
Ah! Got it.

Well, you see, I am of Danish descent, so not sure how they compare to Finnish folk, but if my grandpa and dad are any indication, it certainly leans in that direction. :) Of course, my mom's side of the family, who have no Scandinavian blood to be found, are pretty aloof, too. British and Scottish predominantly there, which I understand can be fairly good at social distancing if not downright standoffish. :)

I can attest to the British generally preferring to keep personal space bubble around them. I guess your social distancing is very much a part of your evolution. 😆

I would say so. I don't exactly come from a kissy huggy kind of family, but then I married my wife, who is originally from Mexico, and she's very much kissy and huggy. Her family isn't exactly like that, though. :)