that the Picard team were just about to get back together? Maybe next Autumn and Winter I will pick it up were I left off.

And you, did the series grab your full attention after the initial slow start?

I only watched a few eps of series one as well. It wasn't immediately grabbing me but I did intend to return. Apparently though, in series 3 it all kicks up a gear and becomes quite amazing!

Maybe series 3 is were I'll start when I catch up on Picard. :-)

And now it is time for something completely different: beer tasting evening. 😁🍻

Have a great evening mate!

Beer tasting sounds good. I am going to indulge a wee bitty myself!

Cheers mate!
