
I can see you sitting there, chuckling and chuckling some more while you made this post and then again when you started to reply.
Do you do this for a living? I mean making animations?

Heck no. I wish I did. These are just a little hobby I started. I have always been into digital photo stuff and tried it a bit back in the day but wasn't very good at it. It does make me chuckle, it's the reason I do it :0)

Maybe one day it will become a job! When spotted by the right person you never know! I think doing what makes your chuckle and laugh is the best thing one can ever do. I follow my heart with my art and poetry. I like to take digital photos as well but I am far from a pro. Most of the time I just click away!

Just clicking away can work a treat though!

I would be over the moon to do stuff like that for real. Who knows, maybe one day. I think I am getting better which is always a good thing,!